Too easy to be a killer

Just played 5 straight 4k games with trapper without using any add-ons. 2 games no generators were completed. 2 games 2 generators were completed and 1 game 1 generator was completed.
I did use Ruin.
Killer mains will complain, but this just goes to show how unbalanced the game is..
Not fun to play 50% of the time as a survivor. Not difficult enough to play 50% of the time as a killer.
Yes I get that taking Ruin off would make the game more interesting, but at the same time, when the goal is to kill all of the survivors, why would I want to allow them any more advantage?
Hahaha 👍
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A perk that the survivors can disable makes killers OP?
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What rank are you at?
Just because you had a few matches where you were able to destroy the enemy survivor team doesn't mean killers are op.
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What rank are you?
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What is your rank OP? Before you start talking the talk, hope you are walking the walk.
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Too easy to be killer? At rank 20 maybe.
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Rank 20 player detected
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I remember when I was destroying survivors left and right I was on a nonstop killing spree. But then I hit purple rank. Only purple. No amount of showering could wash off the horrors that had befallen me that day.
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Neither side is too easy to play, this is apparent when you’ve put a lot of time on both sides.
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He's obviously a troll or a survivor main trying out killer on rank 20.
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Survivor is definitely easiER. But not easy. Especially a killer who refuses to waste ANY time.
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Sometimes I have difficulty playing as a killer, but I can usually manage to select the appropriate menu option.
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I play killer half as much as survivor. I'm usually around rank 8 or so.
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I find it easier to win as a killer. Killer the outcome of the match is 100% in your hands, survivor not so much.
Survivor is less stressful in theory, but in reality.....the best way to carry a solo Q team as survivor is to run the killer yourself the entire game. If you play stealthy you are relying on your teammates to do the looping, which takes the result of the game out of your hands, really (unless you have a key for the hatch).
If you are the one doing the majority of the looping you can ensure the pallets are being used efficiently, instead of being thrown willy nilly by your team.
There are so many games where my team is getting demolished when I have been avoiding aggro, and then the killer gets into a 2-3 gen chase with me and it wins the game. Or there are games where my team is all already dead and I get into some ridiculously long chase that doesn't matter anymore, thinking to myself that the game would have been won if I just took aggro from the start. That's why I think solo q survivor is harder to consistently win with.
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I’m currently rank 3 survivor and 8 killer, neither side is easy to play, especially if you face really good players.
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Against most killers the survivors decide 100% who's winning. That's why people don't like spirit, the chases are in her control.
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6th game. 4k. 2 gen's complete..
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Sounds like you just need to rank up some more.
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I went on a thirteen escape streak through exit gates not too long ago, does that make survivor too easy?
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Rank 20, baby survivor has been located.
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Just means you need to turn off those sick hax you be using.
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Pfttt - We've all got 1000 4K's in a row.
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I always think I’m a good killer too after a few wins, then I verse a 4 man swf kill squad that humiliates me to the point where I consider retiring.
Your win streak does nothing to show the difficulty of being a killer, you’re just versing potatoes.
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"Survivor is less stressful in theory, but in reality...."
But in reality it is less stressful because survivors have a lot of down time to cool of, while killer is always doing something
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just cause u faced a few bad teams and destroyed them doesn't mean a killer is good/op or easy to play
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HAHAHAHAHA the stupidsr post ever
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Technically it can be considered easy by the pipping system, considering its easy to pip as a survivor compare to a killer. But when not using the pipping system, you are correct in that statement.
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Erm my entire point is that if you are really trying hard to win, you should not be cooling off as a survivor. If you are the strongest looper on your team you should always be seeking aggro (assuming ruin is down).
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Even if you are trying hard to win there is still a lot of down time compared to killer. Killers are under a constant timer and have to be doing something constantly, whether it be chasing a survivor, patrolling gens, clearing the map of pallets, or for certain killers setting up their power, like Trapper or Demogorgon. Letting up pressure on gens and survivors for even a few seconds can decide the game. Survivors have to do gens and get chased, maybe break a totem or two and search a chest. As Weck has said, survivor isn't easy, but it is a lot easier than killer.
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Nice bait, my dude
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im guessing yellow ranks. nothing to see here people
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But you still have the entire match in your hands. As a survivor, you can be playing perfectly and it doesn't matter if your team is a bunch of urban evading claudettes who are not doing the generators.
If you have a very good team, sure, survivor is a cakewalk. You hold M1 and do gens all game, walk out the exit gate.
But typically for that to happen, it's because someone on your team is incredibly good at looping and has been wasting the killers time all game.
I am arguing that when your team is weak, it is harder to be the survivor who holds the entire team up than it is to be the killer who is wiping out a mediocre team of survivors.
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Dude its called dead by daylight the killers are supposed to be easy to play so they can win
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Look guys my 5 games show how easy the game as a whole is. Don't worry if I fail to tell you what rank it was or provide any actual proof of the matches, just trust that my extensive testing has proven this game is a joke.
-Announcer: This just in! Five people report injecting battery acid into their veins has caused no negative side effects! Doctors are stumped!
-Doctor: Well I mean the five of them say they are telling the truth so I guess battery acid is safe to inject.
-Announcer: You heard it here folks!
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to be fair killer has been super easy lately. Survivors have been throwing games to complete challenges.
I'll be chasing a survivor for what would typically be a 2 gen run. As I'm carrying them to the hook I hear survivors running behind me. They literally aren't doing gens now and just camping hooks for saves
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Low rank, yeah, ok, that's standard, high ranks, no it's a survivor game at that point, killers are bullied in red ranks (love hag, legion, freddy, they are the exception of done right) nurse use to be very good and hard to get use to, but can kill easily cause most survivors don't bother to learn the counter of 180 turning, or double vaulting, seriously nurse was too easy when I learnt this, before then damn, she was tough to beat, but now I learnt that plus her nerf, she is an easy game now, side tracked, what was we talking about? Oh yeah, low rank are killers game, high ranks are survivors game
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I call bs, probably rank 20, red rank killer here
What rank you at? I played at red ranks and i can assure i mostly get 2-3 kills mostly unless swf tryhards. Trapper? no add ons? 4k? ಠ_ʖಠ I can assure you not even purple rank survivors, not hard to follow the killer and disarm their traps
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Sounds like mad grit for future games, that should put them in their place
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For real! I never used to bring it because I assumed see would convey it and in solos you can see the wiggle stop so there'd be no real point... I literally got 5 Mat grit hits on a Bill in one game as I trekked to the basement. He single handily helped kill his team. And there's been lots of others like that
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That's too funny, I even thought of a great dying transport build, mad grit, iron grasp, agitation and fired up or monstrous shrine, you be taking all dem little survivors to heck before they can even cry about it...if they keep following this game throwing trend
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- No rank
- No survivor ranks
- No screenshots
- No videos
- No evidence
Either nice bait or a survivor main trying to prove killer is ezzz. Please provide proof :)
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The game can be incredibly easy for both sides depending on the situation there's no need to have a US vs them mentality in this.
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Survivor meta right now is to sniff your ass all match and then take the hatch. Making hatch spawn regardless of # of gens done was a massive mistake. As both Killer and Survivor I notice that Survivors do 2 - 3 gens and then start crouch walking around without Urban Evasion to do totems and #########.
Tome doesn't help.
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On a game with very good survivors Vs very good killer, the survivors tend to win, add SFW with that, GG 2 EZ killer bullied into submission, yes i main killer but I play alot of survivor too, and I can tell the difference, on both ends, I can drop mid match (example not literal) and I'll know if it's SFW or not now, they behave differently, mostly, they all almost always know your location and they move accordingly, doesn't always mean you can't find them but damn will it cost a bit of time
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Sounds like they’re preventing noed.
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I feel like balance wise this game is in a good state right now. There are enough viable killers in this game now. Of course there are still a few that really struggle though.
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*plays 5 games at rank 8* "guys killer is 2 ez"
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You're honestly the most biased kid on here, you only talk on killer side and if anything is survivor related you say that their biased
hypocrite omegalul