Best BS stories about survivor complaints post-match?

I'll start:
So this one guy was playing as Dwight. I'm playing as hillbilly. He's the first one I find off a lucky chainsaw sprint at a random generator. Easy down and hook followed by me chainsaw sprinting across the map at another gen. Nobody there, so I'm onto the next gen. Still not finding anyone, when Dwight gets unhooked. Nobody in front of me and I know there must be two survivors over by that hook, so I chainsaw sprint back there. Two sets of scratch marks going opposite directions, so I pick one and follow, only to find Dwight standing in the open trying to heal himself. He had plenty of time to react considering I didn't even bother using my saw. No way he didn't see me, but I downed him before he heals and hook him again. This time I find another survivor, hit them and am in a different chase halfway across the map. I lose track of them and smash the gen they were working on. Dwight gets unhooked and runs in my direction out in the open. Too easy to see him. Of course I chased him... But at least he ran this time. I end up killing him on his third hook and he immediately messages me saying "you're such a bad killer you tunnel and camp cause you're bad and you're salty and mad because you're so bad at this and you're a failed abortion"
But with much worse grammar, of course...
I'm like damn buddy... It's not tunneling if you don't know how to hide. I'd be an idiot not to chase you in that scenario 😂
I had a similar experience
I was Legion and it was maybe my 2nd Killer game of the day and I got Lery's, wishing I had chosen to bring Bamboozle. In the match are 2 Nancys dressed exactly the same, so I find the first Nancy and injure her and couldn't reach anyone else so I was wandering around until I somehow come across that Nancy again and I down her and hook her. Nancy gets unhooked and I use my FF to stab her rescuer then I go to stab her but the idiot drops a pallet on my head breaking me out of FF, how the hell am I supposed to track anyone? So I down the little girl and let her stay there a while and chase some other people, Nancy never got picked up, she was on the floor a LONG TIME so I decided she needed some attention and hooked again. At this point all the gens got done because I had a hard time catching people, no pressure, I was bad and I admit it. Now Nancy gets unhooked and I know I need a kill so I use her as bait and down her and chase her SWF buddy with FF, I smack him and I hear someone else behind me with Nancy so I run all the way back to try and get the easy target.
When I arrive at Nancy's body I find ######### NANCY healing her up off the floor, so I hit the healthy Nancy just as she got her up off the floor and I chase her down and smack her. When I got her down I look at the name of the players and realize that the Nancy I just downed was the ######### Nancy that just got off the floor. When I hit the healthy Nancy I got her confused for the one on the floor so doing the only thing I got left I give Nancy her 3rd hook and in the chat everyone called me a tunneler who goes after the low ranks. Was Nancy a low Rank? Not like it tells Killers who is what Rank in the lobby, great idea btw.
It was the stupidest thing ever. I don't think it was a 4 man SWF as I could only confirm she was with 1 of them but you never know, these people have small brains and drink bleach, I wouldn't sell them a room if they begged me.
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I have a few you can watch lol
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My personal favorite was when I got a message saying I was going to be reported and banned for camping. I pointed out the devs list of things that are not reportable. He pointed out it was ban worthy. I asked him in what version of the game and he cited version 1.7.
This was in June, on version 3.0.0