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Share your most-loved, unique builds

Survivor or Killer builds -- either is fine.

One of my favorite parts of DBD is experimenting with builds. What are some of your favorite unusual builds (perk combinations that aren't meta), and why do you like to run then?

Feel free to be as in-depth as you like. I'm a perks nerd, so it's all interesting to me.

Personally, I prefer an Altruistic play style as Survivor, so have been enjoying Babysitter + Distortion in place of Borrowed Time. Under optimal conditions, it gives the unhooked person a chance to get away undetected and it gives me a few seconds to see the Killer's location before moving off to help heal them with We'll Make It.


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Used to be Sloppy, Thanat, Bamboozle, and Pop on Legion, but...Well, Sloppy isn’t gonna work anymore on them, so.

  • scarslookgood
    scarslookgood Member Posts: 157

    I never would expect Bamboozle on Legion -- that's a fun idea and seems effective too

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,999

    always love the looting build I hope the survivor after yui has chest perks

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190
    edited November 2019

    I like my Claudette build: Selfcare (surprise), Empathy (can be replaced sometimes), Lightweight and Kindred.

    Empathy to see the injured and chased teammates, Lightweight to escape from the killer (theoretically), Kindred that everyone can see, what they are doing and it's nice for camping killer.

  • Not that unique but a build I love to run on Jane is DanceWithMe, Quick'N, Head on, And inner strength. Basicly lockers are your best friend.

  • tea
    tea Member Posts: 140

    I enjoy locker builds lately. Head On, Quick and Quiet, Inner Strength and Lightweight.

    But maybe that's just because I play a lot of Dwight. :)

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2019

    BLOOD QUEEN (Spirit)

    • Stridor
    • Sloppy Butcher
    • Dying Light
    • Thanataphobia
    • Dirty Uwabaki/Katsumori Talisman & Wakizashi Saya
    • Would be Amulet & Saya but after the update I would take this combo instead.

    POKER FACE (Spirit)

    • Insidious
    • Make Your Choice
    • No One Escapes Death
    • Stridor/Shadowborn
    • Prayer Beads Bracelet & Bloody Hair Brooch
    • The ultimate stand still trick. Insidious procs on the husk, meaning if you stand still for about a second before activating your power it will proc when you begin phasing. Prayer Beads means survivors can never know if you are phasing or just standing there. Hook someone, walk 32m away until MYC lights up, turn around and just wait. Stand out in the open for 10 seconds at a time then phase after someone you see in the distance. Could replace NOED with something else, but I put it on just incase survivors are too scared and end up gen rushing. Sadly this build won't work after the next update 😥

    CLASS REUNION (old Freddy)

    • Remember Me
    • Rancor
    • No One Escapes Death
    • Brutal Strength
    • Class Photo & Black Box
    • This was an old Freddy build. Obsession spawns in the Dream World. Literally just chase them all game. Don't even take the hook, if you down them let someone pallet or flashlight save, or drop reset them. When the last gen pops, Rancor the obsession. Go around put the others to sleep with Class Photo (if the Obsession has Adren this works in your favor since you can put them to sleep and see where everyone else is). Slug the other 3 with NOED. Game Over. Brutal is so you can force the obsession to waste pallets so survivors have no defense at end game.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768


    Perks: Hex: Ruin, M&A, Dark Devotion, Tinkerer

    Addons: Spasmodic, and Bad Mans last

    Map: the game

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Spine chill and sprint burst almost never change. Just knowing that a killer is actually coming for me and not just walking by is great.

    Also empathy is amazing. I like it better than bond because its map wide. Lets me know where the action i dont want anytjing to do with is at.

    Last slot is a roulette slot between, DS, plunderers, inner strength or whatever i feel like playing around with. Probably kindred after the patch

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 250

    Rancor, Make Your Choice, and STBFL, along with a perk of your choice (probably something like BBQ or TT). Rancor and STBFL stack real well together, since you get a great hit cooldown reduction without having to worry about your obsession living. Rancor and MYC work kinda well together since it may reveal the location of your MYC target. And MYC and STBFL stack well together since if you do have to hit your obsession, you only lose 2 stacks instead of 4.

  • Zoso
    Zoso Member Posts: 13

    Survivor (Any)

    Stealth Build : Sprint Burst, Spine Chill, Iron Will (only if its 100%), Quick and Quite.

    • Variations : Lithe for Sprint Burst, Urban Evasion for Iron Will.

    Killer (Hag)

    Favorite Build : Discordance, Franklin's Demise, BBQ n Chilli, NOED

    • Variations : BBQ can be switched for Dying Light. Hag is good at steam rolling once she has momentum.
    • Strategy : Use Discordance to try and force them to split gens. Start of match use it to find survivors. After hitting someone with FD you MUST place a trap on or as close to the item as possible, they WILL come back for it. 90% of the time they go back for the item. Now people say that NOED is not needed on Hag. I'd argue that NOED it BEST on Hag because she can start chases and get at least one hit extremely efficiently. Most times you won't need NOED but the times that you do you'll be happy.

    Killer (Wraith)

    Favorite Build : Nurse's Calling, Thanatophobia, Dying Light, Sloppy Butcher

    • Variation : Stridor for Sloppy Butcher
    • Strategy : I use Wraith as a hit'em fast and mind game killer. You want to Stealth, Hit, Stealth, Chase them at angles and block potential running locations while uncloaking.
  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    I main Jake, the perks I use on him are:

    -Spine Chill (because Stealth killers seem to be popular)

    -Adrenaline (just in case I make it that far)

    -We'll Make It (because it's an op altruistic addon)

    -Iron Will (because I feel weird without it, I don't like to hear myself moaning in pain)

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    Spine chill, DS, Iron will, and Adrenaline. this build is uggghhhh omg i love it!

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Open handed, bond, kindred, and a random perk.

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

    Discordance, BBQ, and NOED are all useless on Hag. You dont need information perks with her; your traps should be doing that for you.

    Ruin: slows down the game to set up a trap web. You only need about 45-60 seconds to set up a solid web. Even if Ruin is cleansed almost immediately, this SHOULD give you enough time to set up.

    Franklin's Demise: you are 100% correct in trapping dropped items because survivors will come back for them, often injured. This can be swapped for Thanataphobia or PGTW, depending on how many items are in the lobby.

    Monitor and Abuse: a 16m terror radius gives huge advantages, from easy first hits to confusion.

    A Nurse's Calling: pairs perfectly with M&A due to the small terror radius. You shouldn't chase with Hag, and using M&A with ANC lets you catch survivors that you teleport away from when they're injured. They won't have time to escape when you sneak up like that.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Survivor meme build. Only used in SWF before matchmaking changes.

    No Mither, Resilience, This is Not Happening, Dead Hard.

    Basically a speedrun of the game.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,356

    I run Beast of Prey, Distressing, BBQ, and Whispers for most of my killer matches. Doesn't matter which killer. Easy farming with three Bloodpoint perks. No add-ons, so I'm in the black no matter how poorly the match goes.

    When I play Totem Protector Bubba, I run Beast of Prey, Distressing, Lightborn, and Hex: Ruin. I used to run BBQ, but flashlights have become so prevalent--and I often don't hook anyone when doing this meme, anyway--that I replaced it with Lightborn: it's great how survivors will park themselves nearby and stand there trying to blind me as I walk over and chainsaw them.

    My friend enjoys goofing off as survivor with Plunderer's, Ace in the Hole, Unbreakable, and Empathy. He mostly searches chests and dies, because he's terrible at survivor, but he has fun doing it.

  • Zoso
    Zoso Member Posts: 13

    Thanks for reading my post. I have a few counters for some of your points. But first just a quick clarification. NOED isn't an information perk so IDK why you feel it is pointless on the Hag. If you can, please clarify this so I can better understand your point of view on NOED.

    I'll start off by clarifying why I use Discordance. In my original post I wrote that I only use Discordance for information in the start of the match. The primary reason I use Discordance is to discourage the survivors from grouping on gens. This tactic has been consistent in the desired results. By forcing them to split up and using FD, so they lose their tool box, I force them to do gens as slow as possible. Also negates perks like Prove ThySelf. It also tends to get the snowballing effect that I want, which is why I said you can change BBQ for Dying Light. I mostly use BBQ for the 2v1 situations and BP.

    Now to your post.

    I understand why you use Ruin but that to me seems more of a tactic for a Trapper than the Hag. But honestly every killer can benefit from Ruin that is why everyone uses it. When I use the Hag I trap as I go. She is more dynamic than Trapper so she doesn't need to stop everything she does just to trap. Her set up speed is a lot faster and she doesn't need to pick traps up.

    Your NC and MaA combo seems to synergies really well. Especially with the Hag since she is very small and hides well but when I play with the Hag, mid game (which is the time you'd use that come), I tend to be getting to survivors through traps primarily and I chase at angles. The way I play Hag I don't want a small TR in the beginning because I want survivors to move as much as possible when I'm near to increase the chance of them setting off a trap. That's how I play the Hag.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413
    edited November 2019

    Myer's Peekaboo Assassin: Tombstone piece Myer; with Dark Devotion to down the obsession with tier 3, knock out to hide the obsession's location (increasing the effect of DD), Whispers to find every one as fast as possible, and Corrupt Intervention/Nemesis (hopefully).

    I can create an extreme sense of confusion and anxiety amongst survivors, and possibly get a tombstone mori if I'm lucky enough. some maps are better for this than others (lookin at bloodlodge and rotten fields).

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282
    edited November 2019

    Slowdown Freddy

    Chains, Green Rope, Ruin, PGTW, Sloppy Butcher and Tinkerer. 9, 10, you'll never finish a gen.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,033


    - Sprint Burst (allows for risky plays)

    - Fixated (less time wasted on walking to things, better than Urban because it's faster, good for stealth because you can get to hide spots faster)

    - Empathy (to see injured Survivors for the next Perk)

    - Solidarity (With Empathy I can see and heal anyone and also myself to reset Fixated, since it only works while not injured)

    That'a a synergie I can only recommend, and it's something else than Meta and also works very well.

    Sometimes I switch Solidarity with Second Wind.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    I haven't yet tried this but cruel limits and tinkerer with Bubba in Lery's map might be fun. Maybe take bitter murmur in case you don't make it in time to the generator so you know where everybody went. This can also work well with Billy, demon mode Oni or t3 Myers. If you get lucky timing with haunted grounds this could work with other killers too.

    These are two Doctor builds that I love:

    Tiny terror radius doctor:

    M&M, STBFL and double calm addons (purple and yellow). Two other perks can be BBQ, ruin, nurses, sloppy, dying light, enduring, spirit fury etc. Up to your play style. Don't use your shock except at the end to find last survivors and just smack everyone with fast cooldown. I love this build and it's more effective that people give it credit for.

    Anti-healing doctor:

    Distressing, coulrophobia and again double calm addons are the core of this build. Two other perks can be sloppy, thana or dying light. Maybe also other terror radius perks like unnerving or even overwhelming presence if there's many items in the lobby. Try to get everybody injured and be in treatment mode as much as possible. This build works well also for Myers if you use dead rabbit and infinite t3 addons.

  • UniSans
    UniSans Member Posts: 111

    DH, Iron Will, Autodidact, Aftercare

    Keeping my friends alive as well as increasing my survivability

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Plunderers, Appraisal, Ace in the hole. And anything but Pharmacy. Pharmacy is a terrible perk and has anti synergy with ace in the hole

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,474

    For survivor: Dead Hard, Resilience, Spine Chill, Adrenaline. It let's you play greedy by staying injured and getting the Adrenaline as a payoff, while also featuring the fast vaulting build.

    For Trapper: STBFL, PWYF, Nemesis, Bamboozle. It's basically a chasing build, but also has obsession perks which you can make choices with when your traps get stepped in. If the obsession is trapped, pick them up for PWYF stacks and saving your STBFL stacks. If a non-obsession is trapped, hit them for your STBFL stacks. If you have PWYF stacks and a non-obsession is trapped, you can choose whether to save the extra 5% movement speed OR get another STBFL stack. Nemesis let's you get PWYF more consistently, and Bamboozle fixes dumb window loops that you don't have a trap at.