Possible solution to deal with SWF
I personally don't mind going up against a SWF once in a while. I'll most likely get ######### on, get few to no kills, depip and have an overall bad experience, but it'll help me become a better killer in the long run. If I can manage to do alright against a good SWF then I'll be that much better going up against a solo queue. The problem for me is going up against multiple SWF in a row, or in one session. One can only get ######### on so much before losing their mind and get frustrated. So to prevent the frustration DEV's should make it known that you're in a SWF lobby. And to prevent lobby dodging offer ultra rare cosmetics only obtainable after X SWF matches. Or make it so after completing X SWF matches you'll be excluded from matchmaking with SWF lobbies for 24 hours. Just offer something as incentive for dealing with SWF.
SWF isn’t a bad experience if you don’t let it.
Play different killers, and learn which one you like so u can kill.
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I think its not a bad idea to make some incentives for dealing with swf. But I dont think the ability to see who is swf is good. You also never now if its a 2, 3 or 4 man swf or if they are on coms. Tbh you dont even know if they are good. There are many swf playing like newbies. I got destroyed by some solos which were cancer compared to some coordinated swfs.
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That doesn't sound right. Every killer should be able to achieve 4k under 3 minutes.
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Facecamping Leatherface isn't a bad experience if you don't let it.
Play different perks, and learn which one you like so you can escape.
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I don't think this is the way to go about the SWF problem here, especially when your idea could potentially make queues worse for all SWF — even the ones that might not be the sweaty tryhard group.
I was thinking at the end of the match, the killer gets bonus Bloodpoints depending on how many survivors are in a SWF:
2 Survivors: 50% Bonus Bloodpoints
3 Survivors: 75% Bonus Bloodpoints
4 Survivors: 100% Bonus Bloodpoints
This should encourage killers to keep trying and never let well coordinated groups stop them from being the beast they are truly meant to be. 🤗😁
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Right, the main point of my post was to give the killer an incentive, not necessarily the ones I posted, but something. Your suggestion could work for newer players, but it doesn't really give veterans much incentive. Bloodboints aren't really valuable to players who've already maxed their characters or unlocked all Perks. I think my suggestion would have a positive impact on queues. As it is now if a killer assumes they've joined a SWF they'll just dodge. If the killer knew for a fact it was SWF and they'd receive an incentive for staying, I think they'd be more willing to stay