From my experiences so far, legion's change is for the better now, and btw, I am a redrank legion

So before the change, I run stbfl and other gen perks. Back then, it's kinda hard to get all of them stabbed, and most of the time when I reach someone, my power goes away and I am left against a healthy survivor, which is how I use my stbfl. And during my power, because of the vaulting speed nerf, the survivors often vaults the pallet right after me and I have almost no window to confirm and get the hit, which is quite annoying.

But after the change, yes, I can't use on hit perks like franklins or remember me or stbfl or sloppy or the third seal, but there are a few upsides. One, I am faster, meaning I can get to survivors just a bit easier, its like having a stack of pwyf. Two, I can confirm and hit survivors who tries to pallet juke me during my power due to my faster vaulting speed. Three, the legion pin feels amazing with thano, since you deny all of their healing items and perks and force them to have a 12-16% slowdown for at least 70 seconds without adding the mend time(I can actually chain stabs forever if the survivors are getting mended by others, crazy right?), and since all of them cant heal, I don't even need sloppy or stbfl to get kills cause they are all injured for like ever(and they cant use their instaheal while they are broken, how cool is that).

So far, I have been using thano, ruin, bbq, and monitor, and it has been really easy to start the stabs, with the speed buffs and stuff. Technically, the speed buff does more than you think, because you are normally chasing survivors who are running away from each other, running a bit faster means they all have less time to get away, giving you more windows for that third and maybe even the full team stab. Monitor also helps with that a bit. And with thano, when all four of them are under the effect, a gen takes an extra 15 seconds, and add in dying light if you care to run that perk, it can soon be overwhelming for survivors to deal with, and don't forget ruin too.

In conclusion, it's only been two days since the changes are here, I can't say anything too conclusive yet, but from the few games I have played, it seems quite good. We will see how survivors adapt and how otz finds new ways to break the game with new builds, I am quite excited for this legion rn.


  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    You are wrong. The speed buffs are a reverted nerf that was put on Legion for no reason. The Deep Wound changes with mending and sprinting pausing the timer both make any and all stall pointless. Legion feels better to play yes, but they are much much worse over all. The Pins might be nice but they only put it for 60 seconds while, for example, the Clown's gas puts it for 2 minutes. I like that you put "Btw I am a red rank Legion" with no proof. You make yourself look disingenuous from the start. You know, the meme of "Killer Main BTW".

    Yes, you can hit people after vaulting pallets now. That will work right up till Survivors realize that and start to just smack you with the pallet, etc. OTZ got an 8 man Feral Frenzy spree... shouldn't that show you that mend times are way too low?

    Don't be happy with these "Buffs" cause they are something. Don't be happy cause "At least it's better than nothing." That's not how this should work. I've played Legion for over 200 hours. This patch made me lose faith in BHVR and quit the game completely. I Wish you luck in your games, but I promise you they will only go down hill and you will be in the defiled grave right next to Legion's gutted corpse.

  • Yixuan
    Yixuan Member Posts: 19

    Ok, so just a few things to point out. 60+mend+heal seconds of full thano is pretty good, and clown's addon does mangled for 2 minutes. Mend time isnt the issue here, you do not need to stab another survivor when they are broken, so no point getting a streak more than that. I know technically it is worse than plague, but legion has a way to traverse the map quicker and can gather intel when needed. If the survivors smack me with pallets while I get a hit or not, I will be more than happy because that is a pallet wasted, do you not? And I like it when every survivors are forced to be injured while they have wasted pallets trying to knock me out of my power, should be a piece of cake chasing them up except for some windows. I mean, I feel like he is relying on his pins heavily at the moment, but it is pretty good, almost exhaustion clown level I would say. It might just be my perk setups that helps me get multi stabs, and it might even be the meta soon. All I am saying is, I don't think this change is as bad as everyone thinks, maybe play a few more games with it and experiment with it, it's kind of too early to say anything at this moment, not even two days after the change.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    A killer should not be add on dependent. And good luck getting full thana stacks on a map like coldwind farm. It's doable but not often. The overall speed boost is so small compared to what was lost, especially considering the large penalty for missing.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    You shouldn't be having to rely on the pins to make the power work. That right there should show you something is wrong. Once you run outa of pins, what will you do then? The smacking you with pallets thing was a quick thought I had for a counter, but they will think up better ones to leave you in the dust. Also Exhaustion Clown is bad. Clown is widely considered one of the worst Killers. I can assure you, that it will only go downhill.

  • Yixuan
    Yixuan Member Posts: 19

    I meant the addon itself, how powerful it is to the killer's kit.

  • EverflowingRiver
    EverflowingRiver Member Posts: 562

    The point is though a Legions kit is crap without add-ons now. It should at least be usable in its base state.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
  • Yixuan
    Yixuan Member Posts: 19

    Okay, I am quoting from true here, he said something like killers should be considered with using addons, cause no addon 4k just means the survivors are bad. And if you think about it, many killers either have really weak addons or addons that just can not replace, like myer's faster stalk, billy's charge speed(?), wraith's windstorm, trapper's trapperbag, ghostface's recoveryspeed(?), doctor's shockrange, and now legion's pin. And for the other killers not listed, they do have a variety of viable addons, and some of them only helps if the player is great at the killer. I can confidently say if these addons listed are removed from that killer, it would be quite a heavy nerf for all of them.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You know you've been playing for a while when you forget what it's like to play without decent add-ons

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535
    edited December 2019

    You don't want to listen. I get it. It's nice to hold onto hope. Have fun in the Fog. It won't last long.

    Oh and Tru3 doesn't know everything.