What killeris the most annoying to play against

Which ever Killer i see multiple times in a row.
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Anyone with Undetectable.
Survivor main, but I play killer for dailies and Rift. With Myers I've literally walked up behind a survivor working on a gen and stood there for a good two seconds before I hit them. I walked right up to them, couldn't move forward anymore, they had no clue I was there.
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Billy I think. The map pressure and janky hitboxes drive me a little crazy.
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Doctor on the game.
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I hate facing Hags a lot, but honestly since dedicated servers I hate playing against Huntress now too.
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Hag and Trapper are annoying for me, you have to look at the ground/crouch all the time. Nobody likes facing Meyers. Snapping out Ghostface is jank but otherwise he's fun.
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In my personal opinion (not as a developer, but as a player) The Doctor is the most annoying to play against.
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Doctor is a common one i hear.
He isn't very powerful if you want to win but the constant screaming + tier 3 madness disabling actions is very annoying lol.
Doc top tier at annoying people :)
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Normally I'd say Spirit but recently she was nerfed so instead I'll say Plague. Why Plague?
"Oh you ran a medic build? Welp, now get ready for a match where 2-3 of your perks are useless!"
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Doctor by far
then Trapper
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Hag is number one by a mile
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Probably Ghostface because whenever he’s chasing me he looks like he’s running and looks like he’s faster than me
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Nice to know
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I have emetophobia so I hate Plague and feel sick playing against her. The rest of the killers is fine I love facing all of them as survivor.
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It explains the news circulating around..you may not be able to talk about it..just know...hes losing his early and late game tools just in what we read...I truley hope what he gains is worth it..one thing kd recommend to make it maybe worth it..I'd retire stance swap..if hes losing so much that should be at least close to a fair trade
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the reason why i don't like myers, cuz you have to hide from the killer (that's the point of the survivor but shut up) tier 3, altruism gone. at least ghostface's fun to play.
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Legion...More repetitive than annoying.
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NOED Billy
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Trapper, spirit, and forever Freddy.
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I'm going to go with the Plague. If you don't cleanse, you're one shot. If you cleanse, you've screwed everyone over. Stealth is also not possible when sick.
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Myers. I just can't survive him...
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Honestly...legion. Killer may as well ask to farm before the match because playing against legion is equally as boring anymore.
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huntress but only because of hitboxes man they are ######### abysmal
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No one ever says...Oh boy! I get to play against The Plague!!
Hag is the worst for me personally though. I hate duck walking to hooks!!
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The Pig; all the stupid traps are based on RNG and if you get one that's just ****ing it you just roam around going from box to box hoping you don't get tunneled because of the thing.
Pig actually was directly related to why I quit the game the first time I did; that and matchmaking.
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No entitlement about it; you tough it out like a man, you sir have my respect.
Even if you die on hook, as long as you are not DCing everytime and then demanding they be removed from the game, I'm on your side. (I have a phobia of heights, some games affect me some don't depends on how the depth is portrayed)
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Spirit and GhostFace.
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Trapper Not because he is annoying but I'm always insecure when I play against a lot of Trappers
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I really hate versing Plague, because I usually use Inner Strength and Iron will. Her power renders half of my build useless.
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You just need to be smart about when and where you cleanse. That's all.
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I've never played Survivor but I feel like Doctor is annoying to them for the fact that they're constantly screaming and basically revealed the whole match.
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Spirit for me. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a Spirit match.
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Huntress just due to the fact that I’m basically a hatchet magnet.
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Legion and Freddy
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For me the Doctor is by far the most annoying to go against. Also Hag can be kinda annoying sometimes.