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What is the Archive tome completion charm?

BSNightflow Member Posts: 81

I mean the little fluff ball that has two lit candles beside it and a big blue eye in the middle, companied with text as follows:

Level 1 - Inner Eye - "A mysterious frequency awakens the inner eye of those who seek the truth."

Level 2 - Profound Insight - "The more you see, the more you learn."

The blue eye sure symbolizes the Archive and Rift, but what is the fluffy creature (if it can be seen as a living thing) itself? At first I thought it was the Entity, but it looked too friendly to be so. I also began to notice that the thing shares similar color palette with the Observer. They even have the same hairstyle.

So, either the Charm is a cute chibi version of the Observer and the archives, or:

Including the Observer's unlockable lore (Memories: The Entity), I have a theory. Maybe the Observer isn't quite human, but a member of an alien colony from another world that has been studying the Entity. We see him like he is now, only because he's a being of consciousness (much like the Entity, though friendlier and less powerful) and we as humans can only understand him to this level. And his other forms can happen to be less human and more fluffy ball-ish...

What do you think? Sigh, I know most of it is my own wild guesses and I look forward to the Archives unravel more in future tomes.


  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    To what the eye charms are, honestly, zero idea. However, to your theory about the observer, I think it's a nice theory but I personally believe he is human. A human that learned so much about the Entity and how to manipulate it that the Entity banned him and trapped him to his own personal little pocket dimension.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    To what the eye charms are, honestly, zero idea. However, to your theory about the observer, I think it's a nice theory but I personally believe he is human. A human that learned so much about the Entity and how to manipulate it that the Entity banned him and trapped him to his own personal little pocket dimension.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    To what the eye charms are, honestly, zero idea. However, to your theory about the observer, I think it's a nice theory but I personally believe he is human. A human that learned so much about the Entity and how to manipulate it that the Entity banned him and trapped him to his own personal little pocket dimension.

  • BSNightflow
    BSNightflow Member Posts: 81

    I can totally agree since non-humans (like the Alien) or their bizarre maps were said by the Devs to not be able to exist alongside humans in the Entity's realm, as the understanding of the surrounding and of others is necessary for the Trials to work. Yet with Demogorgon's recent appearance I'm pretty open to more possibilities lol

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Yup, that's a great thing about the Demogorgons inclusion, it opens the door to a whole new world of possibilitys. Also, super sorry about the(somehow) triple post. Have zero idea how that happened.

  • BSNightflow
    BSNightflow Member Posts: 81

    Only thing bothering me is that Demi is a licensed killer and most licensed DLCs cannot be viewed as too dbd canon...

    Also no need to feel sorry at all. I assume that's because I was editting the post at the same time and caused a bug to occur.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I personally disagree with licensed characters not being cannon. You should take a look at a topic made by @I_Face_Camp and specifically at a comment made by @TheRockstarKnight because he/she basically describes how I see licensed characters fitting in.

    I've never encountered a bug like that so it's just kinda awkward to see.