What killer perks would you say are useless?

BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

Like I don't think any perks are useless, (to an extant) because perks are really just there to help you create a play style. Some I read over and think, okay yeah some of these are pointless, but still.

I don't main killer (yet) but I'd think hex lullaby, stridor and hex thrill of the hunt are not so helpful.
But what do you all say?

Best Answers



  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Lullaby is great for certain builds. Surprisingly effective on freddy as people want to fail skill checks, since they are gonna fail it anyway why not take an extra 6% regression along with it? 
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Stridor, buff the numbers by 25% to injured and healthy and it'd be decent. 
  • mint
    mint Member Posts: 35

    surveillance, territorial imperative, overwhelming presence, predator,...

  • AnIntellectualClone
    AnIntellectualClone Member Posts: 118
    edited July 2018

    @mint said:
    surveillance, territorial imperative, overwhelming presence, predator,...

    I disagree with Monitor and Abuse being an useless perk. Doctor really wouldn´t use it and Myers doesnt need it, but other killers can find a reduced terror radius helpful, at times.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Obviously you've not faced a super stealth Doctor lol. Stack those two add-ons that reduce terror radius in Punishment mode and toss an M&A on for good measure. Scares the CRAP out of people to have a Doctor like that.

    As for Myers, M&A removes that 8 meter TR in Tier 1, so you have none in Scratched Mirror build. Plus Dead Rabbit with M&A gives T2 a similar TR.

    But for WORTHLESS Perks, Surveillance is certainly the worst currently. That and Thanatophobia. I mean YES it slows, but the extent of that slow really doesn't make it worthwhile. Let us also not forget Spies From the Shadows. A perk used so little that even top tier streamers aren't even aware during their random perk builds that they've received a Spies alert lol.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @AnIntellectualClone said:

    @mint said:
    surveillance, territorial imperative, overwhelming presence, predator,...

    I disagree with Monitor and Abuse being an useless perk. Doctor really wouldn´t use it and Myers doesnt need it, but other killers can find a reduced terror radius helpful, at times.

    Where in that quote did they say Monitor & Abuse?
    Also the perk on Myers gives him 0m terror radius in tier 1 and reduces his tier 2 radius to 16m. Its great.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Other than the ones mentioned, I would add Beast of Prey, Dying Light and Monstrous Shrine

    Some would probably say Fire Up, however I feel its not useless, just underpowered. Some would also say Hangman's Trick, but it is just extremely situational, not useless.
  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    This might be an unpopular opinion but I think unnerving presence is the worst. Don't get me wrong it might work well to a degree with the doctor but on the rest of the killers it actually helps survivors. By making skill checks appear more often you are effectively giving really good survivors more great skill checks which boosts progression. It might work on lower ranked players and as i said doctor but otherwise its one of the few killer perks that helps survivors.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited July 2018
    Mounstrous Shrine, Fire Up, Surveillance, Play with your Food.
  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    @Zarathos hell even on HIM it's been weak lately. Four matches in a row as Doctor with Unnerving active. I down an Obsession and they are T3 insanity. Every god damn one of the lands the d-strike skill check.
  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited July 2018

    @Khroalthemadbomber said:
    @Zarathos hell even on HIM it's been weak lately. Four matches in a row as Doctor with Unnerving active. I down an Obsession and they are T3 insanity. Every god damn one of the lands the d-strike skill check.

    Ya survivors don't tend to miss D-strike since they know its coming. Also does doc mess with positioning of D-strike skill check?

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Yeah. Moves it around like any other skill check.
    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Chi said:
    Surveillance and Thanataphobia are the only ones I can think of.

    There ain't no way Thanataphobia is useless, not with how many killers run it in there builds.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Stridor, buff the numbers by 25% to injured and healthy and it'd be decent. 

    i use Stridor now but i agree it needs a buff.... it barely compensates for the background sounds....

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    edited July 2018
    BLUE_APE said:

    There ain't no way Thanataphobia is useless, not with how many killers run it in there builds.

    Yes Killers use it a lot but it's mostly a psychological debuff more than a physical one. I've used it in the past but RARELY were there circumstances where I could get it to full effect. Generally the moment I injure one, all other i injured people are healed. In short your only usually increasing their repair/heal times by the smallest amount.
    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    You could write a book on the number of useless Killer perks. INB4 a guy pops in "No! There's this one gimmick build that works with this one Killer so it's not worthless!" Then he uses an extremely dated meme and thinks he won the argument.

    Beast of Prey: complete garbage.

    Blood Warden: too situational and countered by an SWF squad.

    Fire Up: complete garbage.

    Distressing: complete garbage except on Doctor.

    Deer Stalker: pointless because there's other better tracking perks.

    Dying Light: not terrible but too situational. Only works on Freddy if you use the Black Box add-on.

    Iron Grasp: complete garbage.

    Devour Hope: complete garbage.

    Third Seal: complete garbage.

    Huntress Lullaby: complete garbage

    Knock Out: hard countered by SWF.

    Make Your Choice: pointless except on Hag and Nurse.

    Unrelenting: complete garbage.

    Monstrous Shrine: complete garbage.

    Overcharge: complete garbage.

    Overwhelming Presence: complete garbage

    Spies from the Shadows: complete garbage.

    Surveillance: complete garbage.

    Thanatophobia: complete garbage.

    Some people defend Thana but honestly you have to couple it with other perks that slow them down like Dying Light or Coulrophobia or Unnerving Presence. Which takes up at least 2 slots. And that's two less slots that can help you with the most important part of the game: the chase.

    I don't agree with some of these

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    So, Deerstalker is garbage but Dying Light is just  "not terrible". K.
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907

    You could write a book on the number of useless Killer perks. INB4 a guy pops in "No! There's this one gimmick build that works with this one Killer so it's not worthless!" Then he uses an extremely dated meme and thinks he won the argument.

    Beast of Prey: complete garbage.

    Blood Warden: too situational and countered by an SWF squad.

    Fire Up: complete garbage.

    Distressing: complete garbage except on Doctor.

    Deer Stalker: pointless because there's other better tracking perks.

    Dying Light: not terrible but too situational. Only works on Freddy if you use the Black Box add-on.

    Iron Grasp: complete garbage.

    Devour Hope: complete garbage.

    Third Seal: complete garbage.

    Huntress Lullaby: complete garbage

    Knock Out: hard countered by SWF.

    Make Your Choice: pointless except on Hag and Nurse.

    Unrelenting: complete garbage.

    Monstrous Shrine: complete garbage.

    Overcharge: complete garbage.

    Overwhelming Presence: complete garbage

    Spies from the Shadows: complete garbage.

    Surveillance: complete garbage.

    Thanatophobia: complete garbage.

    Some people defend Thana but honestly you have to couple it with other perks that slow them down like Dying Light or Coulrophobia or Unnerving Presence. Which takes up at least 2 slots. And that's two less slots that can help you with the most important part of the game: the chase.

    I do not agree with Fire Up, Deerstalker, Iron Grasp, Devour Hope, Lullaby, and Thanatophobia. The ONLY perks that are “utter garbage” is Beast of Prey, Unrelenting, Monstrous Shrine, Spies, and Surveillance. 

    Fire Up is not that great except on Myers.

    Deerstalker can find that one last survivor if you start slugging

    Iron Grasp is used for a lot of basement builds and can be the difference between a survivor being hooked or them wiggling free

    Devour Hope is garbage how? It is an insta-down at three stacks and a mori at five. If it isn’t broken, it’s great

    Lullaby has it’s purpose and can psych out survivors easily

    Thanatophobia is used by A LOT of killers and has a purpose.

    Not every killer has to use the same perks to be successful (BBQ, Ruin, A Nurses Calling)
  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    My idea is an Electronic starter add-on. The saw is would LITERALLY instantly start. But a huge cool down when using it.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,613

    Beast of Prey
    Fire Up
    Iron Grasp
    Knock Out (Thanks, SWF.)
    Monstrous Shrine
    Overwhelming Presence (Just don't use the Item in their presence. Countered.)
    Predator (NEVER had problems following Survivors, the only thing that ever fooled me was the random appearances of scratchmarks with no one nearby.)
    Sloppy Butcher
    Unrelenting (Just don't miss, bruh.)

    On a side note, Territorial Imperative is usually underestimated, ESPECIALLY on Hillbilly.
    Once you get someone on the basement hook, you can't lose due to Survivor altruism.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Boss said:
    Beast of Prey
    Fire Up
    Iron Grasp
    Knock Out (Thanks, SWF.)
    Monstrous Shrine
    Overwhelming Presence (Just don't use the Item in their presence. Countered.)
    Predator (NEVER had problems following Survivors, the only thing that ever fooled me was the random appearances of scratchmarks with no one nearby.)
    Sloppy Butcher
    Unrelenting (Just don't miss, bruh.)

    On a side note, Territorial Imperative is usually underestimated, ESPECIALLY on Hillbilly.
    Once you get someone on the basement hook, you can't lose due to Survivor altruism.

    I have to disagree with IG,Overwhelming, Sloopy ,Shadowborn and Fire up( in certain builds. Sorry.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Monstrous Shrine, Surveillance, Unrelenting, Beast of Prey, Overwhelming Presence, and Spies from the Shadows are probably the worst and most useless perks for killers. None of them add anything of value. If I had to pick one though it would be Unrelenting. It's just a waste because it's there for people that miss a lot, and even then it doesn't help that much.

    BoP could be better if it triggered at the start of a chase or maybe when you hit someone. Having it trigger on bloodlust though makes it worthless.

    Thanatophobia is actually a lot better than people give it credit for. Use it with Sloppy Butcher and Coulrophobia to really REALLY slow down heals. Plus it has a psychological effect on survivors, when they see that icon it makes them act more altruistic. I just wish they would adjust the numbers so that each survivors adds 5%. Right now, the first survivor adds 6% but then every one after adds 3%, meaning that in order to double the effect you need to injure 3 people. It should just be a flat increase, and while 5% for 1 injured is weaker than before, everything above that would be significantly better. Injuring 2 would be stronger than injuring 2 before, and injuring 3 is like injuring 4 before.

    Stridor is pretty good too, the only problem I have with it is that it's still too quiet. Pump the numbers a bit and it would be excellent.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Around 60-70% of killer perks at the moment, unless you consider "super situational" and "fun and casual perks" to be viable.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Chi said:
    Surveillance and Thanataphobia are the only ones I can think of.

    There ain't no way Thanataphobia is useless, not with how many killers run it in there builds.

    Just because people use it, doesn't mean it isn't trash. :p

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Chi said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Chi said:
    Surveillance and Thanataphobia are the only ones I can think of.

    There ain't no way Thanataphobia is useless, not with how many killers run it in there builds.

    Just because people use it, doesn't mean it isn't trash. :p

    ...You know your right, it probably is.

  • AnIntellectualClone
    AnIntellectualClone Member Posts: 118

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @AnIntellectualClone said:

    @mint said:
    surveillance, territorial imperative, overwhelming presence, predator,...

    I disagree with Monitor and Abuse being an useless perk. Doctor really wouldn´t use it and Myers doesnt need it, but other killers can find a reduced terror radius helpful, at times.

    Where in that quote did they say Monitor & Abuse?
    Also the perk on Myers gives him 0m terror radius in tier 1 and reduces his tier 2 radius to 16m. Its great.

    Am I going mad? I cant really say.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited August 2018

    Deerstalker - It's a pointless and useless version of BBQ & Chili.
    Beast of Prey - lol
    Stridor - Never worked for me.
    Shadowborn - Minuscule bonus for wasting an entire perk slot.
    Lightborn - Unnecessary, and outclassed by Franklin's Demise for countering flashlights.
    Monstrous Shrine - Tiny bonus, conditional, and it's just a bad camping perk.
    Insidious - Only for obvious chainsaw basement camping.
    Overwhelming Presence - Pointless; items aren't strong enough to counter by proxy; too limited by TR
    Pop Goes The Weasel - Outclassed by Overcharge 3 in every way.
    Iron Grasp - Outclassed by Agitation 3 in every way.
    Bamboozle - Incredibly niche due to map designs and RNG. Rarely actually useful to anyone but Myers.
    Territorial Imperative - More camping garbage; the basement is already pretty fatal to be hooked in.
    Hangman's Trick - Sabotage isn't common/powerful enough to justify this. Ever.
    Predator - Arguably tied for worst tracking perk.
    Spies From The Shadows - Rank 3 isn't even 100% chance. lolwhy This should be a baseline mechanic.
    Surveillance - Bad, even for 3-Gen. You don't even get an actual notification if it's worked on again.
    Thanatophobia - Too low of an impact. Utterly eclipsed by all other time-wasting perks.

    I'd also argue Knockout, Third Seal, and Whispers are pretty bad, but they can actually work to great effect in some situations.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    All the Hex perks with the small exception of Ruin if it's not destroyed in the first 15 seconds of the map due to crap spawns.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @MegMain98 said:
    Hillbilly420 said:

    You could write a book on the number of useless Killer perks. INB4 a guy pops in "No! There's this one gimmick build that works with this one Killer so it's not worthless!" Then he uses an extremely dated meme and thinks he won the argument.

    Beast of Prey: complete garbage.

    Blood Warden: too situational and countered by an SWF squad.

    Fire Up: complete garbage.

    Distressing: complete garbage except on Doctor.

    Deer Stalker: pointless because there's other better tracking perks.

    Dying Light: not terrible but too situational. Only works on Freddy if you use the Black Box add-on.

    Iron Grasp: complete garbage.

    Devour Hope: complete garbage.

    Third Seal: complete garbage.

    Huntress Lullaby: complete garbage

    Knock Out: hard countered by SWF.

    Make Your Choice: pointless except on Hag and Nurse.

    Unrelenting: complete garbage.

    Monstrous Shrine: complete garbage.

    Overcharge: complete garbage.

    Overwhelming Presence: complete garbage

    Spies from the Shadows: complete garbage.

    Surveillance: complete garbage.

    Thanatophobia: complete garbage.

    Some people defend Thana but honestly you have to couple it with other perks that slow them down like Dying Light or Coulrophobia or Unnerving Presence. Which takes up at least 2 slots. And that's two less slots that can help you with the most important part of the game: the chase.

    I do not agree with Fire Up, Deerstalker, Iron Grasp, Devour Hope, Lullaby, and Thanatophobia. The ONLY perks that are “utter garbage” is Beast of Prey, Unrelenting, Monstrous Shrine, Spies, and Surveillance. 

    Fire Up is not that great except on Myers.

    Deerstalker can find that one last survivor if you start slugging

    Iron Grasp is used for a lot of basement builds and can be the difference between a survivor being hooked or them wiggling free

    Devour Hope is garbage how? It is an insta-down at three stacks and a mori at five. If it isn’t broken, it’s great

    Lullaby has it’s purpose and can psych out survivors easily

    Thanatophobia is used by A LOT of killers and has a purpose.

    Not every killer has to use the same perks to be successful (BBQ, Ruin, A Nurses Calling)

    Care to explain why you think Fire Up is useful on Myers? It´s a 0.2 second bonus with full stacks. That´s a blink of an eye.

    Devour Hope is only great if it doesn´t get cleansed. Every killer would stop camping and use this perk, IF it wasn´t a Hex perk. I consider all Hex perks trash. Since they are not "high risk, high reward" how they should be.

    Thanatophobia gives 10-15 seconds extra time if you manage to injure everyone. To really make a difference, it´s bonus should be somewhere between 50 and 75%.
    The reason killers use it, is the same they are using Ruin. Even if they only get 30 seconds of more game time, it´s worth it, since the game only lasts 4 minutes.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907
    Tsulan said:

    @MegMain98 said:
    Hillbilly420 said:

    You could write a book on the number of useless Killer perks. INB4 a guy pops in "No! There's this one gimmick build that works with this one Killer so it's not worthless!" Then he uses an extremely dated meme and thinks he won the argument.

    Beast of Prey: complete garbage.

    Blood Warden: too situational and countered by an SWF squad.

    Fire Up: complete garbage.

    Distressing: complete garbage except on Doctor.

    Deer Stalker: pointless because there's other better tracking perks.

    Dying Light: not terrible but too situational. Only works on Freddy if you use the Black Box add-on.

    Iron Grasp: complete garbage.

    Devour Hope: complete garbage.

    Third Seal: complete garbage.

    Huntress Lullaby: complete garbage

    Knock Out: hard countered by SWF.

    Make Your Choice: pointless except on Hag and Nurse.

    Unrelenting: complete garbage.

    Monstrous Shrine: complete garbage.

    Overcharge: complete garbage.

    Overwhelming Presence: complete garbage

    Spies from the Shadows: complete garbage.

    Surveillance: complete garbage.

    Thanatophobia: complete garbage.

    Some people defend Thana but honestly you have to couple it with other perks that slow them down like Dying Light or Coulrophobia or Unnerving Presence. Which takes up at least 2 slots. And that's two less slots that can help you with the most important part of the game: the chase.

    I do not agree with Fire Up, Deerstalker, Iron Grasp, Devour Hope, Lullaby, and Thanatophobia. The ONLY perks that are “utter garbage” is Beast of Prey, Unrelenting, Monstrous Shrine, Spies, and Surveillance. 

    Fire Up is not that great except on Myers.

    Deerstalker can find that one last survivor if you start slugging

    Iron Grasp is used for a lot of basement builds and can be the difference between a survivor being hooked or them wiggling free

    Devour Hope is garbage how? It is an insta-down at three stacks and a mori at five. If it isn’t broken, it’s great

    Lullaby has it’s purpose and can psych out survivors easily

    Thanatophobia is used by A LOT of killers and has a purpose.

    Not every killer has to use the same perks to be successful (BBQ, Ruin, A Nurses Calling)

    Care to explain why you think Fire Up is useful on Myers? It´s a 0.2 second bonus with full stacks. That´s a blink of an eye.

    Devour Hope is only great if it doesn´t get cleansed. Every killer would stop camping and use this perk, IF it wasn´t a Hex perk. I consider all Hex perks trash. Since they are not "high risk, high reward" how they should be.

    Thanatophobia gives 10-15 seconds extra time if you manage to injure everyone. To really make a difference, it´s bonus should be somewhere between 50 and 75%.
    The reason killers use it, is the same they are using Ruin. Even if they only get 30 seconds of more game time, it´s worth it, since the game only lasts 4 minutes.

    You ever seen Monto’s Vault Master Myers videos? That should explain enough on why it can be useful.

    If all the hex totems are trash then explain why 85% of the killers use Ruin? It slows down the game and especially if you have Devour Hope the survivors will flock over to the totem and not do the gens because they are too preoccupied by worrying about the totem. Just because the totem can be cleanse doesn’t mean you can’t get value out of it before it is cleansed that is IF it even gets cleansed. You answered your own question “Even if they only get 30 seconds of game time, it’s worth it.” You can still get a mori out of a Devour Hope and possibly more.

    I don’t know what kind of gen rushing games everybody is playing but on PS4 the majority of the games I play last a solid 8-12 minutes on average. These “3-4 minutes matches” are not an average time.
  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    Spies. Who runs that these days?> @thesuicidefox said:

    Monstrous Shrine, Surveillance, Unrelenting, Beast of Prey, Overwhelming Presence, and Spies from the Shadows are probably the worst and most useless perks for killers. None of them add anything of value. If I had to pick one though it would be Unrelenting. It's just a waste because it's there for people that miss a lot, and even then it doesn't help that much.

    BoP could be better if it triggered at the start of a chase or maybe when you hit someone. Having it trigger on bloodlust though makes it worthless.

    Thanatophobia is actually a lot better than people give it credit for. Use it with Sloppy Butcher and Coulrophobia to really REALLY slow down heals. Plus it has a psychological effect on survivors, when they see that icon it makes them act more altruistic. I just wish they would adjust the numbers so that each survivors adds 5%. Right now, the first survivor adds 6% but then every one after adds 3%, meaning that in order to double the effect you need to injure 3 people. It should just be a flat increase, and while 5% for 1 injured is weaker than before, everything above that would be significantly better. Injuring 2 would be stronger than injuring 2 before, and injuring 3 is like injuring 4 before.

    Stridor is pretty good too, the only problem I have with it is that it's still too quiet. Pump the numbers a bit and it would be excellent.

    Thana also goes away when they die.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         I don’t think any perks are useless actually; Sorry to add this unfitting comment but, if we think about it. Every perk has their own place (small or large). Some perks are more applicable in more frequent cases, but by any means I don’t think any perks are not worth being available.
    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @TheTimeMachine said:
         I don’t think any perks are useless actually; Sorry to add this unfitting comment but, if we think about it. Every perk has their own place (small or large). Some perks are more applicable in more frequent cases, but by any means I don’t think any perks are not worth being available.

    Hey you feel the same way i do, Your comment isn't unfitting, I'm glad you brought it up, I wanted to say something like this but I wasn't sure how. So thanks

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164
    edited August 2018

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Stridor, buff the numbers by 25% to injured and healthy and it'd be decent. 

    It wouldn't fit the perk's lore, but I think Stridor should also add meters you hearing gens and gens-being-worked-on. Basically the counter to technician.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    To me, the worst are Beast of Prey, Unrelenting, Surveillance, Spies, and Hangman's Trick. I know the answer of Unrelenting is "Just don't miss", but the actual perk just shaves off so little that it's useless. It actually saddens me every time I see it on a killer.

    I really hope Thanatophobia gets buffed in the next Mid-chapter patch. It could be the alternative to Ruin. It could be good, but the perk has lots of disadvantages. 1) Even if you have 4 survivors injured, it adds what, 8-122 seconds to something? Ohnoes. 2) It's hard to have that many survivors injured. But the biggest is that 3) The perk gets WEAKER as survivors die. It should make things harder, not easier.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Stridor, buff the numbers by 25% to injured and healthy and it'd be decent. 

    It wouldn't fit the perk's lore, but I think Stridor should also add meters you hearing gens and gens-being-worked-on. Basically the counter to technician.

    The lore is loud breathing, not sure how making breathing louder breaks lore. Stridor is sounds originating from the larynx or windpipe. Wouldn't make sense for gens since stridor is biological.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Any perk that the Survivors can ignore and/or destroy is useless, because they either don't have a strong enough effect to matter, or it's up to the Survivors whether or not the Killer even has that perk.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited August 2018

    None of them are actually useless, we just have perks that are more useful in more situations.

    Many of the so-called "useless" perks are actually good to use if you are going for a specific build. Not everybody is into that though.

    A LOT of them could be made better though. Beast of Prey and Surveillance come to mind.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Hodderfodder said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:

    Stridor, buff the numbers by 25% to injured and healthy and it'd be decent. 

    It wouldn't fit the perk's lore, but I think Stridor should also add meters you hearing gens and gens-being-worked-on. Basically the counter to technician.

    The lore is loud breathing, not sure how making breathing louder breaks lore. Stridor is sounds originating from the larynx or windpipe. Wouldn't make sense for gens since stridor is biological.

    I was saying that my suggestion---increasing gen noise--wouldn't fit the lore. I was quoting you just because you brought up Stridor details.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Hodderfodder said:

    @Dabrownman1812 said:

    Stridor, buff the numbers by 25% to injured and healthy and it'd be decent. 

    It wouldn't fit the perk's lore, but I think Stridor should also add meters you hearing gens and gens-being-worked-on. Basically the counter to technician.

    The lore is loud breathing, not sure how making breathing louder breaks lore. Stridor is sounds originating from the larynx or windpipe. Wouldn't make sense for gens since stridor is biological.

    I was saying that my suggestion---increasing gen noise--wouldn't fit the lore. I was quoting you just because you brought up Stridor details.

    My bad yo, was at work so probably read it wrong
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907
    Orion said:

    Any perk that the Survivors can ignore and/or destroy is useless, because they either don't have a strong enough effect to matter, or it's up to the Survivors whether or not the Killer even has that perk.

    How is it useless if you still get use out of it? If a killer manages to kill two survivors before their Ruin is broken and there are 4 generator left, was the perk really useless? Or if you get two moris out of a Devour Hope? Trapper and Hag can also place traps to guard the totem. It can be countered by disarming and flashlights, but it doesn't mean you don’t get some use out of it
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @MegMain98 said:
    How is it useless if you still get use out of it? If a killer manages to kill two survivors before their Ruin is broken and there are 4 generator left, was the perk really useless? Or if you get two moris out of a Devour Hope? Trapper and Hag can also place traps to guard the totem. It can be countered by disarming and flashlights, but it doesn't mean you don’t get some use out of it

    Ruin doesn't need to be broken, it can be ignored. That's what makes it useless; it's a perk that Survivors don't need to play around.
    As for Devour Hope, you might as well use an Ebony Memento Mori. Can't be destroyed and starts working sooner. If you manage to get two kills out of Devour Hope, it's because the Survivors let you or were too lazy to destroy it. That's what makes it useless; all the power is in the Survivors' hands.

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Orion said:

    @MegMain98 said:
    How is it useless if you still get use out of it? If a killer manages to kill two survivors before their Ruin is broken and there are 4 generator left, was the perk really useless? Or if you get two moris out of a Devour Hope? Trapper and Hag can also place traps to guard the totem. It can be countered by disarming and flashlights, but it doesn't mean you don’t get some use out of it

    Ruin doesn't need to be broken, it can be ignored. That's what makes it useless; it's a perk that Survivors don't need to play around.
    As for Devour Hope, you might as well use an Ebony Memento Mori. Can't be destroyed and starts working sooner. If you manage to get two kills out of Devour Hope, it's because the Survivors let you or were too lazy to destroy it. That's what makes it useless; all the power is in the Survivors' hands.

    Since 2.1.0 i ignore ruin and power through it. I have seen too many games turn in the killers favor by survs who rush to get that hex. A well hidden hex could last the whole game and you may never find it. Ignore it and powering through worked better for me.

    Ruin sucks but the amount of time i have wasted trying to find that hex can be better spent on doign the gens in the first place. And if the killer is actively defending it the game can spiral out of control rather quickly when one or more are on hooks. Ill would be forced to make a decision to either save or deal with a situation where i wont even be able to activate the hatch if not enough gens are done.

  • Croquedead
    Croquedead Member Posts: 91
    Beast of Prey
    Monstrous shrine
    Fire Up
    Spies From The Shadows

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907
    Envees said:

    @Orion said:

    @MegMain98 said:
    How is it useless if you still get use out of it? If a killer manages to kill two survivors before their Ruin is broken and there are 4 generator left, was the perk really useless? Or if you get two moris out of a Devour Hope? Trapper and Hag can also place traps to guard the totem. It can be countered by disarming and flashlights, but it doesn't mean you don’t get some use out of it

    Ruin doesn't need to be broken, it can be ignored. That's what makes it useless; it's a perk that Survivors don't need to play around.
    As for Devour Hope, you might as well use an Ebony Memento Mori. Can't be destroyed and starts working sooner. If you manage to get two kills out of Devour Hope, it's because the Survivors let you or were too lazy to destroy it. That's what makes it useless; all the power is in the Survivors' hands.

    Since 2.1.0 i ignore ruin and power through it. I have seen too many games turn in the killers favor by survs who rush to get that hex. A well hidden hex could last the whole game and you may never find it. Ignore it and powering through worked better for me.

    Ruin sucks but the amount of time i have wasted trying to find that hex can be better spent on doign the gens in the first place. And if the killer is actively defending it the game can spiral out of control rather quickly when one or more are on hooks. Ill would be forced to make a decision to either save or deal with a situation where i wont even be able to activate the hatch if not enough gens are done.

    I’m not too great with the Hex skill checks so I’ll look for the totem but if I’m searching all over the place and can’t find it then I’ll power through it. That is when Leader becomes a very useful perk to have. If it is Ruin and the map is The Game...more then likely the whole team is dead. That map is really killer friendly.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Stake Out though, perfect counter for Ruin if you are bad at Greats.
  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    Most of killer perks are still crap and not to use at all.But the worst hmm.Mayby all hex perks?Waste of slot rly.Next well Surveillance ,spy of the shadows ,best of prey ,predator, iron grasp, monstreus shrine, shadowborn, stridor,fire up, Overwhelming Presence ,thanathofobia way to smal efect for make any difrence and much more don't want write all waste of time.