Another DS thread

I think the perk needs some tweaking like if you’ve healed, or started working on a gen then it removes the timer. Like come on, it’s not tunneling at that point it’s just unlucky.
In my opinion the only change it needs is that it needs to deactivate after hooking another survivor.
I'm tired of being punished for playing too well (usually with billy).
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It’s not an anti tunnel perk.
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Agreed multiple people have said this but others have said "BuT WhAt iF ThE KiLlEr downs more then one person" well if its a leatherface why did multiple people go near him anyway and this can be avoided by playing outside of a killers sightline as they down someone unless you want to go for a ballsy save but thats your decision.
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this wouldnt fix anything and would just make it another bad situational perk
you could redown them right after the unhook, and down and hook the one who unhooked then rehook the same guy
they could still be unhooked and run be invincible through the exit gates
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This is why I miss old enduring
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Sure it is.
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I really, really love being d-striked after hooking another survivor. "Just don't tunnel 5head." God mode for 60 seconds would be unreasonable in any other game.
But of course we can't touch this perk. Could you imagine the ######### storm such a nerf would cause? DS is arguably stronger than it has ever been before. The impact it can have on a match and the survival of all survivors in it are undeniable.
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Its an anti tunnel perk that can be abused easily
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Idk I’m a survivor main, and I’m saying it needs some restrictions Bc the way it can be abused. Ive been in a few matches where I can tell the DS completely f’d over what I’d call a fair play killer. And I’ve been ds’d after I hooked someone and walked all the way across the map to the aura on the gen, and it was just really unlucky it was them and their DS wasn’t up yet. I see both sides of it. I think it’s needed to stop lazy killer playstyles from capitalizing, but not punishing when you’re actually trying to go out kick gens, and look for other people that you haven’t just hooked. It’s too lax as a perk the way it is now imho.
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Agreed make it deactivate after hooking a diff survivor. Or the guy can just ds save with no reprecussions