People still saying DS is countered by not tunneling



  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2019

    Here's an example of it punishing me for playing, and not because I was tunneling.

    Playing the Huntress I opened a locker to refill my hatchets, however Instead of getting hatchets I pull out the Ace that was unhooked a little bit ago. I get DS and still have no hatchets. Cool.

  • JohnLebedeiv
    JohnLebedeiv Member Posts: 41

    Here is a suggestion, how about the decisive strike resets or the timer goes down faster if they go into a gen? I mean come on, if you got unhooked and you go on a gen, thats your fault for not running away to heal, and that won't be tunneling.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Yes and against good groups, you will lose for leaving them. Potato survivors aren’t going to make use of a god tier perk.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    As long as someone in your team had it, or anyone is an obsessions than you don’t need it. The killer will be scared anyways

  • DeDoeH
    DeDoeH Member Posts: 26
    edited December 2019

    Here is the thing with DS:

    It technically is an anti tunneling perk

    But even in games in which you are not tunneled, it is extremely powerful in a number of situations. Here are some examples:

    • it counters people being killed too fast
    • it enables misplayed saves in stupid situations
    • when the gates are up and DS is still active, it basically guarantess a free escape unless you get downed a mile away from the gate

    Even if you do not get actively tunneled, this perk is by far the best choice for one perkslot. Nothing is closely as good as this perk - especially when the whole team runs it. Even if I knew the killer would not tunnel, I would always take this perk.

    Here is one more interesting thing:

    Recently, many survivors started complaining about excessive slugging. This kind of playstyle is a direct reaction to the possiblity of people having DS. DS is a perk that single handedly changes how killers play the game. It is THAT good. (Yet the direction into which it forces the game is not particularly fun)

    Here is what I would do to fix it:

    • disable it once the gate is open (if the gate is open and you are still alive, you have obviously not been tunneled to death - an anti tunnel perk should not help you!
    • Limit it's usage to twice per match (even if 4 ppl run it). If more than two people DS, the killer has hooked/downed so many different people that we can't talk about tunneling anymore
    • if someone else is hooked before the person who was rescued from the hook is put into dying state, it cannot be used
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    I have a theory that eating the DS can be the optimal play vs slugging, especially early. What DS actually does is function as 120 seconds of immunity if you avoid it two times and don't slug. If you slug, you maybe reduce that time by 20 seconds and pull someone off a gen if they don't have Unbreakable. If you eat the DS, you've lopped off a full minute of their immunity later in the trial and they're typically much more hesitant to do a gen in your face for an Adrenaline proc at the end if they're on death hook with no DS. I'm not advocating tunneling, because eating a DS is still suboptimal overall, but most experienced killers know how survivors use DS. You often have to eat it or not get anyone at all. I've had better luck lately just taking the obvious DS baits so I don't have to deal with invincible survivors later.

  • OGBatDad69
    OGBatDad69 Member Posts: 32

    Wow! Ds is litterly only active 60 sec after being hooked. Just leave them for 1 minute but you killer mains just cant do it. Im the reason yall hate im toxic with it for hours and hours daily. I hope I see you in the fog!

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Slugging a good Survivor won't do anything to me... trust. It actually wastes their time healing them while I chase another Survivor doing gens.

    Regardless, Post-nerf is a lot easier to face... there is no way you can say it isn't. And all those other points as well... (the ones above that you didn't pay mind to...)

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Survivors don’t have to waste time. The slug recovers, gets tapped and then is up- minimal time lost. Your other points are also false. There have been countless instances where I have run into another survivor who was recently hooked and not whom I “tunneled”.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    I know people hate BT but that is an anti tunnel perk, DS is just pure immunity. The game would be better off without this perk even existing. As a player who plays both sides, it's actually ridiculous the things you can get away with as survivor with DS (jumping in a locker is basically eat my ds or go elsewhere, endgame ds is just a free escape) and the amount of extra effort killers have to put forth to deal with it. The speed that gens go, 12 survivor hook states, and then having to worry that you can't even pick someone up if they've been unhooked recently, BHVR REALLY expects a lot from killers.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited December 2019

    So you downed the unhooker in under 60 seconds and than magically found and downed the previously hooked Survivor... and than picked them up for some reason.


    And yes they can recover by themselves... they still have to get off their gen and get them though, I.E. wasting time doing so.

    Also please explain how my other points are false before automatically denying them :) I'd love to know how they're wrong...

  • Demian
    Demian Member Posts: 89
    edited December 2019

    I think DS should be made the following changes:

    • Disable with catch
    • Changing stun-time from 5s to 4s or Rollbacking Enduring
  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    I already did. You said you never get hit by it, I say you either don’t play enough or you get potatos.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited December 2019

    Not that, the other things I mentioned... here's a quote.

    "If I humored it had counter-play than it was still worse than post-nerf DS. Post-nerf isn't seen more than pre-nerf, post-nerf barely works outside of being tunneled or hiding in a locker, post-nerf doesn't activate everywhere and anywhere you're downed outside of being unhooked previously AND being tunneled, post-nerf can easily be circumvented by the exact thing some people hate hearing "don't tunnel."

    People say that because it's true... if you don't tunnel a Survivor with DS than you'll barely EVER be hit by it. Before, you'd be hit by it anywhere and everywhere... it was seen more often AND was the most used perk for any Survivor in-game... you'd never see anyone not use it outside of their build UNLESS they wanted to change things up..."

    You still didn't mention anything from that, unless I missed something. Also, explain how you can down 1 Survivor who unhooked the other previously unhooked Survivor in under 60 seconds... and than go after the unhooked Survivor (somehow finding them) while also downing AND for some reason pick them up? If that's the scenario i'm thinking of than it sounds like you want to be hit by it or something...

    Also, I don't get potato Survivors every match, I do this to Red Rank SWFs/Coordinated teams and it still wastes their time to go and pick up that Survivor who was slugged.

    Also also, my playtime is 1,449 hours and I'm always at Red Ranks in every season i'm active in... I've never not been in Rank 1 when I was in a season I've been active in. None of that matters though, because you don't need this many hours and these ranks to know what i'm talking about.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Then that's the issue that I told... Sometimes it's better get hit in the early game so you don't have to deal with those issues when there are two survivors left. Also... I am missing your point so excuse me if I can answer this properly

    If someone unhook himself/herself with deliverance they become broken.

    BT only works for the user that is saved from the hook so I don't really see the issue with it. If they unhook on your face that means they are closer to you so when you are going away from the hooked, simply go moonwalking then you will see if another survivor comes, if another survivor has BT and unhook in your face, chase the unhooker, at the moment they will have 30 secs or less left, and you will say "And if I slug them, they will recover with unbreakable", it simple, extend the chase... or better slug them, unbreakable only works one time so if they use it, and if you're closer down them again, by that moment DS would go away. If the other survivors who has DS comes and heal the slugged then chase him but not going too far of the slugged survivor

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I mean I dont tunnel against red rank survivors get a 4k pretty often. I have been hit by DS maybe in the single digits since it's rework.

    Honestly only one person at a time should have DS active though.

    Infinite time 1 time use on each hook, but if the person is last survivor or another person is hooked or unhooked it should be turned off.