I've had it with these devs (DC penalty and random update disconnects)

Hopefully this gets their attention. They need to start paying close attention to the update rank error and random disconnecting taking place in game matches. I have been dealing with this since the release of the Stranger Things DLC. It only happens when I play survivor. Never when I play killer. I play 6 other games very often and never have connection issues with those games. My internet works just fine.

After countless tickets made and emails back and forth, I can never get an answer and my ticket always gets closed. I have made countless forums posts and nothing is done. This bug has caused me to play mostly killer. 6/10 matches as survivor results in a random disconnect that isn't my fault. In this particular game, I slow vaulted out of a window on the Haddonfield map after completing a gen, nowhere near the killer (at least not in terror radius), and 2 seconds after vaulting, I get this update rank error and disconnect.

Even if I escape the match, if I get outside the exit gates triggering the end game screen, it will say I had an update rank and disconnect me. I lose my pips, bloodpoints, items and add-ons, and now I get a punishment and can't get in a new game, all because of this broken game. Your fault = my punishment.

Seriously, these devs are completely out of touch and some of the most inept people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You guys make a game, break it constantly, and have your own customers pay for your mistakes. I paid for a license to use this game and I'm not getting what I paid for. I am super happy that I have not spent one penny on this POS since ST DLC. Expect a lot of salty people with this one. I know I'm not the only person having this problem. Grow some brains and start fixing your game. Seems a lot of resources are spent making new shiny cosmetics to make money from, but your game is f***ing broken.

I hate early disconnects as much as the next person, but figure out which is which. I know you're in testing with this new DC penalty system, but based on your track record of broken patches and lack of ability to fix said problems, I have absolutely no reason to believe you will do anything about this and innocent paying players will continue to suffer for your inability to fix your game.

Thanks for reading. Condolences to anyone having to deal with these quebecois.


  • I have this happen to me about once every 20 matches, and I agree that there should definitely be a way for them to tell if it is an intentional DC or the game crashing/rank update error. I’ve had times where the error occurs as the killer is chasing me and then next match I get paired up with the same survivors who think I was rage quitting and they go after me in the pre-game lobby and don’t believe me when I say it was unintentional. Kinda sucks but I just deal with it because it isn’t too frequent to ruin playing survivor for me.

  • Gopher
    Gopher Member Posts: 50

    Sorry to hear it, buddy. 6/10 games for me, it happens. It's completely unplayable and completely broken. I never had this issue before the Stranger Things DLC. Now, I'm only able to play killer without problem. It sucks, because now I get penalized for their mistakes. It also screws over my teammates in a game. Its one thing to be punished for something I am intentionally doing, but something completely different when it's their problem. Seriously, fix your #########, devs.