Supernaut Member Posts: 1,534


Sorry for double post, didn't realise Poll was a different option?

quick check in, how many people here have finished the first rift. Bonus question, how many days did it take you?

Me myself, I finished it in 35 days!


THE RIFT 51 votes

Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)
SupernautKenshinAshcchiAven_FallenFog_KingTimtom24TheRockstarKnightantgnsteaAhoyWolfoTechnicanonymous31337Venom368Nyaren_Chandeathy108bubbasbasementchest 15 votes
No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)
PuggyMohawkBossRattmanPigNRunFibijeanGamer00SpacingLlamasTapeKnotGcarraraarslaNCancan71SteenGooierElkHoodiedGrootDudeArashiNoHantaWalker_of_the_fog_96Bigbootiejudy666Boosted_Dwightrch614 36 votes


  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    18 levels left and 28 days, couldnt play at the launch but I think that its possible

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    I'm on tier 31 :l

    I would have gotten farther but life throws curve balls :P

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Somewhere around 55, I think...

  • ArashiNoHanta
    ArashiNoHanta Member Posts: 53
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    I'm on tier 59

    28 days remaining

  • ArashiNoHanta
    ArashiNoHanta Member Posts: 53
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    I feel you there buddy :<

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    9 levels left at 23 days remaining. I'm waiting on level 4 to finish it

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321
    Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)

    I think I was at rift level 64 once level 3 of the tomb got released. Then I hit level 70 that day by finishing a few of the level 3 challenges. I didn't buy any tiers, I just don't have a life.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,686
    Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)

    I got the Rift done before Tome Level 3 released.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Idk. Like lvl 7.

    I haven't been playing.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    edited December 2019
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Lvl 44

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    I am on level 60 atm. I played everyday, but not religiously.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    Lvl 49. Should have plenty of time to finish. ^_^

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    edited December 2019
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Day 42. 28 days until the end. I have 15 to 18 more tiers to accomplish my goal to achieve internal happiness that will last 5 minutes.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Still working on it. Currently tier 61, so 9 tiers left. May end up finishing it before level 4 is released. And if I dont I will complete it once I get back from my trip on the 28th (I leave the exact same day the new level is supposed to be released, sadness).

    I will still complete level 4 for the entries, BP and being a completionist.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)

    I honestly don't know when I finished it (I played a lot of memey SWF games over the weekend), but when I got on today to play a few games as Nurse I was at 70.

    I didn't buy any tiers.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243
    Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)

    I finished the rift a week before the release of the third level of the Tome.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)

    I've finished it a day after second level of Tome was released.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Tier 56, and I believe 28 days remaining. I haven't been playing much lately because I know I'm still on track to finish it, and I'm sure I'll get most of the remaining progress when Level 4 comes out so I don't have to force myself to play now if I don't feel like it.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Level 55, don't know current days rn as I haven't opened it in a bit

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Tier 65 I dunno how many days

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Tier 63 and idk how many days 30 something

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Tier 58 currently

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    I've been super bad, I'm only at like 30 or 32, I also have zero idea how long it'll take me to complete it.

  • Timtom24
    Timtom24 Member Posts: 230
    Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)

    i finished it before tome 3 was released

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192
    Yes, all done (please post what day you finished at)

    I got tier 70 like 1 or 2 hours before level 3 was released

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)

    Im in level 62 :(

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178
    No, still working (please post what level you are at and the days remaining)
