Giving Survivor Ranking Boosts when someone DCs

I just had a game where a leatherface made 2 guys DC in the first Minute,and tryharded to kill teh last 2 guys aswell. after the game i deranked because i needed one Emblem Quality better to get a safety pip, but because they DCd i deranked! so Killers do get a Bonus if a Survivor DCs, but why not Survivor too? It would be a good Thing against all the salty ragequitters Right now, altough theyll get punished after the next patch


  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    even still having a DC on your team makes it significantly harder to get things done and if thats the case I can see why itd be upsetting

    personally Id like the emblem system to get a full rework but what do I know about design (hint: basically nothing)

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I see something like easier rank-ups for DC's as extremely open to abuse.

    What would be better is lowering the requirements for a safety-pip.

    I would also the same thing for those that use a "Kill" ability, but hey, I'm just a complaining survivor then, hey?