a really good idea to sorta nerf keys

i think they should make it to where you can't get keys out of chest i just think they are way to common and they basically have zero counter play at least when someone brings one you can get rid of them so they can't use it and also you know its going to happen
I can't see them touching keys until they've done mori's. Especially since they've just done instas.
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true but you act like they cant just do both at the same time and this isn't even that big a change its just remove an item from the chest item pool
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Maybe even add an animation for jumping into the hatch! That might be enough to rein them in just a little bit
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It should just be an escape for the person using it, instead of the entire team.
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yeah but then it screws over the rest of your team and how does it work if there is only two left one leaves with key then hatch closes then immediately reopening letting the other survivor escape meaning the nerf did nothing
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if they are gonna lower key possibilities then mories needs to not be in every bloodweb for killers.
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Another entitled killer who thinks he is owed a 4k.
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im asking for removal of keys in chest not reduce chances in blood web plus that wouldn't do anything since some people have hundreds of keys and moris already
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you are removing chances for keys, think about it. It doesnt matter if people have already collected thousands or millions of them its about actual rarity not the ######### rarity devs use to distinguish addons and items.
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ok man lol but first im not a killer main i play both sides plus im ok with them i just think they are to common in chests and need to be removed but i think people can and should be able to bring them in at least then there is some counter play then to them
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so your saying they should show up less in blood webs or be lessened in rarity?
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Just get rid of them honestly.
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The only change it needs is the key holder only escaping, that’s it. Ebony/ivory need all 4 survivors to be hooked once, then the moris can start.
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for the keys ill quote myself
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What about this?
Dull keys : Only allows one person to escape, opening the hatch takes 5 seconds
Skeleton keys: Multiple people can still escape. Hatch takes 15 seconds to open.
Skeleton keys can't be found in chests.
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im fine with that but still i want to know what will happen if two people are left and u use a dull key does it just re open or does it not open anymore
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Player has played 97% of their time on killer: "I PlaY bOtH SIdES NeRF KeYS pls"
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are you reading what im sending you cause you don't seem to act like you've actually read what ive said and instead said some stereotypical insult
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I didn't think about that actually. Maybe it doesn't open again and the egc starts?
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my problem with that is that screws over your team a large amount like say you have three people left two of them doing the last gen then out of nowhere the third guy jumps in the hatch leaving basically one of the last 2 guaranteed to die
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Adding a time on hatches opened by keys is a good thing I think, I would also add a specific time needed to open it, like 5 sec or so
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Remove the purple key, buff the green key and all addons, so you might even use up the key instead of escaping with it. Also make key spawnings in chests much less, escpecially with Plunderers (I often get two keys out of chests using Plunderers). Still I like to find a key in a chest if i dont bring in Plunderers and try to get everyone out of the game (thus so far never happened within 3 years; god i hate that achievement), cause its brings in some well-deserved variety to the actual gameplay.
The difficutly is that killer mains just have to accept that they arent entitled to get a 4k. they will have to learn that a 2-2 ratio is the norm, everything besides is gimmicky for either side.