Playing nurse is miserable

Title says it all revert basekit changes. She never needed basekit nerf...........
I'm on PS4 and I very rarely get to play against a Nurse. Her and Demogogon are not very popular.
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whats more funny I play on pc and since the nerf I only went against 3-4 nurses
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BHVR stomped her to get the changes to swf on in a couple of years lmao.
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Nurse: The broken killer that should never have been introduced to DBD.
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Yeah she’s annoying to use now due to her power being worse but still difficult to use.
People who shrug off the nerf as justified need to get real, if the strongest survivor perk/meta got gutted there’d be a revolt.
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atleast shes FUN for surv mains like u guys now right?
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Did u read the post? im talking about basekit which was completely fine and didnt need any changes now she is addon dependent and addon dependent killers are not good
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so u are saying killers need to be addon dependent while survs can easily crush most of killers without items and perks if they have enough experience im done talking lol
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im really curious how much is your playtime?
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I wanna see said streamer 4 killing 45 times ina row at rank 1 perkless and addonless.
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Yeah, having pallets and windows ignored is tons of fun. Sorry survivors have an actual chance of escaping against her now.
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Breaking line of sight and not play like chickens was and still is the best way to counter Nurse.
Sorry survivors actually have to use their brain to lose a killer
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She's not fun anymore she's become a chore to play. If you blink too early you lose the chain blink because it was 99.99% not a 100%. If you dont blink or you miss the first hit the survivors can just hold "W" and outrun you.
Any good survivor can loop her eternally because you can see her blink now when it ends. Really a lot of the addons are more useless than before. She has multiple BP addons and addons that are legitimately just her teachables.
Shes a joke now. Not sure why people continue to complain anymore.
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I've played a few Nurse games and she still feels really strong.Sure, you can't spam blinks anymore. However, the blinks still behave the same way they did before in every other aspect.
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Lol k. Ignoring the plenty of situations it's impossible to lose line of sight is cool, I guess. Sorry that Nurse has a couple extra seconds of cool down and can't blink 5 times in a row. Totally nerfed in the ground!
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Fun thing I just realized:
The "argument" is always "She never needed it". Strong.
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Sorry, but you're clearly not good at the game, if you think pallets and windows are the only thing survivors got, especially against nurse.
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she is strong against mediocre survivors once u verse actual good players who know how to counter nurse u will know how miserable she is
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who were good at base nurse will understand that she didnt needed it and ur attitude tells u are not one of them
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What is this "Blink spam" so many are talking about? Nurse is slower than survivors, she NEEDS to blink to move around the map, or catch up to survivors in a chase.
Its like saying every other killer is using the W key too much, and we need to add a cooldown to it, so they can't spam it.
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Nah, I just wanted to mention it.
Like I said - really strong argumentation. /s
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Meanwhile, there is situatiosn where its physically impossible for the killer to get survivors, unless they are making a mistake and get greedy.
How dare we have a killer that can consistently counter that.
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Nurse is find, just need little bit more skill than before, get trained stop crying 😢
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You know what would be more fun? If she just got deleted. haha.
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why only delete her lol delete all killers and rename the game to gen simulator 2020
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Cause the other killers aren't broken.
You're not exactly a bastion of insight here are you.
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So because Nurse still is top-tier killer that justifies the basekit changes very much.
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I gotta agree, even before her nerf she wasn't exactly Fun to play, She was overly strong and got the job done but the slow speed and constant self stuns made me never want to play her. Adding a power gauge on blinks now ontop of that, I don't see myself playing nurse again.
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I play nurse and played against nurses a lot, before the patch too.
She's a strong killer and if you took the time to master her you shouldn't be able to get looped by simply running straight forward, if you don't got two specific addons. But that's what she is now. Incredibly stressful and all of the stress and effort of a chase was shifted from the survivor to the nurse.
With 3-4k hours you should already know, that the game is a 4v1. So the chase should be heavily in the killers favor. So yes, if she's seeing you, you should be basically down, if she's good enough.
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I'm gonna have to disagree here. Normal killer movement is restricted through walls, pallets and windows while the Nurse just blinks through all that. This difference is why the cooldown is needed. This isn't anything new either: the Nurse had the fatigue time from release. Without this feature, she would've been even more busted than she was anyway. However, this drawback wasn't enough which is why the rather recent nerf hit.
However, I think you're exaggerating. You can still catch up to survivors by only using your first blink. You can then use both blinks to make sure that you get the hit. Yes, missing that hit is punished pretty heavily and can be frustrating but that's just where skill comes into the equation.
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I agree with you, it's way more easy to be good with spirit at rank 1 than with Bubba or Trapper.
My problem with killers like Bubba and Billy is, that they can't do something against some loops. You can abandon the chase at this point or get rid of the loop, if you think you got the time. But the ironworks or coldwind windows are not that easy to get rid of, you need bamboozle for them, if you have to chase near them.
I think maps are the biggest problem at this point. Ormond is my favourite example. This map is filled with see-through, long pallet loops and it got a strong main building. I never made it above a blackpip against survivors, that make no mistake on this map, when i commited to chasing.
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Omegablink was OP
Base kit Nurse wasn't
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That's fair. I disagree with you, I think Base Kit Nurse was as good as pre-nerfed Spirit, so I don't think she was that much better than everyone else.
In my opinion, the new recharge mechanic gives Survivors too many options to escape her. She has to go through fatigue, look up, wait for her blinks to recharge, then go. She's lost map pressure, chase pressure, and such.
I will achknowledge she's still the best Killer in the game (Still think Spirit is better than Nurse) but now they just made it easy for Survivors to juke a Nurse, when prior it was up to how mechanically skilled the Nurse was, which was the determining factor of your demise.
Imo, it's obvious the devs don't play more than one side. There's too much counterplay to Nurse when prior there was already counterplay to base kit Nurse.
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Nurse got fixed with the last update. They fixed the rubberbanding and most of her non-connecting hits.
You can still play omega blinks and her new addons can counter a big part of her basekit nerfs (recharge time and fatigue) if these are too much for anyone to handle.
Her ultra rare addons are pretty bad tho, not gonna lie
So, is she weaker than pre-rework? Yes.
Is she still the strongest killer in the game? Yes.
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A lot of people are only thinking of skill from a Nurse point of view though, which is why the cooldown is flawed. Blinks have always been a game of prediction to a large degree at LOS breakers. It doesn't feel fun to be punished for coin flips. Keep in mind that her reappearance animation was changed as well, so survivors have almost a half second window to juke the lunge before the Nurse even comes out of her blink now. We now have a killer that telegraphs her landing spot to survivors and also suffers a power cooldown when the other player reacts accordingly. This would be like showing survivors where a Clown's bottle is going to land, and then telling a Clown to just get better at throwing the bottles if they didn't want to reload all the time.
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Because nurse is really hard on console compared to pc without getting bullied. Also not a lot of people have been buying dlcs on console i rarely see other killers past myers dlc occasionally a ghostface and a few onis when he came out but other than that nope
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Note on the new map: You can't blink through the stone heads in most directions at base range even at max charge. It's hilarious. The survivors were good sports about it at least and let the entity sacrifice them. Two of them stood in the stone heads while I tried to blink from multiple angles. Pretty wild. Have it on VOD.
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Losing Nurse during fatigue was easy and enough, they didn't need to add a SECOND penalty. She has like 4 ways of counterplay now
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Lol there already was a revolt for poorly balanced landing..yes people seem to be just ignorant as ever how the ones saying shes "fine" are people who never played her like ever XD Its always obvious due to how they talk about her..ignoring aspects of her character for the she "ignores" survivor defences..which she does not..she just interacts with them differently
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I prefer playing killer to survivor, the only killer I run add ons on consistently is Trapper since you're nerfing your number of traps without a bag. Otherwise I hate running add ons on anyone because they're one use only. Hoard and never use, that's the RPG player's way, and it's what I do. Nurse being so add on reliant now is just one of a few reasons I've dropped the character. Main reason being it's not fun to blink-wait-wait the whole game.
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agree. if she hits survivors when they are out of sight, that means survivors are predicted, meaning they are outplayed. But, they refuse to accept the fact they got outplayed by nurse just because she can blink through walls
I guess they think that her 3 blink ultra rare should be basekit.
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We please no that addon is so buggy it's a crime lol
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Or at the very least change the basekit nerf into something better. There are so many suggestions from players on this forum alone that are much better changes to lower her power while still making her fun to play. I don't want to say anything would be better than the changes we got but certainly there is so much more in the way of better changes they could've gone with than the one we got :(
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Utterly made up arguments by someone who is a bad survivor. Go on get a set group of 4 ppl, play optimal and you will see that literally no m1 killer is able to keep up with the pace of the game.
Same name in steam? Hope we meet sometime.
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Deliver the proof to it, couldnt care less about monto have no clue about his skill as he seems to play against mindless apes.
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She did, but at the same time the way they nerfed her was ridiculous.
The people who say shes fine are usually either bad nurses or people who had a hard time against Nurses in the first place.
She can do ok with a great Nurse player, but you can do Ok with a Legion as well. A great player wont stumble as much either.
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I find it funny you honestly think rank means skill.
Just how much do you play this game btw?
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Oh lul you thought i care about that you made it to rank 1 on both sides? I meant to 4k depip squad and the rest of your statement. But thanks for revealing your utter bias, you do not care about balance or anything. She isn't dead at all but not fun to play as that is why i talk about it.
I find it very odd that there is no devotion at all no?
I did not mean for him to deliver proof about being r1 and do not see it the way at all that rank = skill, i've stated that multiple times in the forums.
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I was showing @GrootDude the devotion and laughing. Even on spare accounts usually people have some additional devotion. Since it has his name I'll assume it's his main.
Alright I just wanted to make sure honestly. A lot of people seem to think rank matters and I cant help, but wonder how new they are to the game.