Lucky Break opinions?

Not here to praise, not here to rant, not sure how I feel, curious how others feel about Lucky Break:
1: Do you think it's powerful or weak?
2: Do you think the timer is too long, too short? Does it need a timer?
3: Do you think it will see much use in peoples' builds?
that and iron will your only trackable by scratch marks so eh
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I really don’t know about it I was hoping for an exhaustion perk that triggered from stuns by locker or pallet maybe u get a sprint burst after the stun. It would work well with the killers new stun obsession perk
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I think it's okay, definitely not the smartest move to release this perk with a killer that collects blood orbs (this perk doesn't counter it I'm told) so it's definitely not a perk running the first week or so while everyone is going to be using Oni.
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It could be permanent like Iron Will. The bloody trail is much less effective for tracking than injured groans.
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Its the only perk on either side that i don't really get but the stipulation makes me think there is a good use for it i just don't know what it is
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I guess it would be a good counter for bloodhound? but... I dunno... I don't see much use for it.
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I am more concerned about "Breakout" the one where you can wiggle 20% faster. Not for Solo survivors but SWF groups who are gonna body block and be on voice coms and time it right. I mean its not always going to be the case but at those moments its gonna be annoying af.
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You will not see Breakout. And also not any of the other Survivor Perks. They are "meh" like they are for the last X Chapters or whatever (MoM aside).
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I thought Lucky Break was really good until I read it permanently deactivates after one use, so it’s trash.
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Oh it pauses when healthy? Then it might be useful after all thanks.
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If it pauses while healthy it actually sounds pretty good.
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I said this in another thread but I feel like it would be more useful if it had a shorter activation time but could be activated more than once a match. Like make it only 10-15 seconds of no blood, but give it a cooldown of like 30-45 seconds.
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This is what I thought too. I haven't got the time to test it in PTB personally so I can't give an informed opinion but on paper even without a timer it seems like Lucky Break would still be slightly weaker than Iron Will.
That said, I haven't tested it... so... who knows.