New Gen Slowdown Perk Idea: Would you like to see this in game?

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
edited December 2019 in Polls

I thought about putting this into a compilation of other perk ideas that I have, but I'm a bit lazy and really just want to throw out the one idea out there. It's a pretty simple idea but I think it can be pretty powerful (especially when in a gen. slowdown loadout)

Everybody's heard people beating the dead horse about how fast generators can sometimes go yatta yatta yatta, so I have a new perk idea to throw into the mix on top of the current generator slowdown perks that we have: Hex: Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, Thrilling Tremors, Overcharge, Pop Goes The Weasel

I call it "Harrowing fate" (but really it can be called anything)

Whenever a generator is completed all generators are blocked by the entity and cannot be repaired for the next 30/45/60 seconds

The idea here is to provide a bit of breathing room for the killer to wrap up a chase or maybe for killers like trapper to setup their belongings across the map, providing a certain security with the knowledge that no generators can gain any progress during that time.

It also prevents the nightmare scenario of multiple generators popping seconds apart one after the other causing a killer to quickly ragequit (which I have never done, but I've seen it happen). If there are other survivors working on other generators they will be pushed off and the claws of the entity will wrap tightly around the generators.

It's a bit like Thrilling Tremors and it could be argued either way for which is better. Harrowing Fate might be better at stopping and slowing generator progression and giving time for killers who need to setup, but Thrilling Tremors provides information about which generators are being worked on because they aren't blocked off, giving you a bead on where to beeline next. Thrilling Tremors also allows you to regress those generators because they aren't blocked off, whereas harrowing fate stops both progression and regression in the sense that you can't kick a generator that is blocked off, although generators which are currently regressing will continue to regress after they are blocked off.

Any thoughts?

EDIT: Tweaked Version:

Changed the original affect from all generators to only blocking generators with progress above 50% for 30/45/60 seconds

New Gen Slowdown Perk Idea: Would you like to see this in game? 51 votes

Seiko300Dr_TrautsAvilgusJohnNorwich19623PercyJacksonDreaded_Wraith887HazDaBoibubbasbasementchestLevitikaPestilence27 10 votes
The core concept is good so I would like to see it in game, but it could be tweaked / reworked
PuggyMohawkFoggyDownpourCamoRangerRepliCantBlueberryHattyChocolate_CosmosAcesthetiicad19970TheRockstarKnightVII_SevenxEaSeegsonthen4321RIP_LegionUistreelAwakeyAhoyWolfNexurentWTBacon 29 votes
GamingZebra88fuzzyhoboarslaNMaj33yKarl_ChildersZephinismMrsGhostfaceMattie_MayhemOGDebridgedinferjusThomasthetrainHayT 12 votes
Post edited by Seiko300 on


  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    The core concept is good so I would like to see it in game, but it could be tweaked / reworked

    could be good to go IF

    A: Survivors already working on gens do not have the action interrupted until getting off

    B: other perks like surge won't regress them either

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234
    The core concept is good so I would like to see it in game, but it could be tweaked / reworked

    60 sec. seems a bit much, but some testing would confirm it is a bit much or approve it.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    Sounds like a meta perk for campers. Stand in front of a hook and now when one gen pops, no others can be worked on. No thanks lol.

    Like many other suggestions around here that have to do with gens, campers (and tunnelers) need to be accounted for.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234
    The core concept is good so I would like to see it in game, but it could be tweaked / reworked

    Good point, great point actually.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    The core concept is good so I would like to see it in game, but it could be tweaked / reworked

    Concept is not bad but balance is terrible.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited December 2019

    I've responded to this concern before, it's important to keep in mind that you as the killer have absolutely no control over when the timer would start, unlike a perk like Thrilling Tremors which starts whenever you pick a survivor up. It is up to survivors to finish a generator to get Harrowing Fate to become active, when it does go up you might not be near a single survivor. You wouldn't be able to micromanage the perks effect in such a way that you would be able to successfully camp a survivor for the full duration of the perk.

    That being said points like these make it increasingly likely that the nerfed version of the perk would make its way into the live build rather than the original version (See edit at bottom of the thread). This version will still be able to stop a hard gen rush and multiple generators popping in quick succession, however it will not block off generators with progress underneath 50% so survivors can still repair other generators and get progress.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    A camper who uses this perk guarantees it will benefit them though, even with your edit. So killer camps first hook,....survivors pop one gen and then any above 50% are blocked. They then run around spending time to find an unblocked gen, and spend the remainder of the hooked survivors death on that gen. I don’t get how this doesn’t massively boost a camper. I get what you are going for, but it doesn’t work. Like I said you have to account for bad killers who would abuse it.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I mean sure, but if I came to you with the concept of NOED if it didn't already exist in the game you would say the same thing, "no it can be abused by killers who camp during the endgame collapse and there is no hope for a survivor trying to be rescued". Yet despite this, the perk still exists and has largely remained unchanged.

    There are plenty of perks that can be used to help campers camp, and there are plenty of perks for survivors that help combat camping. Exhausted perks reset after being hooked so you can sprint burst right away, metal of man and borrowed time prevent survivors from being put into the dying state, we'll make it can actually heal a survivor quickly enough that they can get back to full health right off the hook and so on and so forth etc. etc.

    This is not a valid enough reason I feel to stop the implementation of the perk just because some players might camp.

  • VII_Seven
    VII_Seven Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2019
    The core concept is good so I would like to see it in game, but it could be tweaked / reworked

    I like the idea if it wasn't 50% progress it would be unbalanced

    60 seconds though since it takes 60 seconds each phase to death, they can camp the phasing maybe if it was 15/20/30 seconds


    Post edited by VII_Seven on
  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Or just in general make the gen repair speed a bit slower.

    Almost every killer takes ruin, and because the devs can find decent hiding spots, it's mostly gone within 60 seconds from the start of the match.

    If it stays on longer than the killer is lucky and it either stands in a decent spot or the survivors aren't looking for it.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I didn't think about this but the idea to make generators just really slow instead of blocking them off completely might also be viable.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    The core concept is good so I would like to see it in game, but it could be tweaked / reworked

    When a gen is completed, any gens currently being worked on are blocked for 60 seconds.

    And for heavens sake do not put a cooldown on it for once.