Quotes from Players
As we know, some people can be less than congenial when messaging other players in DBD. Here's a few quotes I've collected from today (which, people were unusually vocal today- perhaps the downtime caused some emotions to run high). Instead of being mad or really hashing it out, I present some quotes I was faced with (the typical hate removed in most cases). I'm on PS4 btw...
"WHY did you have to kill me? ...No I ran toward you to 360 you. ...It's supposed to work!" -a Nea, who did in fact run toward killer, get hit twice, and then DCd.
"How can I kill you if you are hiding?" -a Plague, 3 minutes into match
"Why are you tunnel?" -a Bill, the only player left (hatch is closed)
"You aren't allowed to use the hatch this game." -a Huntress, though the hatch was used.
"You get negative points if you don't pick up a survivor. If they sit on the ground, you lose points. You need to pick him up. ...Why aren't you picking him up?" -a Claudette holding a flashlight
"Oh the hatch, very nice. That's the most OP thing in the game." -a Huntress, camping two survivors hooked near one another, next to a NoED, with both gates in hatchet distance.
"You had no heartbeat until you were near me. Reported." -a Nancy, against a T1 Michael.
"It's like you move faster than me. This game is broken." -a Nea, against T3 Michael.
"I don't (play) against people who bring maps or keys. Or flashlights." -a Cannibal, after being blinded and DCing.
"I hope you plan on paying me back. ...for my BRAND NEW PART you killed." -a Feng, telling this to the killer.
"You escape to quik so your score will be bad. You will lsoe. God luck tarsh player." -a poor gen-rushed Wraith, who admittedly I got almost no boldness points against.
"Do I need to teach you how to play? (long rant about how you are supposed to step in traps)" -a Trapper, mad that nobody stepped in their traps. They have 4 of the achievements in the game.
"No I'm pretty sure I don't leave scratch marks like ever." -a mistaken survivor teammate, shortly after asking "how does the killer always find me?"
What are some of your gems?
¨Are you serious? I ALWAYS escape from Hags, So unfair´´- A wannabe Toxic Nea who actually faced a Good Hag Main(Me)
´´Why didn't give me hatch?´´- Entitled Dwight
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"Camper noob" - entire team running around the hook as there teammate was being hooked.
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Can't remember all of them perfectly but I have a couple saved from ps4. First one was probably the most aggressive message I've gotten so far.
"######### SERIOUSLY DONT GET RID OF A PERKS ABILITY, SLIT YOUR WRIST AND I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL ENJOY THE BLOCK :) FU #########." -A slug on his way to an open door when old ds was still a thing. Waited till he crawled close enough and then dribbled him to a hook. DC insues.
"Could you maybe f-bomb hook me plz?" -Claudette that messaged me during the game when I let her bleed out on the ground because she was bm-ing her teammates all game.
"My controller obviously died. Could have done a proper gamer move and let me go but you're obviously too sweaty loser." -Some guy who dced on the hook. He stopped wiggling partial way to the basement which let me get the hook in the first place.
"yeah thought i recognised you. the dwight with the stupid outfit lmao" -a guy I played a killer match with a month beforehand, he played bubba. We played a survivor game and he messaged me saying he remembered me even though I wasn't playing dwight at the time. I was pretty happy my dwight outfit left such an impression.
"Was it the name lol" -Played pig with 5 traps. Put all of them on this same guy. Name was jigsawunmasked.
I had a lot more but I clear most of my ps4 messages every week. They were pretty normal stuff though from people happy at me memeing, mad at franklins, or just saying gg and a story.
Edit: I remembered one more.
"No points for you :)" -Guy dced on his 2nd hook to stop me from getting more points apparently.
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I'm pretty sure a couple of these were jokes, but some of the others are rather concerning. What rank were you playing at, where half the players don't seem to understand basic game mechanics?
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Honestly if you play killer a fair amount you see this from rank 1-17.lol
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If that's true, it's yet more evidence that it's far too easy to rank up as survivor. How does anyone get to red ranks without knowing how Michael's terror radius works?
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Lol swf.
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Hooked a nancy is the basement last week I wasn't even up the stairs when she deliveranced off the hook. Got called a tunneler for going back down
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a guy messaged me to respect the 100% from deliverance pretty sure he was memeing lol
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For what its worth, as survivor I'm Rank ~6 and as killer, much worse (Rank ~12).
The only one who I think might have been kidding was the Huntress who told me hatch wasn't allowed.
The terror radius complaint against Michael (T1) was from a red ranks player (who admittedly started playing with Stranger Things, it seemed).
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I feel like the Feng with the BNP might also have been a joke. At least... I hope it was.
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I really want to post the full chat for that one- they were also saying I was specifically targeting them because of their brand new part. They were spamming me during the match (on PS4 it can be annoying) because they were the first down. But they were realllllly mad. I think I caught her before she could use it (as Michael).
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"You aren't supposed to run that build." "Trash Killer, #########"
-the SWF I just played after I won using Spirit with PB and Mother-Daughter Ring.
NOTE: Was watching my brother play, he was rank 19. This was before the matchmaking changes were live, recognized the group as a Rank 1 SWF, did NOT want my little brother getting bullied, so I played.
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Ahhh okay so maybe not then. That's unfortunate.
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Is it bad I had this happen? At Rank 3?
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I think the idea there is Michael is T3 and doesn't need the NoED?
Either way, people telling me what perks I shouldn't run because their OP is dumb. Even worse is when somebody dies and says something like "and you ran Distressing!??! Wow that perk sucks!"
...doesn't change the fact they lost to a bad perk, then.
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This isn't negative or rage induced in any way but is still the most odd message I have ever received so far:
"You are doc." - a survivor I faced many weeks ago while, yes, playing Doctor.
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Um....hmmm, kind of sad. I hold T2 until it is like just a tap away. So when the last gen popped, i downed her. Music and all. After i hooked her she said that. I even said, i didnt even have NoEd, did you even look Then she got mad saying every killer has BBq and NoEd. I don't have BBQ and don't use NoEd on Michael. :( At rank 3 though. They should know better.
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No no, i got accused of using NOED by a Survivor at Rank 3...in the middle of the match....playing Michael.
Is this a common thing?
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Middle of the match, pop EWIII on a Pink Hair Nea. Got accused of using NOED, which "is bascially hacking."
Am sad.
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LOL didn't even occur to me. Reminds me of a friend who was yelling he got 1-shot by Freddy when he was grabbed out of a locker.