Petition for a Compromise regarding the withdrawal of the 4 event cosmetics.



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    There's nothing special about these cosmetics.

    Devs said they were going to give them out. Bunch of selfish people made a huge fuss, so the devs found a way around it. You got to have it exclusively for over a year, that's plenty to compensate your for the time you put into getting them (which again was nothing).

    Meanwhile people that earned them and lost them get screwed out of them. People like me that literally could not earn them because the game was broken get screwed out of them. And people who just happened to not have been playing DBD during that time get screw out of them. Bravo.

    Devs need to add them to the store for purchase or give us another event for a chance to earn them. Blight events are a perfect example of how these cosmetics should be handled. You can earn them during the event. If you miss out, you can wait until the next event or pay for them. No one has a problem with this at all, but suddenly do it with previous event cosmetics and people have a conniption.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i can definitely get behind that.

    i'd honestly hate if they would just hand them out for free, since we had to work for them back in the day, but the store is something i too have suggested (also the auric cells only price) - this would make it fair imo.

    players who grinded through the event got a free cosmetic and those who didnt but want it desperately need to pay for it.

    that way it doesnt feel like our work was for nothing, while everyone still has the chance to obtain the cosmetics if they wish so.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @thesuicidefox You stated you earned 3/4 cosmetics but not the Huntress mask, if i could gift it to you i would because this really seems to have affected you and i have actually never equipped the mask or most of the items I earned.

    You basically have tried to invalidated people who did earn it by saying the process to earn it was easy so why don't you have it?? Oh right game kept crashing, offerings not working, was probed by space aliens that weekend etc etc etc....

    Seriously let it go. Game is broke for killers and survivors right now and you are having a nervous breakdown over a cosmetic you didn't earn but want anyway. We don't always get what we want.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    I could say the same to people that insist they DON'T give them away for free. "Just let it go". It's not a big deal, you already have the skin it doesn't affect you. You got to have it for over a year, that should be plenty to satisfy your "commitment" to the game.

    The game was flat broken for me that entire event. Many of my friends as well. The game was just a mess, and I know people that got neither cosmetic because of that BS (also some of the BBQ skins for some people). I have ZERO problems with the devs giving away free cosmetics. Even the Blight cosmetics, if they want to give them away for free I'm fine with that. Except that you can also get them for money, so because of that I would not agree. If something was available for monetary purchase and you gave it away for free I'd object. But if it was purely from events, then no I'd be fine with it.

    Look the devs said they would give them away. People made a stink and now they are going back on that deal. THAT is what I have an issue with. The devs saying they will do something, selfish people making a fuss over literally nothing, then they go back on that promise.

    Devs have said many times they will NOT EVER give out legacy for free or give out a new way to earn it (with the * that they might if they could find a way to give it to people that earned it but then lost it). If they go back on that promise and give them out, I would agree with people that complain. If they NEVER said this and then give them out, I'd have no problem with it.

    The entire issues stems from them promising something then going back on that promise. If they never promised they would give away these skins, I wouldn't care. But the fact they DID and then went BACK on that promise, all because people made a big stink about it when it really doesn't even matter to them, is what bothers me about this situation.

    Post edited by thesuicidefox on
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "You had to spend a relatively long time grinding through bloodwebs to get event offerings and then go out of your way in trials to obtain them. "

    Dude you got literally 2-3 event offerings per web. It got to a point where I was literally avoiding them as much as possible because it was a waste of BP. I have like 30 flowers from the last event left over on my Ghostface. My friend has over 100. Stop acting like it was that hard to get the events stuff done. It wasn't. It was a cake walk, and you didn't even need to go out of your way to earn it. Just play the game normally.

    "It's just the act of buying them which seems unfair"

    Yet the Blight cosmetics work this way and no one seems to care at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    "If there is really "nothing special" about these cosmetics then why is it so unfair that not everyone has them?"

    See my previous comment for why it's a big deal. Devs said they would give them out, then went back on that promise. Had they never said anything I really wouldn't care.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It is selfish, because no one complains about the fact you can buy Blight cosmetics. It's literally the same thing, but for some reason it's only a problem with the older event skins. THAT is what makes it selfish.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Most of the event items get overshadowed by better cosmetics. The only good ones are the Hound Mask, Kate's Shirt, Feng's Head and Shirt, and Ace's Head.

  • CloakedDagger1
    CloakedDagger1 Member Posts: 181

    I mean I’d purchase auric cells for it but there’s always gonna be a group unhappy about the decision truthfully

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    "Repeating that it was a "cake walk" is ignoring the fact that I've said multiple times different people had different experiences with the event. Not everyone found it as easy as your suggesting."

    Except that it was easy. You just play the game normally. There was nothing special about what you did. If you found it more difficult that doesn't change the fact you could EASILY earn the skins in less than 50 games. That's 4 games per day for a 2 week event. That's like an hour of playtime, at most 2. If you played extra on the weekends it was even easier. Just because YOU found it difficult doesn't make it difficult.

    "As I just explained, the Blight events and the previous ones worked differently. I'm not going to explain again."

    They really didn't. The first Blight event had a special objective, but that was still easy to do (in fact most survivors would just rush the plants and die on first hook to get the vials faster). For killer it was as easy as hooking a survivor and hitting the lantern. Wow yea, that's really difficult.

    The ONLY thing that worked different was the method by which the skins were unlocked, and the fact that Blight skins can be purchased with money. THAT IS IT. There would literally be no difference if they offered older event skins in the store for auric cells. It's the exact same thing.

    "I could call the people who want the cosmetics selfish because they're not considering the people who earned them during the event. Calling everyone else "selfish" doesn't validate either the argument for either side and isn't constructive to the conversation at all."

    Yet it is selfish to insist that you be the only ones to have an item after the devs said they would give them out because you feel like you did something special for an event that really wasn't all that special. If the devs said "we will never give away these skins" then went back on that, then no you're not being selfish for that. But they never said that, so you guys don't have a leg to stand on.

    Again, if the devs never promised to give them out I wouldn't complain. The fact that they did, then went back on the promise, all because selfish people wanted to keep their exclusives away from everyone else, is where the problem lies. Like really, explain to me what is the problem if they put them in the store for auric cells? You earned them for FREE during an event, I paid money for them. Who are you to say I can't spend my money how I want?

    There's nothing selfish about wanting the devs to stick to their word and not go back on it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yet Blight event skins can be purchased through the store, do you have a problem with that?

    If no, then you are being a hypocrite.

    There is really no issue with putting them in the store for auric cells. NONE. Blight skins already work this way so it'd make sense for ALL event skins to work this way. If you earned them from the event, you got it for free and I wouldn't call that a waste.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Dude they work the exact same. It's just the way the currency worked that was the difference. For HG/BBQ events, you just earn points directly towards the cosmetics. For Blight you earned currency which is then used to purchase cosmetics of your choice. But functionally, in terms of what you did to get either points, was the same for all the events. The first blight event was slightly different, but at the same time it did not require you to go too far out of the way to earn them.

    There is no difference. I really don't understand how you can say there is when all you did was get hooks or repair gens in these events.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    But in terms of how you got those points, you did the same thing, gens and hooks. I played all the events as well and I found no difference between the difficulty of getting the points.

    Again the only reason I didn't get the Wolf Mask is because the game was LITERALLY unplayable. And not just for me but a lot of my friends. Survivor was playable enough to actually make progress, but killer would just hard crash the game almost every time. Hard crash means potential lose of game progress and even potential damage to my Xbox. Therefore I avoided playing killer during the event because I had no choice.

    But had I been able to play I would have easily gotten the Wolf Mask. EASILY. It wasn't difficult at all to do the event objectives. And this is my entire point, if there is no difference between the old events and the Blight events, what does it matter if they offer the skins for auric cells? You still got it for free, while I would have to pay money. I think that's more than a fair deal for you.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Well at the very least they could release those exclusives on Console, since there's no way whatsoever to earn them and there never was. I guess the same could be said about the Legacy set? That's a highly coveted item in the game on PC. Some games that run on multiple platforms treat exclusive different in different regions and on different platforms. Example on North America consoles and item can be ultra exclusive handed out at a convention and that same item could be free in the store for everyone to buy in Europe on Xbox. So I don't know how they wish to handle it and I don't have a dog in this fight so I don't really care. Just offering my thoughts.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes I'm not the type to just REEEE and people for being selfish or greedy, but when the devs say they will give it out for free and people make a big stink about it then they go back on that deal, I'm going to call it for what it is.

    Sorry if I came off as hostile. I am just not easily persuaded by the herd mentality.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    maybe you would like to try to grind for hours for them because they were a pain to get. All the other cosmetics were locked behind a pay wall for PC while with these cosmetics anyone could have gotten them if you did the horrible grind for them. I consider these cosmetics comparable to legacy in which through playing the game you earned them when they were available to get and if you missed out that's on you.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    because anyone could can get them through money which makes them the same as cosmetics that you can only buy with cells and that would make them no longer special.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Did you not get them for free? Why would your feelings change just because someone bought it? Did you not earn it?

    Unless you want other people to know you earned it...then you just wanna show off

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    that's the point... to show off something you earned instead of just bought. to show that you put the hours into a timed grind instead of a minute in the in game shop.

  • BDS22
    BDS22 Member Posts: 146

    You do realize with this Halloween event people are putting in hours to grind for items while others just buy them in store. So your defense about not putting them in the store now kinda makes no sense.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    As someone who earned all of these cosmetics during their respective events, I say give them to everyone. The heartache and complaining about them is not worth the exclusivity. None of them are worth it.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    That's so petty.

    Is that really the hill you wanna die on?

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2019

    the hallowed blight is a joke of an event and came after the other ones. the devs gave us multiple Halloween skins and you could unlock 6 pieces for both blights. comparing the blight events to the others is a joke when you could buy them right of the bat or play and earn 6 pieces when with the other events you did hours of grinding for just 1 which was not available to buy.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    dude what do you think the point of cosmetics is? its to show off of course now if there is a limited timed cosmetic that could only be unlocked for hours of grinding what do you think people will want to do when they unlock it? again its an obvious answer, to show it off. what happens when that cosmetic becomes available to buy for the same amount as other non-event cosmetics that cost the same. Another simple answer it losses what made it special and all the players who earned it feel screwed over. Im assuming your also one of those players that think everyone should also have legacy skins because this is the exact same case.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I really don't get how people can feel entitled to the cosmetics. Simple question: Did you earn them?

    If No stop whinging about not having them. You didn't earn them.

    If Yes, then you deserve them because you earned them.

    There's no 'but... I wasn't around when' or 'but... my computer was crashing' or 'but... I couldn't afford dbd...'. 'but but I didn't know dbd existed'. It's tough luck.

    People downplay the cosmetics by saying they were easy to earn... then WHY do you even want them? There are so many other cosmetics to choose from yet you cry wolf because other players earned cosmetics that you don't have access to. You've just been given a bunch of 'exclusives' in this update! What's next? Legacy cosmetics coming back... because YOU didn't play the game back then? Because YOU feel entitled to have them?

    The people who earned the cosmetics aren't selfish or entitled, it's YOU, the people who are whinging about them that are entitled.

    And to remind you, the devs originally planned to release the event cosmetics for everyone for the simple reason that they couldn't identify every player that EARNED the cosmetics, but lost it due to a bug. They have now identified all those that earned it. If you're not getting it, it's because you haven't earned it.

    Bit of a rant but it's really tiring seeing all of these entitled comments and posts flooding the forum.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Give a mouse a ton of PAX ultra rare cosmetics for free and they'll find some other event cosmetic to be demanded.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    the devs put the event cosmetics in the list of paid/code cosmetics since they were including all exclusives and when the community called them out on it the devs understood since these cosmetics are different in which that they were earned and can't be abused like the others on the list since they are not code related. they are special because they are part of the few cosmetics in these game that were earned and can't be bought in any way just like legacy and having one shows that you put up with the BS of this game to get them. You even said it yourself the game was unplayable and crashed constantly. You think your the only one who had this problem? tons of people put up with it and still got the cosmetic despite it taking way longer than it should have. If anyone here is selfish it's you dude for being inconsiderate and greedy because you want something you never earned even if it screws over the people's feelings that did earn it.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yet even though I had this problem, I have no issue with them giving away the cosmetics I did earn. So tell me again how that's selfish. If Blight cosmetics weren't paid and ONLY earned through events I'd be fine with that too, despite earning a large chunk of them myself.

    Fact remains, devs said they would give it out and then went back on that promise because some people demand that others don't get access to stuff they "earned", which a a generous term to say the least. You earned them about as much as grandma earned her Bingo.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2019

    The main reason the devs are giving out those cosmetics is because they were being sold and abused. they included all exclusives because they all are like this but overlooked the event cosmetics which are not like that and that's why they went back on their word. I already explained why your being selfish so lets skip that and btw bingo is luck based and doesn't take multiple hours to complete so poor comparison.

    edit: my main point is the event cosmetics are not the same in any way other when compared to the other exclusives other than the fact that they are cosmetics. if your parents told you you could have GTA 5 and your 10 but than realized how violent it was and broke their word would you say they are being unfair or unreasonable.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    No they went back on their word because people made a big stink about it. Had that not happened they wouldn't have tried to find a work around.

    And it is a good comparison because you did literally nothing special to "earn" them. You just played the game as you normally would have.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    dude you literally said that the game was unplayable during an event and again its not a good comparison because of how much time you needed to put into the game, if you were a average player getting most of these cosmetics was impossible. Lastly go read what they said about taking them out of the list of free cosmetics because one of the points was that they are not code exclusive and were earned just like legacy and the devs didn't consider this point until it was pointed out to them.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It was unplayable but if it were it would have been easy. The fact I had technical issues doesn't change the difficulty of earning said cosmetics. You could get them in less than 50 games. That's pretty easy to do.

    "the devs didn't consider this point until it was pointed out to them"

    No they didn't consider it until people complained. There is a difference.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    IF and IF you mean complaining as in pointing out than my argument still stands

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It was complaining. You're not pointing out anything to them they wouldn't have already have known. This isn't a bug report where they had no idea. They knew. Therefore the only reason they would have gone back on their word is because people made it a problem.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Because they understood how those people felt and they had good points as to why those cosmetics should not be given out when those players earned them. Even if it was complaining they listened which tells us that they agreed and when you think about how much this community complains and gets swept aside than complaining might as well be considered pointing out.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    There is ZERO reason they can't put the items in the store for auric cells. NONE. All other event cosmetics are in the store to be purchased with money.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2019

    actually there is one, the store was not out when they had the events so the only way to get them was to earn them and its been like that since the events. also they are just like legacy in the way they were earned and guess what legacy will never be available to buy or earn again.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Doesn't change the fact that 1) they are not legacy items, they are event items just like Blight, and 2) the store exists now.

    Devs said legacy will never be available again. If they go back on this promise I support those that oppose it. They never said the same thing about old event cosmetics. In fact we were told we are getting them and they went back on that promise, so in a sense they are more obliged to provide them to us than deny them.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited December 2019

    they are just like legacy cosmetics

    • both required grinding even if it required more grinding for legacy
    • both were time limited and have been around longer than the store
    • both have never been available to be purchased

    Also the devs never promised anything and AGAIN comparing the blight events to the ones before the store is laughable. The blight events gave out multiple cosmetics for a lot less grinding and you could buy them right away where as the post store events only gave one cosmetic for the same or more grinding. Having these blight skins doesn't feel special because they are easy to get and you can buy them, its just nice that you could get a few for free if you grinded but again they don't feel special compared to the other event cosmetics.

    edit: if you want facts than here's one. this post/thread wont change anything but ill still argue why your opinion is wrong. this is the internet after all.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    We worked hard to get those -_-

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    "a lot less grinding"

    I guess you miss the part where I said you can earn the old event cosmetics in less than 50 games, which is 4 a day for 2 weeks or about 1-2 hours of play time. If you played more on the weekends it was even easier. 50 games is not a grind at all. You could do that in a single weekend. Less if you used offerings every game.

    Stop saying it was a "grind" to get them it wasn't. I found it super easy to get the event items I got from just playing normally. It's not even close to a comparison to legacy grind.

  • DeadByGayDwight
    DeadByGayDwight Member Posts: 58

    I honestly couldn't care less. If they choose to give out or to not give our certain cosmetics, then it's their choice. I'm not gonna go make a petition for cosmetics that aren't even really that good. Plus, they don't impact gameplay in anyway, shape or form. If the people who earned those skin don't feel like the Devs should be giving them out, then they can go make their own game and plan out how they give cosmetics that way.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    If I have to be honest, this seems like the best compromise.

    I personally don't really care about any of the event cosmetics (Other than maybe the Pro-Pain Hammer) but I do understand why some people want them.

    It's clear cut of FOMO, no one wants to see others show off what they can't get. Especially when it's something large and visible ingame.

    And to be honest, putting value on Digital Skins/Goods is a bit much especially if you didn't pay for it. The devs can take access away from you at any time so you don't really "own" it.

    Heck, I bought the 10 Dollars Yui cosmetic knowing full well I was paying only to look good ingame. I knew the cost and the price tag actually gave that skin some value to me.

    The Event/Ultra Rare Cosmetics don't feel like they have much of a value to me. Unless they have a monetary value attached, I don't see a reason why anyone would make a fuss defending these skins being given to everyone or put into the store.

    It's pixels on a screen, it would be nice to see more people using it.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334

    I agree. When I'm using Jane I'm either using her full prestige outfit, or her most expensive outfit. Specifically because of the mentality to show off. For the most part, I do enjoy the cosmetics regardless. I still have to like something in order to wear it but you get the idea.

  • JakConstantine
    JakConstantine Member Posts: 118

    I think this is fair. Pay for them if you want them, or the devs can reopen past events for a certain period of time in the future for new/old players who missed them. Plus reopening past events would help the devs and give them more time on new future content if they need more time on it. I know there's the PTB, but I do think the devs deserve more time if they need it.

    Only question is that would reopening the past events for a certain period of time would be too difficult to do? It's an just idea what could help everyone.

This discussion has been closed.