ONI Is Op And Needs A Buff!

So ill give you a backround, iv'e only been playing DBD for about 6 months and have 500 Hours on the game. I'm Rank 3 almost 2. I was Rank 1 but had some few bad games. Oni In his rage mode is just so Op. He can quickly find survivors and easily 1 Hit them. Ive played about 80 hours in last 2 weeks. And I can say having played against him atleast 30 times I find that his power is way more Op than Hillbilly and Hillbilly is 1 of the best killers.
ONI Is Op And Needs A Buff! 18 votes
Billy is stronger in early game, as long as the game progresses Oni becomes stronger. Still, getting the first two hits with a powerless killer is not so easy. Also you need to change the way you play against Oni, like avoiding free bt tank hits.
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oni is a baby billy like bubba.
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Yes He needs A Buff
Look I agree, If your a good survivor you can loop him and put him out of his rage. But not every survivor is good at looping. Infact I would say 40% of players cant loop to save there lives. But they can hide very well. But against ONI you cant really hide. He comes straight for players and then just 1 hits them even if those players were hiding. So hence why I say he is OP. Against A good looping player ONI is a baby but then again every killer is a baby against good loopers. But yeah even the average joe will struggle to loop or hide against ONI
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He needs a buff on Consoles. He is garbage on there... because he can't actually do that flick he can do on PC. He also is very loud and noticeable, so it's not like he has much going for him.
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He actually gets free blood with a BT hit, so I'm not sure you're correct about that. He gets almost half his power by hit someone who doesn't go down...
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Yeah, that's what I wrote.
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I read it like you avoid giving hits to BT. Not the way I wrote. My fault there. XP
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Dude you need to stop making polls are are sided to one opinion...
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Did you mean Nerf? Why would an op killer need a buff? Also Oni is great as he is and shouldn't get any major changes in the future whereas Bubba Pig Hag Trapper Legion Doctor etc all exist
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Billy is not one of the best killers :/
He is easily looped
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Yes He needs A Buff
Buff means make him stronger. I think you mean nerf