Bannable offense question
Is survivor that is not willing to play the game and instead just stands there and points at the hook to instantly suicide on it breaking any rules?
It really sounds like a definition of "refusing to participate in normal gameplay" but I'd love some clarification on it.
... I do that when someone DCs or suicides at the beginning of the game, because screw that noise.
I'm kinda curious if it's bannable, too. I don't think I've seen a definitive answer.
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I have just left second game in a row when first survivor just disconnects after getting downed or just suicides when his teammates gets knocked down 5 seconds later.
As killer I also had one dude that definetely didn't try to derank or anything by standing there and pointing at the hook.
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That’d mean banning a lot of new players in a sense... since many just kobe and kill themselves.
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No. It's not bannable.
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Yes that is bannable, but the offense would be looked into. I imagine if there was a DC or something, nothing would come of it, and it would have to happen more than once because some people just DC on hook because they have to go anyways and rather than just DC like normal they give you some bloodpoints.
Generally assisting the other side in any manner like that is considered a bannable offense.
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No, suiciding is not bannable. It can't be. There would be absolutely no way to accurately assess when that is happening - therefore they can't punish for it.
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Only when not in excess per devs previous response on the topic
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I highly doubt that's the case. There's no statistical data, without demo recording (which this game doesn't have) that could provide them accurate data. If they don't want people to attempt to escape, and want them to struggle, the option shouldn't be there for either.
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They're not saying that just suiciding is bannable, they're asking if pointing at the hook to suicide is bannable. At that point, it is easy to tell their intentions and punish them.
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How so, without some sort of demo recording or video evidence? There's no statistical analytical data to tell them the difference between who is doing that vs. who is just suiciding on hook.
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Then argue with them on the matter, generally they won't ban but if you are just going around griefing games this way, eventually they will start to investigate and it becomes something you could be banned for.
if you just want out of the game, that's one thing, but if you are going around tossing matches because of it, and ruining your teammates chances, eventually they are gonna start considering it griefing.
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As I said I'd like to have one of the devs(preferably well informed one) to clarify it for us as nobody knows for sure.
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See my above post, it would be treated pretty much the same as a hook suicide w/dev post. If it's just to get out of a game sensibly for whatever reason, no reason it should be punished any more than a random DC, even less so in fact.
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Many people record their games, or many will start recording when they see it.
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If you need to get out of the game for whatever reason... Just disconnect.
You will get a timed penalty for requeuing but why would you want to requeue when you need to go?
I think it should be treated as DC.
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How do you know? We don't know what kind of data is being gathered.
We know they track skillchecks, chases, hits... pretty much anything.
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Because they literally said they don't have the data to take into account who suicides etc when they brought out the killer stats. It was one of the key reasons they said not to take it seriously, or to take it with a grain of salt. So, just stop.
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This is correct, they already explained that they can't really prove who is suiciding on hook or so on, and I doubt that is going to change in the future. If enough reports come in because someone is obviously abusing this fact to just grief games, eventually they are likely to get caught and punished; but beyond that it's generally not going to be bannable.
tdlr: It is technically bannable, but the extent you have to abuse to actually get investigated and punished is pretty high as it has to become just outright griefing; or there would have to be several video evidence cases of you frequently just doing it to grief your team mates.
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"Killing yourself on purpose" is listed under "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" in the report menu. You would likely have to do it a lot, but you can probably eventually get banned for it.
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Pretty much. It could be bannable. Will people get banned for it? Likely not. Unless they do it like 30 times in a week, and every one of them happens to be recorded and sent to the devs in a detailed report.
I mean it from more of a realistic standpoint. The stars would have to align for them to actually figure it out. There's have to be documented video evidence of every, or at least the majority of occurances etc, which the likelyhood of us next to 0%.
Another issue is, some people believe that simply struggling and letting yourself die on hook should be bannable. I think it's completely different if they didn't outright ask to be hooked, and were hooked after a normal chase. If they want to suicide at that point, it should be fine.
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Well, more in relation to games played than the time frame I Imagine but yeah pretty much.
All these things can be BS to other solo survivors but it all makes sense in SWF really.
I would add though if you are solo survivor, that keep in mind if they had not suicided on hook they might have just outright started griefing and giving your location away and being FAR more toxic, so really they are doing you a favor too.
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Jesus christ. If this ever becomes bannable kiss this whole entire game goodbye. Can't quit, forcing you to play bad games now also? Gotta smash that a button even if no one ever comes you'll get banned
Get over yourselves at this point. Ask for bots if you wamma do bad things and force survivors every friggin step of the way 😂 😂 😂
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It depends on whether you consider the in-game information or the Game Rules as listed on the forums the higher authority. Personally, I tend to refer to the forum post over what it says in game, since it's more detailed and I'm pretty sure it's been updated more recently.
According to the official forum post, "Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates" is a reportable offence. That's somewhat open to interpretation, but I would argue that you're not gaining an advantage by voluntarily sacrificing yourself, nor are you directly sabotaging your teammates - you may be making the game harder for them, but you're not actually interfering with them personally - which is what I would define as "griefing". So on that basis, I would say that it's not a reportable offence.
If you disagree with my interpretation and think that it does count as "griefing teammates", feel free to file a report, but bear in mind that you will need to provide additional, video evidence for something like that if you want your report to have any actual effect.
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You heard the man. Derank is easy now.