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Why does playing killer have to be so stressful?

MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

I can't even be happy or feel stress relief after getting 4k or 3k because of the amount of ######### this game throws at me, auto aim, loops you can't mind game, god loops, gen times etc etc

I had to play a red mori game just to make myself feel better

They are killers for god sakes, not a test dummy for survivors



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    If playing red mori makes you feel good no change in the game can help you. Dbd is a horror game and horror games are meant to be stressful. Am I wrong?

  • Frey
    Frey Member Posts: 23

    Honestly it just sounds like you need to learn how to run loops effectively. Unless there is a huge skill gap between the survivor and killer, no loop is safe forever, you should eventually catch up to them. If you don't, then frankly you're just bad. I've accepted this myself and am trying to get better, you should too.

    And gen times are fine, run ruin/thanat and gen regression perks, and patrol them, or get a good 3 gen going.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I only started to feel this way after my homegirl Nurse was nerfed.

    Thank god there's a Survivor side for me to play

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited December 2019

    Yeah, playing Nurse only since a few weeks really. No point playing anything else, because of the stress.

    Nurse can be stressful too though, but thats mainly because of dedicated servers hating her to the bone.

  • shadowman0105
    shadowman0105 Member Posts: 261

    if Your feeling this stressed out maybe it’s time to take a short break and either play survivor or a different game until you feel better.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    Don’t care about pipping, play to have fun. The stress is all in your own head. Only got 9k and didn’t get a down? Who cares? Got a 4K in 3 minutes? Who cares?

    If the the only way to get enjoyment for you is to pip, or 4K then you probably will always stress yourself out. Otherwise play to have fun and don’t care about the result. Try different builds, strats, looping paths, mind games.

    Take breaks as well, if you’re not enjoying yourself, why play a video game?

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Did you ever think that maybe you played bad? It's so easy to put to blame on the game.

    Flashlights are not overpowered, they aren't hard to avoid. In fact, going against a team with 4 flashlights usually works in your favour if you know how to avoid them. They constantly chase you to get a flashlight save instead of doing gens and that usually costs them the game.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Why shouldn't it be stressful? You are one person going against 4 people. Of course it will be stressful.

    Don't expect relaxing games just because they are "killers".

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Honestly it is stressful but that's because it's 1v4, if they made it not stressful survivor would probably be nerfed into oblivion. Of course they can make some quality of life changes like a toggle for that Godforsaken autoaim (and don't tell me it does nothing, I've swung at people so many times only for it to turn my camera and hit a haybale, hit an odd rock, or just have a spasm and slap the air when I'm literally stuffing my knife down the dudes spine, if I could upload proof I would.) One more change would be to add a small secondary objective for the survivors to do like make totems add a small slowdown effect for each one active, it would reduce the need for Ruin and ease up the gen rushing a little.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428
    edited December 2019

    Seeing a squad of stupidly fancy looking Ace's all running items sends shivers down my spine lol. The harbingers of pain

  • SageRL
    SageRL Member Posts: 5

    I’ve learned to not stress about games if I get a 4K awesome if all survivors get out ggs to them they played well I just move on to my next game I used to stress about it too but playing this game so much has made me patient, also I have over 700 hours as killer and about 150 hours as survivor I recently started playing a lot more survivor and taking turns one killer one survivor game and I’m having a ton of fun it also helps you because you experience both sides try it out if you haven’t.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I'm very self reflective and competitive. If I play bad, I can admit it and say GG. When I am staring at a wall with no survivors in my view and STILL get blinded, that's an overpowered flaw. Look what they did to Oni because he could flick around a corner, yet they leave a light that can blind you without ever shining in your eyes.

  • razaluna
    razaluna Member Posts: 52

    i take breaks from playing the game "the way its intended" , and just mess around , practing my looping, hiding my glow, keeping my hatchet aim sharp, / or just throw on a weird build and make up your own rules

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    I want to play survivor, but the wait times are insane due to it being to easy to pip, and killers avoiding red ranks like the plague.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    But this one horror game is only stressful for killers coz survivors are becoming semi-gods with every killer sided nerfs every patch. Totaly survivor sided game without any doubts.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Feeling better with ebony mori ... then for all the players sake, play something else, cause youre just not suited for this game. As survivor I play nearly every game against something out off ebony, ultra-rare OP Addon, tunneler or camper. THATS stressful. I only feel relived if the killer decides to be not such a tryhard and just wants to have some nice game.

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    Dude, you get it. Now that I play more survivor than killer, I want survivors nerfed even more. It's way too easy to escape, even playing solo and running a half-strength build so I can loot chests. I shoot up to high purple/red ranks with almost no effort on survivor, and I still don't even know how to loop or do anything but move to the right spots to get gens done/unhooks/totems. I have a full skillset on killer and depending on my luck, I either end up hardstuck in purple or sweating my ass off to get into low reds by reset. I feel like in my mind I'm a much better killer than survivor, but the rankings don't lie. So I can either assume I'm way off on my skills in my head, or survivor is WAY easier than killer. Make me scared to play survivor again devs :P

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Exactly! I play both sides and survivors really do have too much power (at least in comparison to killer.) People often go “killer main!” when I advocate for more power for killers and it’s like no...I play both sides and I feel like I have a clearer understanding of what’s going on because I do, and killers are just so unnecessarily stressful.

    I don’t feel like my skill difference between killer and survivor is all that different, and yet I rise much more quickly through the ranks as survivor.

    Also let’s be honest - the fact that we can see our cool fancy outfits as survivor while playing killer leaves us only our weapon to admire in game should mean survivor should be more difficult than killer :P

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    That's why you play hag or doctor so you can see your own ugly mug most of the match when your body doubles pop up 😀

  • memento
    memento Member Posts: 158

    I feel no stress if there is no SWF.

  • tetsuo
    tetsuo Member Posts: 151

    No need to stress dude, it's just a game

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    I wish I could play it like it was just a game, like I want to, but I want to have fun as well, not sweat my ass off trying to have fun. A game just doesn't feel like a game if it doesn't look like you're accomplishing anything.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Because we're on a time crunch, and the teabagging survivor knows it.

    Though if you needed the mori, this might not be the game for ya.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571
    edited December 2019

    I don't need a mori, I said I used a mori just for stress relief. Also if someone uses a mori why does that automatically makes them not ready for the game? If they have moris for killers to use?

    I haven't use a mori ever since I knew that it never helped me gain skills or get better. But now I did used one for stress relief

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    It's because higher rank survivors have a lot of power. Killers often have to cope with unbalanced maps.

    Sucks, but I usually just move on.

  • Frey
    Frey Member Posts: 23

    There's really no nice way of saying this: get good.

    What are these "god loops" you're on about lmao. You need to learn the map tiles and how to run common loops. Painreliever has some good videos showing how to run some of them, and killer specific guides. Monto and Ortzdarva are really good educational streamers to learn from, watching them has improved my killer play a ton.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    It's actually the least stressful aspect of this game to me. I just finished saying the same thing in my killer games I streamed. I never felt stressed throughout any of those game. There were times I felt pressured, but never stressed or tilted.

    I get WAY more stressed and tilted when I play survivor and have crappy teammates, killers that play like dicks, crappy maps, and lots of other things.

  • Frey
    Frey Member Posts: 23

    mmmmmmmm killer salt

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Either side can be stressful providing the circumstances.

    Also, feeling stressed doesn't mean "I'm not having fun", there are legitimate times when the game puts stress because it is a challenging situation. If you are personally not having fun, then that's on you not the game. The game didn't force you to feel "stressed".

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    Killers are basically expected to be the Dungeon Masters in this game but aren't given the tools or the instructions for doing so, leaving many frustrated. Which is why I imagine my killer queues are near instant while my survivor queues keep getting longer: fewer people are playing killer.

    Killing survivors doesn't even feel that rewarding. It's so much more fun to go into Dying Light and smash heads, cut off limbs, set enemies on fire. Sticking every survivor on a hook is pretty meh. You stab them, there's a bit of blood and maybe they scream. The moris are more interesting, but some of the old ones are pretty suck and every killer only has the one animation, so even that gets repetitive.

    I meme around a lot because taking the game seriously often doesn't feel rewarding. There's a lot of imbalance in this game, and part of it is what DbD gives back in return for the amount of effort put in. It's a problem on both sides. The rewards for the Tome challenges don't scale with the increasing difficulty. For the amount of misery survivors get from being camped and tunneled, the game gives them almost no BP and a depip. Killers can put in a lot of effort and still get "Entity Displeased," along with uninteresting death animations and a lot of toxic accusations from survivors. Killers get better at the game, put in all that time and effort into learning tiles and mind gaming, and they pip up into the hell that is red ranks, their only reward a burning desire to depip back to the ranks where they had fun.

    In other words, it rarely feels worth it to put effort into the game. I can often have just as much if not more fun teabagging as Ghost Face, never even stabbing anyone, than 4king, and it takes waaaay less effort. Bonus points if there's an OoO so we can have a teabag-off from opposite ends of the map.

  • Seegson
    Seegson Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2019

    Yeah, right, BHVR hates killers. They are definitely the unloved child of dbd. You sound like someone who has played less than 2 months and thinks that he knows the game. I bet you have never faced double pallets, pallet vacuum, old superlong loops, pallet heaven, old selfcare, old flashlights, no bloodlust, no windowblocker, old windows vaulting(both bs survivors fast vaults and superlong killer vaulting), being unable to kick a gen, instant gen with BNP, sabotage meta, ruin not being a thing, BL and sprint burst abuse(due to exhaustion not being a thing as well as ruin) and many more bs things survivors had. You must be thankful to the devs, but instead you are whining here.

    Post edited by Seegson on
  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318
    edited December 2019

    Pro tip to save sanity

    Stop trying so hard and have fun. Find a killer you like, and dont play to win, play to enjoy the killers mechanics. Be silly, try new builds, let people win, just have fun.

    Sometimes I follow a survivor without the intention of hitting them... just to watch them try to juke and loop, and 360 for no reason lmao

    Also try this. Throw games. Try to depip without leaving. It becomes a lot more fun when it's not a matter of life and death.

    "I have to get a fast free hit. I gotta loop this perfectly. if he makes it to the pallet I lose right here. I have to slug this guy, chase this guy, and make this dude go for hook save. I need to get 2 hooks before the first gen pops or I'm in danger of falling behind". Screw all that.

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