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Surviving after 2.1.0 all about that 1 perk

You just CAN"T survive by playing alone, u must play as a team, let me tell you my thought on that

**Perk Build : **

1-BOND it's all about Bond, man this perk is the best survivor perk after the final patch, i don't use self care even before the last patch bcuz it's ######### perk , its slow and you can't use it only if you escape the killer and it will get nerf in future , so why don't you run to your friend and make him heal u fast and maybe work on 1 gen together! you get the point. it's good for gen rush , heal rush, flash save, take a hit, know were is the killer. and you can always bring midkit.
2-Don't use the same old build try something new, you need 1 perk for the stealth and 1 perk for the chase, make the other 2 for the the team or at least 1
3- Don't use sprint burst, after patch 2.1.0 this perk is the worst exhaustion perk bcuz u simply can't run freely. use lithe or balance landing or booth.
4- If u play swf or manged to make unknown players to run Bond + open handed that 68 meter aura read.
5- My build ( Bond, Lithe, BT, Dark sense ) and you can bring leader instead of dark sense it will work great with bond for gens and when the others heal you.

**Team play : **

1-Killer don't waste time, so all the team must do something always don't just stand still for unhook or just run nowhere , make the gens first priority.maybe when they made the killer pickup 3 sec, the game will became better for survivor bcuz you will not see a guy run entire round to make 1 flash light save.So it's not about your ######### moon walk or 360 it's about play as team if 1 player waste time that will hurt the whole team.
2-Use the chat in lobby to make the team bring at least 1 perk for the others like BT or will make it , ask nicely (bring bt motherfkrs )
3- Don't waste time to unhook someone very far from u (only if you are 3 players or les , or 1 gen remain)
4- Don't take hit for your friend if it not worth it. and always take 1 if it worth it ( 1 Hit = 1 chase = more time )
5- Play stealth even if you're good bcuz if u die that will effect your team mate.make the killer search 4 u not chase you.
6- Don't attempt to escape from the hook it's not worth it. don't dc even if the killer face camp u, buy sometime for your team.

Hope that was helpful, feel free to leave your thought.


  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    This is a nice guide but nothing has really changed when the patch went live so I don’t see what’s all the commotion about. DS and SC are still untouched so why is everyone complaining?
  • BlackHack
    BlackHack Member Posts: 71

    @PinkEricka said:
    This is a nice guide but nothing has really changed when the patch went live so I don’t see what’s all the commotion about. DS and SC are still untouched so why is everyone complaining?

    ya maybe nothing change 4 u and me, but see the game review on the steam.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2018
    BlackHack said:

    @PinkEricka said:
    This is a nice guide but nothing has really changed when the patch went live so I don’t see what’s all the commotion about. DS and SC are still untouched so why is everyone complaining?

    ya maybe nothing change 4 u and me, but see the game review on the steam.

    I don’t play on Steam, I play on PS4. The only game I ever bought on Steam was H1Z1 like 3 years before they removed battle royal and before it wasn’t actual trash.

    That’s pretty messed up people are treating the devs like that all because of a minor patch. They’re literally flooding their game with bad reviews trying to force them to revert everything back to the way it was...

    Can they not just simply post on the forums with what they have a problem with? This is so idiotic.
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    @BlackHack said:

    @PinkEricka said:
    This is a nice guide but nothing has really changed when the patch went live so I don’t see what’s all the commotion about. DS and SC are still untouched so why is everyone complaining?

    ya maybe nothing change 4 u and me, but see the game review on the steam.

    They are over reacting because the dev allowed their meta to stay the same for two year.
    Now the dev are realising that it's unhealty to not make the meta shift around.
    But survivor got used to their meta perk, they became sloppy and dependant of them.
    They became meta slave.
    Their perk became metaphorical crutches.
    In their eyes it's impossible to play without them anymore.

  • BlackHack
    BlackHack Member Posts: 71

    @Dragonredking said:
    They are over reacting

    They will always over react.

    survivor got used to their meta perk, they became sloppy and dependant of them.

    Ya and that sucks.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    I always play alone as a survivor and i survive most of the times. Your claim isn't true.

  • BlackHack
    BlackHack Member Posts: 71

    @Irisora said:
    I always play alone as a survivor and i survive most of the times. Your claim isn't true.

    You didn't get the point.

  • samirk98
    samirk98 Member Posts: 167

    Good advice but..
    im gonna dc if he face camps or hard camps i dont want unfun and trash game thanks

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    The real way to survive is to git gud, honestly.
    Once you have some skills, most perks are just nice tools to have to enhance your possibilities.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    The best tool you have as survivor are your eyes and ears not any perk. Tread carefully because daddy's watching.
  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    edited July 2018
    Find it more fun these days to run perkless as survivor. It really makes the game more exiting and I survive more now. 

    I am ashamed as a survivor main how the community treats the devs with the review bombing, because honestly, it is not the end of the world. But I never used SB as a main perk so.....