Cosmetic suggestions?

So let's take a break from talking about the latest patch and take a trip down Imagination Lane.
Seeing as the devs will be popping out regular cosmetics on a seemingly weekly basis, it got me thinking about all the possibilities for amazing looks.
I'd personally love an Apocalyptic outfit for Jakey Boy, him being a survivalist and all. Trench coat, leather stetson, utility belt with tools, etc.
As for killer, to counter the Apocalypse Jake, I'd dig a zombie skin for Hillbilly, Hag, or maybe our resident Thicc Boi, the Clown. Zombieland might have something to say if they use a zombie Clown though, so maybe just the first two XD
How about you guys? Throw some suggestions my way! Go nuts with it :D


  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 988
    Drunk Santa clown had better be a skin by this Christmas or I'm quitting dbd forever.