trapper archive challenge

Taking any suggestions on completing the catch survivors in bear traps challenge... i do not have ruin on trapper, not really much of anything on him that is meta except bbq 3...
I need to catch them 5 times...
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What rank are you at as killer? Because different techniques work on survivors at different levels of experience.
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If you’re just want to get through it, farm. Just walk around picking up all your traps and placing them in a single spot, don’t swing on anyone. Then just wait, they will eventually come to them and step on them, they needs points too and your not chasing so...
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Greenie weenie ranks...
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I'm gonna give this a try...
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Do like that guy said, farm, but start stepping in them. Use padded jaws too. All 4 survivors joined me in the fun I musta had 30 bear trap catches that game.
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Both suggestions helped 🤘🤘🤘!
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Sorry for the delay. So did you manage to complete the challenge, or are you still looking for advice?
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Completed challenge, but thanks for your response✌
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Good to hear! Feel free to come ask on the forums if you need help with any of the others 😊
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I brought a BPS as a peace offering when I did it, lol.
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Survivors like to loop, so instead of putting a trap by a pallet.
- put the trap on the route of their loop(works better if there is grass)
- put a trap on the inside of the window
- randomly put a trap by a hook survivor. It works better if it not exactly near them. As a survivor you normally expect the trap to be near the survivor.
This is how I’m able to constantly catch survivors in my trap.
Also use the backpack add on, so you can carry more traps. What hurt trapper is constantly having to plan and put down traps. The more you can carry, the better.