ONI Is Op And Needs A Buff!

Metamatmem Member Posts: 27

So ill give you a backround, iv'e only been playing DBD for about 6 months and have 500 Hours on the game. I'm Rank 3 almost 2. I was Rank 1 but had some few bad games. Oni In his rage mode is just so Op. He can quickly find survivors and easily 1 Hit them. Ive played about 80 hours in last 2 weeks. And I can say having played against him atleast 30 times I find that his power is way more Op than Hillbilly and Hillbilly is 1 of the best killers.

ONI Is Op And Needs A Buff! 18 votes

Yes He needs A Buff
SteenGooierTimtom24musstang62manzariMetamatmemanonymously3595ppo8820 7 votes
No He Is Fine I Have not Played Him against him enough to tell
PuggyMohawkTapeKnotad19970palletsryummyBrucecastro81TheGhostFaceMaindeadlymanKongtwenty12jinxykinzPoorlyPython9HazDaBoi 11 votes
