Is It Against The Rules to Link Profiles?

Is it against the rules to link profiles? Been playing this morning and there are these two dickheads who have been trying to get us killed twice now (hasn't worked). I don't think it's person i think they're just trolling. They attract attention and then after I finished a totem they sat behind me and I couldn't move away. Once one dies the other will dc. I checked their profiles and one has a ban on it. I reported them twice now. Does that really work?Just got done with the second game. It is the same people I know cause I checked their profiles but they keep switching their name in game. Do I contact support or just keep reporting? It's Sunday morning man lol. Seriously get a life.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    It is against forum rules to link to people's profiles here. We don't report people or "name-and-shame" on the forums, so you did the right thing by asking about it first.

    Reporting ingame does work. The devs do check every report they receive, it's just that sometimes things can take a while, mostly due to the amount of false reports that get filed that the team have to sift through.

    It sounds like your issue is one of Survivors working with the Killer to sabotage their teammates, which is definitely a bannable offence but not an easily provable one. Submitting a Support Ticket would definitely help if you have additional evidence to back up your ingame report, such as gameplay footage or screenshots of conversations with them admitting to cheating.

    You can find more information about reportable offences and how reporting works in this post about Game Rules and the Report System -

    Here is a post detailing the best way to gather additional evidence for a player report, which as I mentioned is usually necessary for an offence like griefing or working with the Killer -

  • Bunnie
    Bunnie Member Posts: 164

    I don't think they were working with the killer. I think they're just trolling honestly. The killers switch but ill definitely check if i run into them again. At first i didn't realize it. I just thought someone disconnected but they do the exact same thing and then once one dies they DC. And ty for the link ill look at that and check it out.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Griefing teammates through things like consistent sandbagging or making noise to draw the killer's attention is still reportable, I believe. In a sense it's still working with the killer, even if they're not personally in league with them. I would see what you can do about recording them ingame if you run into them again, and send in a report both at the end of the game and via a support ticket afterwards with the video evidence attached.