Legion Mains...
How does it feel to be not on the bottom of the stats?
Red ranks and the devs have said multiple times not to take the stats to heart but wait till he gets the new nerf and comes out on live even worse then before
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That is true
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Legion is above the 50% kill rate. thus they are over performing and will get nerfed again soon
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I'm guessing that is gonna happen even though hes already been nerfed.
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Legion seems quite ok in my opinion. Idk if he will get nerfed again, but the changes which are coming seem more like a buff/QoL change to me.
Some people say he is the worst Killer. I don't think so, he has quite potential if played right. He feels like old Freddy if played right, not the worst how people refered old Freddy as but he can stall the game pretty good and gets good information with his power.
The worst in my opinion is Doctor, for now. With the already inconsistent shocks which seem to block a Survivor sometimes and sometimes not + the addition of the inconsistent Dedicated Servers, he got hurt a lot.
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It’s doesn’t feel good because maybe in the devs eyes. They will see it as they don’t really need a rework.
Their powers are so boring and useless. 😭😭😭
I was told killers suppose to be fun for all players. My life has been a lie.
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I agree with you that Legion is a good killer in the right hands. I would get messages from people saying I'm one of the best killers they have seen in a while and stuff like that.
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Patch 4.2.0
The Legion spawns in the match as a non hostile survivor and can work on generators. Feral Frenzy is replaced with Gen Frenzy. Completing a gen allows you to down one survivor. Hooking a survivor ends Gen Frenzy and the Legion must complete another gen to get it again. We hope you like the new and improved Legion.
See you in the fog
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don't forget about using the Oni's new perk on legion to make him broken, where if the survivor stuns you they become oblivious and the new obsession, then deep wound them and now they are screwed because of the oblivious
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how it feels to be hated?
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The stats are inaccurate, so I wouldn't even bother with looking at them. if we had actual stats then we could say if Legion was good or bad, but we don't so theres no way too tell. personally he is still one of the worst killers, and the nerfs coming from the PTB will make him worse the Bubba.
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if they keep nemesis like it is (which they probably wont) yes he'll punish you for pallet stunning him (if he has that perk) we will see.
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Legion is in the 'middle' in red ranks . Another b8 thread
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Not too surprising honestly. I was expecting LF or Trapper to be the worst.
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Legion and alot of the lower tier Killers need help! Those stats are really really broad (confirmed by Peanits) so I don't think they count at all. Legion has a terrible power that punishes you more for using it then not using it. You run around giving all the survivors Borrowed Time. Best ever. The sad thing is, I love the lore and look of Legion, and main them. Trust me, they aren't in a good spot AT ALL.
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Leave them alone. Just help them.
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Peanits Dev∙Community Manager › Dev, Community Manager Posts: 4,382
You'll have to forgive me since I don't have time to read through the whole thing right now, but:
I only thought I'd address this now that I finally have the PROOF that Demo is not a powerful killer. As per the stats released, at red ranks, Demo fairs very poorly, having the SECOND LOWEST kill rate in the game, just barely above The Clown.
We said it in the stats post and I'll say it again here, you should not draw conclusions from those stats. They are about as broad as they get. They don't show details and account for any amount of factors. To give an example, he's just barely below the Nurse and the Huntress, two fairly powerful killers. Are they bad too? I feel like most people would say no, they just have a learning curve and there's a lot of people who don't regularly play them will pull those numbers down.
The Demogorgon is in the same boat. His shred attack takes some practice to use well (timing, aiming) much like the Huntress. In the right hands, he can still do well.
Found an example of Peanits saying "Hey guys, don't judge things on the stats."
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That's exactly what I meant, TBH I was expecting them to be close bottom of the list, but was pleasantly surprised they were not near the lower parts, and this is coming from a Legion main.
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Sadly (from another Legion main pushing to get buffs for them over in Feedback again) the data is useless. See my example from Peanits earlier.
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In some ways, legion is the easiest killer to pick up. Hear me out;
Most killers are almost identical with a few exceptions. They all have the same base power. Run and press m1. Rinse and repeat. What distinguishes killers is the power. Unlike many other killers, legions power is still just m1 just faster. No need to figure out what loops to trap, or rediculous equations to determine how high to throw a hatchet with no onscreen indication for either targeting or distance to target, no portal placing and certainly no blinking.
Legion, while I agree takes practice to master, is a basic m1 killer with a speed boost. To play him and do well you need to learn loops and maps and all the technical stuff that goes into juggling and map pressure.
Honestly, legion may be the best training killer of them all. Next to Wraith.
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Yea I was a little sad to see that the data is almost useless, because I want them to be performing well.
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*Cries in Legion main*
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Ouh , sorry didn't notice 'NOT on the bottom' , my bad
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STBFL and sloppy not working with him is a terrible nerf...
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It's fine
I hate that change, I hope that they might change it but I highly doubt it.