Killer Favorite Songs?
Hypothetically, if the killers had a favorite song, soundtrack, melody, or tune; what would belong to each?
Legion obviously some scraping Metal, Clown Maybe something with large air-instruments? I honestly picture the Trapper liking something soft or classical, but with distortions
Surprisingly enough each member of the Legion seems to like slightly different music.
Julie - depressing mix tape made out from mainly power ballads and gloomy melodies. Emotional rock songs
Susie- A fast and thrilling mix tape with energising songs with break-neck beats. Most likely
hip hoppop PunkJoey- A mix of bangin' tracks and slammin' beats. this is most likely your
metalhip hopFrank- massive distortions and loud percussion - probably screamo or metal
Fuming mixtape- most likely a product of The Entity so I wouldn't know it's most likely not a product that the Legion members would listen to regularly
Edit: considering the language in the description of Joey's mixtape it's most likely that Joey listens to hip hop and Suzie most likely it's pop punk
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Freddy likes to rap.
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Billy probably listens to emo and I can see doctor listening to some Mozart