that epic gamer moment when a three day old survivor has more cosmetics than Adam...

how is it possible that Yui, a three day old survivor in the fog realm (three days in terms of chapter release, not age) has 30 cosmetics; while Adam Francis, a survivor who has been in the game for about an ENTIRE YEAR, only has 26?
Now I'm not an expert, but that seems kinda off.
Please give Adam some cosmetics this mid chapter patch, I beg you
Sincerely, an Adam Francis main since the drop of the shattered bloodline chapter.
These poor Adam mains...
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People main Adam? ;)
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Well sorry to say but Adam just isn't the eye candy that Yui is
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Seriously though, he does deserve more love.
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Poor Adam. He should get more for being a trained pebble thrower. He's got 2 pretty okay perks, but that pebble though. MMMM. I love throwing pebbles at killers as they stare at me.
(Not dissing Adam, I just think his perks are a little on the meh side)
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actually doesn't he only have one purple outfit and one green outfit like damn
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I would guess nobody plays him. I would bet you would see a pretty direct correlation between most popular survivor and most cosmetics.
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I would be an Adam main if he had more cosmetics. Oh well, back to Dwight
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Who's that? /s
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He needs a Tux that has a tail and a top hat. All the male characters do.
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I'm assuming they have statistics for how often survivors are played and Adams probably at the bottom of the list. Why make a bunch of cosmetics for characters people hardly play?
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You want the real reason? Yui is more marketable in terms of reaching a target market than Adam is. More marketability = more money. Simple as that.
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Also, free characters are always gonna have more cosmetics then paid ones. After that it just goes by terms of popularity.
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Because girls who play the game want to look good/cute and guys who play the game want eyecandy. It sells, and motivates players who already have Adam to drop more cash for the Yui DLC.
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Not gonna lie I see more sexual attraction to the men in this game then the females by a large percent.
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At least Adam has some decent cosmetics. We Jeff mains get the same crap over and over.
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This is embarrassing but, who is Adam?
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ma boi adam deserves love and attention, he's the second survivor i got to p3
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Wait Adam mains exist
Well then hell they're mythical than Quentin mains and I'm pretty sure there's only like two Quentin mains in existence
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I would say Adam should get more... until I remember that he has a Carlton outfit. ALL ARGUMENTS ARE INVALID, BEST COSMETIC, 10/10
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What about my Jake, does he look good or is he eye candy?
I'd go with Eye Candy.
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Adam? You mean the guy you only level up for the pebble?
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It's a vicious cycle that's trapped Adam and Jeff. No one plays them because they're boring. Because no one plays them, they hardly get new cosmetics. Because they don't get new cosmetics, people think they're boring...
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It's the same on killer side, Clown has less cosmetics then Oni, and Oni has another skin coming up for christmas!
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she unironically looks like she has autism.
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His default outfit doesn't help his popularity.
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I take your valid reason and raise you $$$$
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Who is this adam
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Adam is my main as well. And I’ve been asking for cosmetics for him since his release.
Regardless if there are a lot of people who don’t play as him. He still deserves the same amount of treatment as every other survivor.
And beside, I see Adam being used majority of the time. He’s not that underrated. Only times he’s underrated is when he get no cosmetics
I love Adam so much I got a custom artwork of him.
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No, she doesn’t.
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that is a really great artwork right there
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Adam Francis? You mean Diet Detective Tapp.
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Thanks, I hope that the mid patch includes more cosmetics for him because it’s getting annoying.
I know it’s just cosmetics but I personally get tired of looking at the same thing. There’s not much to mix and match like the other survivors.
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Male characters get slept on in almost every game, unfortunately.
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Shirtless Adam when plz?
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I don't play male characters because they're bulky/have bigger hitboxes. But if I did, Adam would be my main. I wish he had more cosmetics even though I don't even have him.
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Their hitboxes are the same as female characters.
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Oh and don't forget Yui's getting 4 more cosmetics. Her ugly sweater as well as her motocross outfit on the 25th.
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Adam, meanwhile, is getting nothing this month. Nor has he gotten anything new since his tourist/photographer outfit back in May.
Big sad for the Adam Mains.
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There is 0 similarities between them other than skin color
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The survivor that has come with freddy must hate you by now
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Disagree completely.
I don't think any of Adam's cosmetics are good. Jeff has a few good ones, in my opinion.
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Okay, both Jeff and Adam have one or two decent cosmetics. The problem I have with Jeff is the devs keep giving him the same type of cosmetics.
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That's true.
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His outfit with the camera actually kinda makes him look like Adam in Saw 1.
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Imagine how Quentin feels....
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eye candy? she looks anorexic lol.. seriously though her in game model looks nothing like her splash art imo, especially the nose