New Exhaustion perk?

Thoughts on a perk like this?
After stunning a killer using a pallet you break into a sprint at 150% for 3 seconds. Causes exhaustion for 40/50/60 seconds.
I feel like this would be a great addition but not overpowered since the killer can avoid the pallet and its somewhat situational but still a fun and possibly powerful perk.
maybe head
that with quick and quiet owo
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Err... how would it work with a locker given that Head On is also an exhaustion perk?
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Quick and quiet, head on and dance with me how fun would that combo be
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Good point lol changed it
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That sounds like a nightmare to play against as killer lol
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Would be a counterplay to SF and Enduring, but also throwing the pallet early when you realize a killer has Enduring counters that combo all ready. Neat idea though
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Honestly, this just sounds like Lithe but more situational and therefore worse.
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This would be great for countering Spirit Fury.
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Just throw the pallet down earlier
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I like this perk mainly because it counters spirit fury and enduring.
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Unfortunately initially you won’t know if a killer has it. Furthermore, sometimes while you’re in a chase you can’t always place yourself in a way where you can throw the pallet down earlier.
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That would be op lmao
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Strangely, I had a similar idea.
I had an image of a body-builder survivor, that has brute force based perks. One of them is "Mighty shock-wave: if you're not exhausted, your next pallet stun blinds and deafens the killer for 2 seconds, also preventing him from reading tracks for 6 seconds. You become exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds)".
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Most smart killer try to get long hit to get stun and use spirit fury......