What's happening to DBD right now?

Hex_BoopTheSnoot Member Posts: 155
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

I've been playing DBD religiously on PS4 since August 2017 and I hate to say this but since the latest update, I've been having the most terrible time playing DBD in years.

On the Survivor side, if you play Solo, you're gonna get destroyed. You teammates seem to always be trash, and I mean noob level trash. And it's not much better on the SWF's side because you feel like your always getting screwed by lag of bugs. Not to mention Mori's, toxic builds, and the general low Bloodpoint gains.

And on the Killer side, it feels like I'm always getting crazy SWF's that will give you a boring 5-min Gen-Rush game. I already don't wanna sweat super hard every since Trial, especially if it's just gonna all be for nothing. Not to mention keys, toxic builds, and the crazy wait times.

I feel like somehow the state of DBD is worse that it has even been, but at the same time it's better than it has even been. Am I the only one who is feeling this way?

PS: I was Rank 1 Survivor and Killer before Rank Reset so maybe this is just a high rank issue.


  • Artyomich
    Artyomich Member Posts: 281

    Survivors are getting stupider and it's just gonna escalate even further because of the stupid Ranking system where it's just gonna carry even more french fries into the red ranks.

    It's a good time to be a killer because you'll win majority of your games and only complain about SWF where the actually good survivors are. The rest of the matches are riddled with dumb asses dropping pallets left and right who can't do ruin and find ruin.

    You know it's goddamn bad when a damn Legion is controlling the match because idiots kept healing on sloppy butcher and then getting stabbed again 5 seconds later then you did 4 gen by yourself. What the actual ######### is happening to this game.

    Throughout my 1100+ hours with DBD where I only played Solo Q I am considering joining a SWF because Randoms are that infuriating. There is no standards in red ranks nowadays

    If you ever wondered why the Kill rate is high and why killers are over performing its because Survivors are getting stupider. There you go, That's the answer.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    wouldnt say any build is toxic, some are strong sure but why wouldnt people run stronger builds. as a solo rank 1 i do get some very questionable team mates, sometimes i feel this is more down due to challenges but then again half the time it seems im the only one that can hit ruin or even lead on a decent chase, but tbh survivors shouldnt escape as much as they do. even a half decent team in red ranks makes an easy game to win. As for killer the game isnt balanced for swf, hoping they change toolboxes tbh theyre the most annoying but other than that just the usual DBD

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Pew... I thought I would be alone with it.

    I usually play killer and since the last rank reset I run in 9 from 10 games into either swfs, or groups that play like that and that with usually weak killers (ok, the last point is my own fault).

    Today as example, I had 2 matches play. 2 times full freaking groups with the most annoying perks possible for me and now I have enough for today.

    Those guys are to much for my new bought killer and for my nearly fresh prestige up main killer^^.

    I start to believe that no real beginners and solo survivors playing dbd anymore and for a constant fight against swfs are the most killers not builded for.