Does nobody play killer?
i was yellow rank versus all red ranks as killer...TWICE IN A ROW!
EDIT: Just checked steam charts, DBD lost 20,000 players.
welcome to the new dbd :')
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Maybe there's not enough red or purple rank killers. I see purple all the time and I've depiped to yellow recently.
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Having the same issue. Rank 12 and I’ve gone against red rank swf groups my last 5 games, some purples thrown in there. I’m just gonna play survivor until they fix this.
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Seems like there are few red rank killers especially on PS4.
At least compared to the number of survivors which makes survivor take forever.
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We had an issue, where queuing for survivor became very long on high ranks, because no one wanted to play killer. Developers attempted to fix it, by altering rank reset in a way, where everyone is constantly at high ranks. Now casual players who just scratch high ranks, get matched with active players with 1K+ hours who were at high ranks every season before already. All this leads to more destroyed or be destroyed games, instead of actual balanced matches of 2 kills 2 survives. Which will lead to more furstration on both killer and survivor. Big brain play by Behaviour.
But most importantly, since every is constantly at high ranks, how are queue times gonna be at low ranks now? Are new players not gonna get any matches now?
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I main killer and I find matches instantly, as survivor it usually takes 2-5 minutes, so there do seem to be more survivor mains out there, I wouldn't look at ranks though since they've always been hit or miss, sometimes Im matched with players of my rank and other times I get a rank 18 Meg that's not swf with anyone.
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Low rank killer queues are already insanely long.
Red ranks instant
rank 20 10-30 minutes+
Eventually yeah i imagine survivor will be awful there too
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Don't know where you got the losing 20k number from as steamcharts show an average of just under 23k players in the last 30 days and it hasn't changed much really over the last few months.
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I mean, either you outright lied, or simply don't know how to navigate and read Steam Charts.
SteamDB correlates more or less the same, so yeah, OP is talking out his backside.
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It's annoying for sure. I can beat purples and reds as a yellow killer, but when I am going against people with thousands of hours, I just screw around and try to at least safety pip.
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Fewer people play killer at red ranks. SWF is too powerful at red ranks and it makes playing killer miserable. Even as a red rank killer I get matches almost intantly. As a purple or red ranked survivor it usually takes about 5 minutes.
In regards to DBD losing 20,000 players that's not much of a surprise. The community has been telling the devs what needs to change (gen speed, new survivor objective, hit boxes, map design, SWF being the power role, weak killers needing buffs) but they seem reluctant to take action on any of those. Instead we get nerfs that nobody asked for, bugs staying in the game for far too long (hello survivor footsteps being mute), a battle pass system with multiples of the same rewards just with different colors, an endless stream of cosmetics, and devs keeping everything so secret that the player base feels like they either don't pay attention or don't care.
I'm afraid that DBD is going to die too early because the devs are too worried about balancing for their idea of fun instead of actually letting the game be fun in it's own way.
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Playing as killer has been a miserable experience for the longest time. At red ranks it feels like being given too much work for the amount of time you're given making it so that the only time you win is when survivors screw up.
Personally, I find safe/god loops monotonous and too predictable. I've been playing almost daily for more than a year, and I find it so boring to chase someone around an object for 20-30 seconds, get a hit or break a pallet, then follow them to the next one to repeat the same process. It's great that they reduced the number of infinites, and made the running vault change, but I still think survivors having endless stamina for running vaults to be part of my problem.
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Not to mention last month had the Halloween event and every event so far has shown the numbers spike way above normal 😉.
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Why play killer when its a stressfull and unfun experience most of the fun.
ESPECIALLY red ranks.
I get 20 minute queues as survivor and still get faced against rank 9 killers.
Ridiculous, better nerf freddy and oni.
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Red rank killers have been given the middle finger so I'm not surprised if there is a shortage.
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Who would want to play killer when they are constantly nerfed? Legion, spirit, nurse...who next?
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Doc is next
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I barely play killer since its not competitive. Either they gen rush or do so bad in chases I get bored. Just played a red rank swf group that I beat in 3min but prolonged the game by slugging and I was playing no add on wraith.
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Think about how this game effects streamers like puppers, monto, tru3ta1ent, noobe, usyliss ect. who play this game daily as a job?
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Some of the 20k drop are probably those who tried the game for free as there are free weekends etc running but speaking as a former killer main I switched to survivor mostly as most killers have gotten boring to play with the way they're updating them, cooldowns especially...
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If only someone could have predicted that nerfing several top killers in the span of a few months would impact survivors as well...
This is making your bed and then having to lay in it
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Just for the record, OP is wrong. There was no 20k drop. There wasn't even a 2k drop.
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If you leave killers with horrific sound bugs and nerf two good killers for no reason this is what you get.
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I don’t think there was a big drop in players, I think a lot of players who played both sides have gone exclusively to survivor... just a hunch I have no stats to back that up admittedly
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It does seem that way to a degree - I can't speak for other regions, but lately killer queues in my region (Sydney server) have been practically instant, while survivor queues take several minutes. That might change when the fourth level of the Tome comes out in a few hours, though.
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Its just a problem of matchmaking.
And as someone who plays killer at rank 1,I can say that its 300 times more fun than solo surviving recentely.