The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Hurts to think about this game's potential.



  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Sure it also true the gameplay draws people in as well, but mainly its movie killers and movie survivors that draw people in. For me, both the gameplay, and movie killers and survivors are what drew me to the game.

    Also yes a completely balanced game is boring, except the unbalance in DBD is that the survivors are the power role, and as a killer you are very stressed. As well as solo survivor is sometimes hard to play as due to a multitude of factors.

    Also yk what DBD lacks than every other game you metioned, is if the best of the best played together, each gets a 50/50 chance to win with the best stuff, while in DBD if the best of the best played, mostly the survivors will win about 60 to 70% of the time against high tier killers. Against mid tier and low tier killers, they would get absolutely demolished.

    The only reason DBD has a "high player retention" is because the people who quit are replaced by new players who want to try out the game. Not many stay playing the game after like a month of playing the game.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    Based on empirical evidence, survivors are not, in fact, the power role. Every killer except the nurse has a kill rate of more than 50%, and at the highest ranks, all killers become more dominant, not less. Killers can't win every time, but saying they're not the power role is debatable at best.

    Where is your proof that people aren't staying with this game for the long haul, and they're just being replaced by new players? Because it's very rare for a 3-year-old game to have a high enough influx of new players to replace all the veterans who quit, if the veterans truly are quitting en masse. Especially since quitting veterans will usually badmouth the game and give it bad reviews. Remember, I picked up this game because I heard lots of good things about it online.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    as much as i would love to agree, but this is incorrect. the art team/skins team is separate from the bug fixing side and stopping skins literally guts one side that has no impact on the other. its just a management thing

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Yet these stats the Devs released don't show the whole picture, for all we know, some of the kills may have been because of 3vs1 or 2vs1 games, where the survivor DCed. Since the stats don't show the whole story, they are unreliable. Also the devs stated to not take the stats literally. But if we go by stats, I guess the 80% escape rate at rank 1 really shows that survivors are the power role. Also survivors control how the match will end as shown with gen speeds and how they can give a killer little time to put enough pressure.

    Currently only one killer can deal with a optimal and strong 4-man SWF, and that's spirit, which says a lot about the balance of killer.

    No I don't have proof, but currently if we compared the numbers from May 2019, it has a 75,000 peak, with only 20,600 staying. Now most likely at least half are not new players, meaning that about 10,300 are new players. If we were the divide that number by its peak ( I will remove the current existing players (10,300) from the peak to make more crediable. Current the peak of that month was 75,000, if we remove 10,300, we get 64,700)

    10,300/64,700 = 15.9% New player retention

    20,600/75,000 = 27.4% Player retention

    That's not a high number, but let's also compare another month to make this more reasonable stats. I'll do November 2019.

    Current players are around 23,500, and peak is around 52,800. Assuming half are not new players.

    New players are 11,750 and peak is around 41,050

    11,750/41,050 = 28.6% New player retention

    23,500/52,800 = 44.5% Player retention

    Those New player retention numbers aren't exactly high, and if we compare it to games like fortnite, League of Legends, etc. they still get about a decent number of new players staying in game.

    But you are right about that DBD that we do have a good amount of player retention, but we don't really have a good new player retention.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited December 2019

    The escape rate at Rank 1 is 80% because if you get sacrificed, you almost always derank. It's why the devs used red ranks and not just Rank 1. A single depip brings you out of rank 1, and if you derank, your game doesn't count towards the overall escape rate in Rank 1. This skews the stats heavily.

    Your math has several glaring issues. First, it's based on numbers that fluctuate heavily based on time of day. At 11 AM today, there were 35,872 players online. At midnight, there were only 21,757. So the difference between the player count in November and the current playercount is not as significant as it appears.

    Second, you're making baseless assumptions on how many players are new players. That 50% proportion is a number pulled out of nowhere. I could come up with a different proportion and get a different answer.

    I think it's a safer assumption that the high playercount in November was most likely caused by the Hallowed Blight event and the release of the archives, which would lead to a large number of veteran players all playing at once, not a large influx of new players. New players, after all, don't care much about in-game holiday events, because they're not invested in the game's progression system yet.

    Also, the reason the game's population peaked in late April/early May was because that date coincides with Legion's rework, the addition of the Endgame Collapse, and the Blood Hunt in early May. Which would lead to a lot of veterans all logging in at once to see how it plays with the new changes and to farm lots of bloodpoints, not an influx of new players who know nothing about the game and aren't invested in its progression system.

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