Balanced Landing
What if it just had the passive effect of the 75% stagger reduction only?Would it be better than it being an exhaustion perk?
No, that would not be worth carrying.
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totally agree. Only stagger reduction and no 150% speed would be better.
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How can a perk being better if you only remove effects?
If you mean more balanced, yeah, but it would become trash, since it would become good only on few maps, rather than being even a decent way to increase the distance with the killer (using the hills, or the tree in shelter woods).
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It would still turn a lot of loops into near infinites, It would be weaker but not useless
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Oh wow now that I took a proper read on the perk. That means it's a one time thing and you get staggered from falls like normal after that as long as you're exhausted? Yikes.
Balance landing is officially dead. You're better off using other actually reliable exhaustion perks.
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It wouldn't fix the problem. The reduced stagger is the main effect that causes problems on maps like haddonfield. They need to do something about the stagger.
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The reason the stagger reduction is being tied to the exhaustion is because that's the part that's being nerfed. The exhaustible speed boost isn't the problem. It's the constant advantage you get with the stagger reduction in certain spots on certain maps.
It turns some locations into near infinite loops, something that no perk should do.
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But it already has the 75% reduction to stagger and there aren't any "near infinites."
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Fixing the Maps would fix the problem. Haddonfield will still not be a Map where you want to be as Killer.
BL should stay like it is, but what could be possible would be that the Stagger Reduction only applies while healthy. This would remove some of the problematic areas if the Killer gets a Hit before (taking the Speed Boost from the Hit to run to the Myers House for example) and also give a reason to heal for BL-Users, which also wastes some time.
But overall: Map Fixes over crippling Perks.
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Balanced landing was an outlier..the only exaustion perked with extra passives and it was creating problems as a result..thankfully it's being fixed in the most fair way possible
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Nothing wrong with outliers
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If I was a developer I can see the desire to fix the perk over trying to reshape the map to not make a single perk busted. Trying to make sure every map is designed around the possibility of BL abuse would limit what they can do with maps vertically.
Personally, I feel like there should never be a survivor perk that gives a passive effect to make the chase longer. All other perks that have anything to do with a chase extend the chase a little bit when the conditions are met and used, but is then expended. From that point the survivor must rely only on base survivor abilities to avoid the killer as long as possible.
Having a perk with a passive ability to make themselves constantly stronger in chase means that every map must keep two different states of survivors in mind. Those that use the perk and those that don't.
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I feel like the stagger cooldown shouldn't be tied with exhaustion. But rather its own separate cool down that lasts for like 30-20 seconds before being able to be used again similar to perks like Quick and Quiet.
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It is getting nerfed in the next patch so it only has the reduction when you aren't exhausted.
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the devs always nerf survivers becose killers cry like babys mami balance is to stronk uiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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Fixing maps also takes a lot longer than just making one change to a perk.
Balanced landing also limits creativity. Haddonfield is nowhere near as oppressive without Balanced Landing than with (granted it is still a problem). When devs have to juggle around balancing a tile (where BL can be used ofc) to still be viable without BL but not be oppressive with it, someone always gets screwed over.
It's not feasible to balance between BL users and non-BL users because either one side gets screwed or one side becomes op.
Even if it only worked as healthy it would still mean you could abuse any such tile while healthy.
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Well when there are loops where survivors can just run to without any counter play, hatch mechanic which gives literally anyone a free escape no matter how good/bad they played, etc. it's kind of hard to enjoy the game. And survivors cry a lot too.
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how about the spirit change that all the survivors cry about? or the time that survivors cry about Freddy being too OP and then the devs nerfed him into the ground? besides we killer mains did't even complain about Balance Landing, so instead of blaming killers, blame the devs
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But there is a chance that there is no hills on the map making the perk useless. If they want that change they should add a guaranteed hill on every map
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I find myself seeing you everywhere on these forums, and i find it hard to disagree with your opinions.
That being said, making the BL passive apply only when healthy isnt a bad idea, especially versus the alternative. It rewards good survivors who can avoid getting hit by providing them more opportunity to avoid hits, while rewarding killers by taking away a survivor's crutch. As it is now, I find it hard to play against a BL with certain maps, but I didn't think "difficult to play against" warranted a nerf. I thought, like most games, "difficult to compete with" meant "get better".
The only issue I see with tying BL's passive to health state is that until Dedi servers go up (unless they already are, in which case idk), the output lag, clientside, to the killer could mean that the killer hits you, on his display, where you havent dropped from the ledge yet, but on your display, you already have, so you take a hit midair, the passive doesnt proc, and the killer gets a second hit almost for free because you got extra stagger.
I hate that I feel like I just mansplained the issue I see with this suggestion, but on a whole, I agree with what you said, I just find myself overanalysing the idea.
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Now that I've thought about it, it doesn't seem to be that big of a nerf unless you've been relying on it as a way to abuse infinites like on Haddonfield. Now it's more like Dead Hard, where you have to use it when a killer is on you to make distance to the next loop. If survivors just play more careful they can still make BL work. I think it won't be as bad as everybody is saying once people try it on the ptb.
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BL is a problem no matter how much people denies it. Now there are going to fix the perk haddonfield have no true safe loops. At least i won't cut chase anymore.
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They could give it some slight buffs to make up for the no stagger ofc but I haven't thought that far.
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Balanced landing by itself isn't a problem it's map design that makes it good
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Thank you
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Hell yeah, time to now use Deadhard cause BL is damn near useless.
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Dead hard is also useless thanks to the amazing dedicated servers
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Time for head on!
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Exhausted on floor,FunFunFun :), owell it was fun while it lasted.... what’s lithe like ? Is it a good perk ? Never really see anyone use it
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Ah, yes, destroying all of our exhaustion perks. Sprint burst is stupidly bad, BL is getting nerfed, DH doesn't work with dedicated servers, and Head On is really situational. Time to use lithe, I guess.
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Why is it dead lul? They made it an actuall balanced landing rather than “overperforming landing” cough Spirit cough.
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As others said, it's the stagger reduction which was a problem.
Personally I like the change, it will make BL usable as a stealth perk by dropping silently and moving at almost run speed with no scratchmarks (since the ms increase applies to walking too)
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I 100% would rather it be a fall reduction perk than an exhaustion perk. Especially since there are still exhaustion add-ons in this game. Balanced landing is only broken as hell because of certain map designs. Maps the entire community agrees suck ass, like Haddonfield.
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Lithe also hardly works because of how crappy window hits are thanks to the servers.
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Welp... time to just run adrenaline. Nothing else. Thats the only perk.
...I'm just gonna go play the game until I pass out and theres nothing to cry about anymore.
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My thought exactly before my thread got deleted :/
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What is happening with BL, I missed it
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Not bad, but also not great. My personal problem with Lithe is that it kinda forces you to leave a usable looping spot early. Especially when you loose it on pallets it invites the killer to ignore breaking it for the chase. But that's by my experience. And I'm a mediocore survivor. A strong survivor might use it quite effective.
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They're removing the secondary reduced stagger effect from it if you're already exhausted. So you'll get the fall reduction benefits, but only if you're not exhausted.
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There is when theres no counter play to it
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No it would become useless.
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No you are wrong because a killer can pretty much recover at the same speed as balance landing. So how are you meant to make distance or waste the killer's time, when he is faster and has the same recovery time as you?
How are you even meant to make it to a loop against a killer that moves faster than you?
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Same thing they do with killers, not to turn this into THAT debate. Instead of fixing maps so every killer has a chance they nerf the high killers.
Youll get defenders of BHVR to both of these decisions claiming “the devs don’t have enough time to fix eve try thing so nerfing one thing is easier.”
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Sure Infinites made with Balance landing is gone and that's good but there's really no reason to use as an alternative exhaustion perk. You're way off better using Lithe, Sprint Burst and Dead hard.
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Huntress exists, clown exists, freddy exists
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All of whome have counters and quite heavy ones at that