Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killer Perk Buff Ideas (4 Very Rare & Rare perks)

A Nurse's Calling

  • The auras of survivors that are healing or being healed have their aura revealed when they within a 20/26/32 meter range.
  • The auras of injured survivors are revealed when they are within a 12/16/20 meter range.

Hex: Ruin

  • At the start if the trial for 80s/100s/120s the perk will be protected, once the timer is up, if there is a dull totem remaining on the map, the Hex is applied to it.
  • Survivors repair speed is decreased by 9/12/15% and repair skill checks have a 30/40/50% chance of triggering.
  • Good skill checks result in a 5/6/7% regression on the generator.
  • Great skill checks result in a 0/0/-1% regression on the generator.


  • For each injured, dying, hooked or sacrificed survivor. All survivors receive a penalty of 4%/5%/6% up to a maximum of 16/20/24% to repair, healing, sabotage, cleanse, search & opening the exit gates speed.


  • Your lunge is slightly increased (0.2s)
  • The cool-down of missed attacks is reduced by 30/40/50%. The cool-down of successful attacks is reduced by 25/30/25%


  • Your vault speed is 15/20/25% faster
  • The window you vaulted is blocked by the entity for 12/16/20s


  • Your rate of recovery from stuns is increased by 40/45/50%
  • Pallet stuns: 1.2s / 1.1s / 1s
  • Decisive Strike: 3s / 2.75s / 2.5s
  • Head on: 1.8s / 1.65s / 1.5s

Sloppy Butcher

  • Mangled increases healing by 25%


  • When putting a survivor in the dying state with a basic attack causes all generators within a 30/40/50 meter radius to instantly explode and regress
  • Applies a regression penalty of 9/12/15%


  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    Why are you buffing Ruin and Nurse's calling?

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    Yep. Seems balanced to me.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Bold move, claiming ruin, nurse's, thana, bamboozle, and enduring are weak enoigh they should be buffed. I'm gonna need to see something to justify this stance

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  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Nurse's is fine right now.

    I think Ruin is only weakness is because it's a hex perk. Look at Huntress' Lullaby and tell me that deserves to be a Hex.

    Unrelenting needs something more.

    I don't know why Enduring was changed to not be affected by DS, it makes it only worth it with Spirit Fury. I would be fine with the change.

    Bamboozle's fine right now.

    Sloppy's fine right now.

    Thana's only weak because killing survivors makes the perk weaker.

    Surge absolutely needs a buff. The explosion does nothing and it only does 8% regression on activation.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,750

    Unrelenting USE to affect the cooldown of successful attacks but... then we had ppl combining it with STBFL for the machinegun build...

    Heres an old video showcasing what THAT was like.

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    The only perks here that need buffing here, are Thana and Unrelenting. The only really viable change for Thana, is making the perk affect dead survivors as well, but unrelenting is probably one of the worst perks in the game rn (right beside Monstrous Shrine). Unrelenting affecting successful attacks, would be problematic due to STBFL, I don’t think any survivor wants to go against a machine gun m1 killer. However, those buffs to ruin and nurses did give me a little giggle

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Ruin in its current state is good but bad at the same time, it slows the game down for people who can't hit great skill checks, the perk is inconsistent or heavily RNG based (skill checks have an 8% of occuring) and since it's a hex it usually goes down (quick in red ranks) (tip: most totem placements are by generators and pallets)

    Nurse's although is heavily situational, best used on stealth killers and killers with a small terror radius. I think it should have it's original aura reading range. (The whole being able to see the survivors while injured thing was an idea I got from playing wallhack wraith and pig)

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Hooking 1-2 other survivors then getting DS'd when clearly I wasn't "tunneling" and that juicy second chance with BT

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441
    edited December 2019

    I'll be happy to justify my stance :D

    Hex Ruin: is inconsistent and only works against people that can't hit greats or if it's a 3 o'clock skillcheck, here's a decent example of skill checks having an 8% chance of occuring

    Nurse's: it's a good perk in it's own right but a majority of the time high ranking survivors don't heal which makes it a waste of a perk slot and survivors tend to not heal in your terror radius. (nurses is only good for stealth and small terror radius killers, making it heavily situational)

    Thanatophobia: It had the potential to be a good perk on it's own with the -6% action speed per injured survivor but you either need Sloppy or DL just to make it a bit consistent

    Bamboozle: A dead perk in today's meta/current state if the game, rarely see people use it. (Not saying it's bad but just needs a little more number values)

    Enduring is good but weak on it's own. (the only buff it should receive is that the reduced stun should affect DS and HO)

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441


  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Nurse's is situational but only good on 2 specific types of killers, stealth and small terror radius. Otherwise a waste of a perk slot because no one will heal in the terror radius people would expect nurses if you go straight to them while they're healing

    Ruin being a Hex perk plays a role with it being good but bad, not to mention there's other key aspects that make the perk inconsistent: 80s to fully repair a gen, skill checks having an 8% chance of occuring & it only affect people that can't be hit greats.

    Bamboozle is fine but a dead perk in today's meta/current state of the game.

    Sloppy is fine but I belive it doesn't actually add the 4 seconds to healing but barely even noticeable.

    Thantophobia is weak not because killing survivors reduces the effectiveness of the perk but that you can't injured everyone quickly or keep them injured for a decent period of time unless you're the Legion or Plague, you need to combo the perk with either Sloppy or DL just so you can use the perk.

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441


  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    You trying to "bump" your thread isn't going to help your case. The buffs you demonstrated would make all these perks meta because of the number values you demonstrated. Most of the perks here are balanced and just because they're balanced, it doesn't mean they need to be overpowered like you evidently think they should be. Not trying to sound agressive, but these buffs are ridiculous.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,428

    Ruin is fine right now, doesn't need buffs.

    Nurse's is fine too, there was a reason to change it from 32 to 28 meters. And I don't think wallhacks is a good way to buff it.

    Thanatophobia just needs to count dead Survivors.

    Unrelenting needs some buffs, maybe that missed attack rate increased, like you said, increased lunge sounds good, but then 0.2 seconds is little bit too much.

    Bamboozle is fine, god tier on Legion.

    Enduring doesn't need buffs.

    Sloppy doesn't need buffs.

    Surge just needs bigger numbers, 16% regression and count any attack, not just m1s.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ruin is one of the strongest Killer perks in the game, since it's one of 2 perks that slows the game down at the very start of the game, which is when it is the most crucial to do so. It does not need buffs.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    He's joking right? RIGHT?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    • Your rate of recovery from stuns is increased by 40/45/50%
    • Pallet stuns: 1.2s / 1.1s / 1s
    • Decisive Strike: 3s / 2.75s / 2.5s
    • Head on: 1.8s / 1.65s / 1.5s

    Your numbers are wrong. A 50% recovery speed increase is:

    Pallet stuns: 1.34s

    DS: 3.34s

    Head on: 2s

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    First off these are idea's and "my opinion" (so take it with a grain of salt), i'm not saying that this should be implemented into the game. Although most of the perk values would be nice ex: Thantophobia, Enduring & Sloppy Butcher. You mention these would make these perks meta, I don't think so as most of these perks are situational and all based on a person's playstyle.

    It's not like survivors had their fair share of "overpowered meta perks" ahem Decisive Strike and Mettle of Man, these perks weren't "balanced" what so ever and took little skill to use. Yep it's super fun, fair & balanced when my hex totem goes down within 30-60 seconds of a match because simply it was spawned across the map and I wasn't able to properly defend it or a survivor spawned on it.

    One thing i'll agree with you is that these perks are balanced but underwhelming (except for nurse's)

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,750

    CURRENTLY dead survivors get an action speed reduction of -100% so...i dont know how much more thana can do to them.

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    lmfao I worded that terribly 😂, but u know what I meant

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Those are numbers with the 50%, new enduring. Here's the correct numbers with old Enduring at the max level 75%.

    Pallet stuns: 1.14s

    Decisive strike: 2.28s

    Head on:1.35-46

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Pls explain why it doesn't need buffs, my example is not to make the perk OP but better than its current state

  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Sorry for late reply but I am very aware of the old school machine gun build as it was 55% decreased successful attack cool-down and 50% decreased unsuccessful attack cooldown, it's the reason I didn't quit dbd. That and Nurse (these cool-down stats are according from the wiki but im pretty sure the number values were slightly altered in game)

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Current Enduring is a 50% time reduction. Not a 50% speed increase.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Your ideas for A Nurse's Calling and Ruin are way too much. Nurse's especially does not need to be touched. I think at most, something needs to be done about totems in general to make them just slightly less swingy.

    Thana I am unsure about.

    Unrelenting seems like it would bring back the machine gun build that ended up being removed in the first place.

    I could be wrong, but I worry Bamboozle would be too strong as something to just give every Killer. It basically makes everyone vault about as fast as Tier 3 Myers.

    Enduring was specifically changed so that all future stunning abilities don't have to be balanced around Enduring (either too strong without Enduring or trash with Enduring).

    Sloppy Butcher does not need to invalidate Mangled add-ons any more than it already does.

    Surge...I think is okay?

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 855

    Funny thread OP 👌

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited December 2019

    I only like the surge one.

    Most of the other ones are unnecessary and some of them are terrible.

    That enduring makes head on, an already situational and weak perk, completely useless. Also makes DS useless.

    Unrelenting combined with STBFL would be broken. We don't need that machine gun build again.

    Nurses, ruin, thanataphobia, bamboozle, sloppy are already fine.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    You'd be surprised by how many times I've seen survivors with nurse's because they continue to heal regardless.

    I think you're ignoring that the 8% chance is for EVERY SECOND. People could get 10 within that 80 seconds of gen time, and if they're not good with it, will extend it greatly. But as you point out, high ranks ignore this. I would rather skill checks become more difficult the higher rank you are, but that wouldn't help the deranking situation right now.

    Bamboozle can still be used well. It's especially effective on coldwind maps.

    Sloppy's only use is to stall time. Time is your most important ally as a killer. Either you are on the clock, or you force survivors to be.

    Thana is good on Legion and Plague. Sure. That is true. However, you can make it good on others too. Oni, for instance, works well with Thana because of getting blood orbs efficiently by hitting multiple people. And it is a weakness that dead people don't count toward the slowdown called Thanatophobia: The fear of Death. It just doesn't make sense to me.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    You will make new survivors who face ruin want to never play the game again. Actually, in general I wouldn't want to play as survivor at all with that buffed ruin being ran by everyone despite being able to hit greats pretty consistently.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    edited December 2019

    All of these seem awful balance-wise imo, surge may be good, but only if we added a cooldown to it, maybe 240/180/120 seconds.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    The decreased repair speed for ruin is a lot. I thought devs were putting a end to generator based perks.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    But you double buffed ruin. Not only did you make it safe for an amount of time you made great skill checks still reduce gen progression? Also nurse having callbacks if your injured..that's crazy. The pig and wraith ultra rare addons give the wall hack but they are only 16m.. and you have to use an ultra rare addon..