Legion is officially the worst killer in the game

Poor legion, the brainchild of last winter, has officially stolen the crown of "Worst Killer" out of Cannibal's chili-covered hands.
I'm not talking about the mending fix -- that was a given. I'm talking about the fact that his main ability gives him nearly no pressure. He's a glorified M1 killer, that lacks even the easy first hit against survivors that know how to camp a pallet. His teachables are all bad, his synergy with most perks is lacking, but most of all, he's not fun to play as OR against.
Please redeem him.
Legion's been the worst Killer in the game since their rework. At least Leatherface had an instadown he could use to punish Survivors.
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The truth hurts, I guess.
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they are legit useless now I regret buying them so much
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LF is missing a cooldown timer on his chainsawing. Come to think of it, shouldn't it only apply deep wounds?
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bold of you to assume they weren't already
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Funny thing I played Leatherface the other day for the basement daily and... yeah. Leatherface is honestly better than Legion right now. Leatherface can't get as many people injured I guess but he actually ends a chase semi-fast because of his instadown and fast pallet break. Legion meanwhile gets a first hit and then chases like a default M1 Killer.
There's literally no reason to play them at this point.
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Legion reminds me of a few characters I know from some games I play, that need a rework as well, the saying for them from me goes:
"No matter how good you are of a player, you'll lose unless the team is REALLY bad, playing that character gives you 0 advantage".
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Legion is no mither confirmed.
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I wish I can sell my legion for oni.. haha..
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Crying about a killer who was decent for like a few months (which was niche at best). Then they kill him for consistency reasons? We have every right to be pissed.
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As a Legion main I'm still gonna use him. Even if it hurts lol...
No point in asking for a buff cause in their minds what they did was a buff.
so Legion will be left as is for probably another year.
although I'm interested to se what kind of build I can make to make it a little less painful. I'm still optimistic.
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I still feel like Clown and Doc are worse but yes Legions power got another hit making it even less of a threat than it already was.
I just find it hilarious that legion keeps getting butchered while they release Oni which also has a sprint but his is unlimited and has an insta-down.
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*laughs in Bubba*
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*laughs in Clown*
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We don't have enough legion threads, keep them coming. 10 in the past hour isn't enough boys
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No, expecting them not to change Deep Wounds so it doesn't mean free downs with zero work is entitlement; expecting a killer to be viable is within our rights as consumers that paid for them.
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The way Killer reworks are going the next couple months playing Oni are as good as it's going to get. We have to assume that in the future he will only be scaled back.
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Devs need to see all of em’ otherwise they won’t realize that they ######### up again and again.
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They've been since their release. Even pre-rework Freddy was better than them.
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The weakest killer in the game is still op! Pls nerf him more immediately!!
(These survivors are all self-caring at corner or healing instead doing gens lol, and it's already 3 games like this in a row)
Edit: Forgot to hide the names in chat
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I'm done with these game for awhile. Unnecessary nerfs for legion that make them literally a no power killer. Nerfs for Oni to reduce his power right out of the gate. BT getting buffed when its already one of the strongest perks in the game. These devs only learn for a little bit before suddenly reversing course and making just random, strange, and illogical choices.
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I still think Clown is worse. But Legion is definitely a close second.
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Clown's power kills loops, slows exhaustion perks, and is infinitely useable in chase. Legion's power is useless once the survivor is injured.
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No they are not
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If survivors camp the pallet or just drop it earlier, Clown literally has no power.
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Bro u just say that legion is very good now but you NEVER, EVER, present arguments to it, not even bad ones. 0 arguments.
When commenting, explain why do you think legion is still good.
People cant discuss anything with argument-less comments.
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I respect Legion for his/her/their/its gender fluidity. Finally, a killer we can all relate to.
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Imagine calling someone entitled because they have the right to say "Why did you nerf this weak killer?" with valid points and arguments.
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BHVR just rework Legion or just ######### delete the Killer and give us the Money back LUL. Imagin you sell a DLC for REAL MONEY for a character that is by FAR the weakest! Same goes to leatherface but atleast he has BBQ.
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And an actual power, even if its bad.
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Just gotta agree with "his teachables are all bad."
Discordance is a great perk, and if BBQ didn't give double bloodpoints, I would run it instead every match.
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Legion is officially the worst killer in the gameBHVR buffed Leatherface!
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Legion simply needs an entire rework. No matter how they buff/nerf him he'll either be uncounterable and miserable to fight or he's super weak and miserable too play as. Until he gets the Freddy treatment he's gonna be broken in both aspectst different times.
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I think the original concept of "pretends to be a Survivor" would be fine if voice comms didn't exist.
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He really is garbage, most of his addons do less than nothing and his ability rarely ever helps, he’s like plauge w/o bloody vomit.
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I can't comprehend how people think Legion is the worst when killers like Plague and Myers are in the game.
Legion injures everybody faster then Plague and has stall+info to boot. The 1 minute ranged damage that globally warns survivors and takes walking time to activate does not make up for it.
And Myers spends most of the match standing still to bassicly achieve the same thing Legion has. A one shot. Without the benifits of stall+info+grunts and blood from injured.
Legion is very simple. If you are good at chasing they are decent. Nowhere near top tier but you can beat all but the toughest survivors.
If you're bad at chases you'll do terribly as Legion. Someone saying Legion is the worst killer is a big sign they are not as good at the game then they think they are. Atleast as far as m1 chasing goes