Why did they remove survivor ranks in lobby?

They did this before too. Put our ranks up in the lobby and then took it away. I shouldn't be forced to play with a r15 bc the devs cant fix the match making. It's hard enough having a bad ranking system but at least low ranks are experienced to some degree. With 4k hrs its ridiculous I should ever play with a full lobby of brown ranks. Are you telling me its unacceptable that they wait for another survivor who will most likely not dodge? I rarely wait long for another survivor to pop up when they do dodge for whatever reason. Killers still allowed to dodge and see everything a surv has for whatever reason but survivors still arent allowed to even see their own team mates rank. Stop putting me in with noobs or give me the ability to dodge them. Or take away the fake matchmaking/ranking system if you're going to make it totally useless.
"Because it promoted dodging" feel like i lost a few braincells after saying that but thats apparently the reason so yay every once in a while i get a rank 20 in my game who dies right away to the killer and thats not a problem apparently.
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Lemmy tell you killers dodging has made us survivors wait far longer than any rando dodging bc of another's cosmetic, etc.
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For the same reason killers can't see whose in a SWF group. It's to prevent lobby dodging.
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*sees all 4 survivors join at the same time* *dodges lobby*
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Killers have been dodging swf since forever. It's usually pretty obvious.