Legion needs a real rework, not a bandaid

Who's ready for another Legion rant, because I'm bored with nothing better to do. The new upcoming patch for me is a mixed bag, the vault speed change is appreciated but you're nerfing a good bit of build potential specifically Sloppy and STBFL. The most egregious change though is the mend time reduction, 15 seconds down to 12 really does make a difference when every second really does count seeing as Legion relies on making the game take as long as possible thanks to having nearly 0 power in chase aside from darkening the screen if they still need to mend. That speed increase of 5.0 to 5.2 sounds cool and all until you realize you will only actually get 2 more meters out of his 50 meter power range (2.8 with double duration addons), meaning it's not going to make a real difference.
Honestly if you made the purple addons useful in this patch I'd shut my mouth and just deal with it until more power creep appears but there's a problem when all of his rare and uncommon addons are more useful than all but 2 of his very rare to ultra rare addons (Filthy blade which just got nerfed for 0 reason, iridescent button, and cold dirt which is currently beyond mediocre). Frank's mixtape and stab wounds study are completely pointless at the moment being far too underpowered to make any sort of difference (unless your using them with Nemesis). I will give credit where credit is due, you made the other pins useful.
My ideas to make Legion at least mid tier without changing him completely are changing his fatigue duration to 3 seconds and leave the cooldown addons as is, there's no reason for it to be so forgiving when we have killers that can one hit down you in a matter of seconds, fly around the map, and destroy pallets almost instantly (Billy) while still being in the same speed tier. Addon wise revert the filthy blade nerf back to 3.5 seconds instead of 2.5 or make it give the player mending a guaranteed skillcheck because as of now it's not worth running even when combined with the green blade, for stab wounds study make it so the player has to hit multiple skill checks during mending or give it a Nurse's calling effect so you can see when someone is mending near you, for Frank's mixtape I'd say decrease the amount of times you'd have to hit survivors to down them (make it worth running other than just a meme).
I personally think Fuming mixtape is nearly worthless as you lose so many senses using the power as a mobility tool so that needs to be changed as well, if you wanna keep it as is make it so if you hit a survivor you can still see gens (so you can actually use your ultra addon) or change the addon and make it where you can see scratch marks and blood in frenzy, that one is an extreme change but in all honesty with how awful the fatigue is it's not gonna be gamebreaking in the slightest but it would be helpful.
If you've read this far you're a trooper and I thank you, my last point is with Nemesis. I'm sorry BVHR but you dropped the ball on this one, your lack of care with what you do with Legion is going to bite you next patch if nothing is done. There's no easy fix without any drawbacks here, the best thing to do is make it so the meter drops until the last 5 seconds if you're still technically in terror radius with the killer that way you still get the oblivious effect of not knowing you're in terror radius for the most part but you aren't going to get cheesed either. Or you could totally change how his power works get rid of the whole deep wounds aspect of Legion and make his power have some actually downing potential while being balanced properly. That way you can appease people who want Legion to have power in chase and you can keep making creative new perks like Nemesis without worrying about breaking the game.
I've been saying this for a while and even have a thread in feedback for it, where you are welcome to post. Legion needs alot of love and a rework. Deep Wounds is too hard to balance and needs to be removed.
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Judging from what I've seen, they wont listen and IF THEY DO. They make a mess out of Legion.
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Can't wait for the Legion rework in 2 years.
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To be frank, not Frank ;) if the Devs will listen to player outcry against Nurse and then a similar outcry towards Spirit but not give Legion the attention they deserve is wrong.
Legion was poorly designed on release, very fun and I loved it, but still bad. Since then almost every decision to fix or change them has resulted in Legion being weaker or harder to play in some or all areas depending on the change. Legion is in a special kind of crisis because their ability is tied to BT and the TR, their fix isn't as simple as Nurse's but needs special treatment that Freddy got. I won't say that Freddy needed the rework, ever, but Legion does because of the weird situation they are in where everything the Devs do will either break the game or break the Legion all because of the ability they mistakenly gave them along with the changes to BT after that.
Legion needs the Devs full attention, not some speed increase or a failed attempt at fixing the Pin add-ons, they need someone to actually look at these troubled teenagers and see they need help. They need to be heard and they need to be guided and shown the way out of their crisis by people who care about the,.
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Tbh the easiest way to fix nemesis with legion is to make DW proximity based so you can't cheese out the DW timer. It'll also make BT against freddy actually viable so it'll be a win win
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Now watch as this post get put right into the trashbin.
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Only problem with that is the oblivious effect is supposed to make it so you don't know where the killer is, if the timer isn't going down you know he's near. I went with goes down a decent bit but stops at a certain point so you don't know if he's near you unless he's totally trying to cheese you
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Agree, I wonder why the devs lost the interest on this killer so suddenly. I mean in a livestream they even planned to buff the old Legion, they leggit said that. Link: https://youtu.be/D4-E4R0oHBY?t=2616
I wonder what happened to that idea? xD I mean its a ######### DLC killer, if they would buff him or change them to a good point that would increase there income. Idk why the devs hate legion so much but I honestly miss old Legion </3.