The Tunneling needs to stop.

Can I please get a game were I’m or somebody is not being tunneled to death?

Can I please have a causal game where everyone make points over 10k?

Can we please not “gen rush” a killer to make them feel like they have to tunnel?

If you really think tunneling is a strategy you really need to re-evaluate how you play this game. This is not a competitive game so please stop treating it like one.

Both Survivors and Killers

It’s not a playstyle it’s unhealthy gameplay.



  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    what is wrong when I talk with my friends about how my day was?

    Not every swf group plays organized. Did you even read the OP? It basically also says genrush....

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Until the issue with gens and to a lesser but still noticable extent perks that are too good get fixed killers are going to tunnel

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I find lithe + dance with me to be quit valuable against tunnelers

    They can't tunnel if you just dissapear

    Also while not strictly competitive it does have a very competitive feel and people will just use every trick in the book to be able to win

    I don't think you can change that mindset

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    This is wxactly what that game needs. Counter to whinning pll like you. I have enough of everyday crying for some killer nerfs. Nerf this, nerf that, this should be stopped... etc. Ppl like you would love to see killers crying on corner of map with no power or tactics

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    ill say what all the "good survivors" say #GitGudKiddo

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    The problem aren't the killers that tunnel/camp after getting gen rushed, but those wo do it without any reason, like ruin still up and 5 gens left and not even knowing if it is swf or not.

    As example I recently had a game where all survivors brought bps and the killer a pudding (means 500x points for killer and 400x survivor).

    He downed me first, hooked me and camped me until struggle, then immediately downed and hooked me again after I got unhooked. By that time one gen was done. Not only are things like that completely frustrating for the unlucky survivor, but also just shows lack of skill from the killer. And almost nobody, including the killer got much points in the end. It was a complete waste of offerings.

    Things like that are just unnecessary. As killer I also sometimes tunnel or even proxy camp if I have a good reason to so. But not from beginning of the game, just tu completely ruin the game for one individual. That's just toxic behaviour and should not be done. Same for tbagging. Just unnecessary.

  • ThisLadyRightHere
    ThisLadyRightHere Member Posts: 195

    Is it really being your trying your best tunneling a survivor to the ground or “gen rushing” the killer to oblivion. Making one side miserable. I

    No, ts unnecessary.

    Yes this game is poorly designed, but it is up to us as players to choice how we play it. We can’t control who we get into our game, but it’s our behavior that makes it the best experience for everyone

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
    edited December 2019

    A competitive game would mean to have the same starting conditions for all players. Thats not the case, gaming is not competitive just by playing against someone else.

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173

    It is, but talking semantics is a bit off-topic so you may just search the definition in a dictionary.

  • SoulSever
    SoulSever Member Posts: 40

    In an ideal scenario where people have standards, that would be true, however, if one side decides to do such things, the other will be forced to reply with the same, it creates a feedback loop, consider: if two or more survivors bring commodius toolboxes with brand new parts, what option is left for the killer?

    Ultimately it would be beneficial to simply change the mechanics that make one side able to stop the other from playing the game, and honestly, even if people agree to artificial rules, it would not make the mechanics any better, it would only be a band-aid fix to said design.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2019

    What rank are you as survivor, as if you're in green and yellow ranks you're more likely to encounter bad killers who are more likely going to camp and tunnel, because they don't know any better.

    Camping and tunneling still happens at red and high purple ranks but it's a lot less common.

    If you find yourself being tunneled the best thing you can do is make the killer not want to tunnel you. First is don't t bag and spam your flashlight at the killer.

    The next thing you can do is to improve your ability in looping. You can do this by practicing looking back at the killer, learn about the various jungle gyms/ T & L walls, and other structure loops.

    As well as trying to improve on your pallet efficiency, try and avoid using a pallet instead try use windows if possible. If you need to use a pallet try and make the most of that pallet before you need to use it.

    By being able to loop the killer you either make the killer want to give up chasing you, or if they are determined to get you they sacrifice a lot of time chasing you. If your team mates are smart they are pumping out gens.


    Looping use to be my weakest aspect of the game, but I worked on it and it's now my strongest aspect of my game.

    EDIT: I also played at high ranks as killer before the rift came in (I can only play a select few killers at high ranks), gen rushing is the result of the killer not providing map pressure. If a survivor isn't being chased then they should be working on a generator. I've lost count the amount of times I've finished a game as killer with five gens left at red ranks.

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145

    It's ranked tho. Either you win or you lose a pip. So it kinda is competitive.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Looping still is the weakest part of my game, but thanks to so many tunnelers I am quickly getting better.

    I wish we could all play less sweaty, but I understand both sides won't until they know the other side is during a game. Unfortunately it takes too long to identify if one side is being less sweaty so both sides tend to start the game that way and it continues throughout the match.

    I play much less sweaty as a killer now that I play survivor, and when I demonstrate I will not tunnel early in the match the game does get less sweaty. But if it takes a while for the opportunity to show the survivors I will not be camping and tunneling, well then it is a sweat match.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,515

    With how fast gens pop sometimes you kinda have no choice but to tunnel to get rid of a survivor and turn it into a 3v1 instead of a 4v1.

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186

    Tunneling is the only decent counterpay to answer for a gen rush. Basically you can call it kill rush. If you hook everyone 3 times in the match, get hooks frequently but each time you hook it’s the survivor who got hooked for the last time you gonna lose even if they doing the gens slower than usual.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Disclaimer, i dont camp. That being said.

    When a killer hooks a person, more often than not multiple survivors bee line to get the unhook. Often times without borrowed time, they get the unhook resulting in both the rescuer and the rescued being downed. Running kindred ive seen this way too often, even at purple ranks.

    That being said, why WOULD the killer leave the hook? Why would the killer go somewhere else on a the map when statistically speaking, another victim is going to throw themselves at the hook anyway?

    Beginner killers may not understand the pipping system and view kills only as determine a win scenario.

    Or some killers are like the tbagging flashlight clicking survivor. They dont care what the other side thinks, as long as they have their 'fun'

    As far as tunneling, ask any good player, and more likely they will say that finding and removing the weakest link quickly is the best play they can make, especially against coordinated teams. And since there is no in game way for a killer to know if the team is coordinated, many assume every team is swf on comms. I do.

    That being said, the best gameplay for both sides usually happens at the detriment to the other. Yes the ideal game is back and forth 2k scenario. Not every game will be like that. Even though typically they are the best games imo.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited December 2019

    Exactly. Its totaly legit tactic how make game 3v1. If you are lucky, their comm friends come help and stop gen rushing. Fair trade, you tunnel or camp and rest of team can gen rush or come help.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    You can blame the Challenge system for the sweaty play, or gen rushing. They are hurting the game a bit right now. It will slow down eventually, once everyone is done.

    If they implemented a Unranked/Ranked game modes, or even different objectives besides gens, it would make for a better experience. Sometimes I really dislike being in red ranks because of the competitive nature and toxicity/sweat. I would like to just playa match sometimes and just goof around and have fun without worrying about depiping.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Yeah and people LIKE YOU are the reason why everyone is so hostile towards each other in this community. If you read OP's first post you'd see that they addressed issues on both Survivor and Killer and weren't "whining" or "crying". You're so busy trying to be rude, you've got your foot in your mouth.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    Every objective that can be rushed, will be rushed by players. No matter which side.

    The only way out is imo either to have no time limit at all, or to set a timelimit.

    Like the deathmatch mode, you maybe know from other games - potentially those matches could run days, if not the lifes of 1 side would run out at some point.

    Dbd could have a new objective mode that would help: Survive 10 minutes or so against a killer. After 10 minutes the gates would open automaticly. No gens and only 1-2 times a survivor can be hooked. With each hooked survivor the match time goes up for 1-2 minutes, so that a killer not just stay in a edge - waiting for the end of match or so.

    Those matches would be a dream for every blendette in the fog :).

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    Feel like at least for me... The people who accuse me of tunneling are often times just the ones who arnt as good at hiding or looping as their teammates. If your the only one I see around, Imma chase you... and just because I hooked you twice in a row, doesnt mean I didnt bother looking for and chasing someone else. They mightve either been too stealthy and I didnt find them at all, or was in too strong of an area and I had to abandon that chase.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    If only killers camped better we wouldn't have this tunneling issue.

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173


    I always leave the hooked survivor, as I care for my emblems. But if he's unhooked near me, I always tend ton chase the unhooker. If they escape and I find the unhooked one self-caring behind the rock right next to the hook... boom... is that tunneling ? No.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Why would i stop tunneling? It is simply the most efficient way to win. Find the weakest link and destroy it.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    100% this.

    If you go for an unhook and the killer is within 30m... take the aggro. Point. Take a hit. Anything!

    Yes Tunneling can be abused, but survivors also need to take responsibility for their poor plays.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    The players arouns you decide how you play. If the killer is sweaty you need to be sweaty too.

  • Toasty
    Toasty Member Posts: 3

    Honestly I just wish there would be one good perk that punishes face/insidious camping. Borrowed Time is good for those that proxy camp, but it doesn't help if the killer is standing right in your face, ready to pull you off the hook immediately when you make the attempt.

    Would love a perk that increases the speed of taking someone off the hook depending on how close the killer is (max 150% faster if the killer is within touching distance).

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    I had a guy use an ebony mori and face camp/tunnel then mori. It happens so often and the guy had the balls to message me to say how bad i was. I called him on his play style and he said "if i played normal you'd have no chance". 😒

  • djsponge10
    djsponge10 Member Posts: 349

    Sure, as long as you A. Don’t have a key and B. Don’t have unnatural hair color

  • ImmortalReaver
    ImmortalReaver Member Posts: 243

    Stop telling killers how to play the game. Survivors have it easy to begin with. Survivors do everything in their power to win as fast as possible. Killers can do the same.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    I really don't understand why people get so worked up over being tunneled or camped. When it happens to me, I can probably point out at least 3 mistakes I made in the chases. And then I either play another round or I don't. It's not that deep. This community talks about tunneling and camping as if they're existential crises that need to be addressed ASAP and not things that occur within the confines of a 10 minute trial that you can just play again.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2019

    I wish survivors didn't tend to go full sweaty try hard so often, killers would probably become more relaxed too. Thing is a lot of camping/tunneling happens from a panicked killer who honestly is just frustrated and losing so hard because they are busting out like a gen every 15 seconds it seems and are just out of ideas as to what they are even supposed to do.

    Well "git gud" I agree problem is you probably have like 1000 hours + as survivor and they have like 10 hours as killer ever, because matchmaking is just that "fair" a lot of the time xD

    The solution to tunneling and camping is to provide the killer with a reason to want to not do those things, maybe somehow increasing their chances of actually getting someone else- thing is they feel they can't and are like well damn there is nothing else I can do.

  • The_Meh_Teh
    The_Meh_Teh Member Posts: 136

    Exactly what I've been saying for a month! Thank you

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Played a game last night. Ruin gone in under a minute and they were genrushing the crap out of me. I tunneled, got a 2K and a black pip, which is about as good as it gets at that point. Much salt from them after the game, and of course me tunneling isn't their fault, they were only genrushing because I was tunneling, even though two gens were gone before I downed the first survivor.

    The only other times I will tunnel is if I KNOW they have DS and i want to burn it before it can hurt me at end game, or if someone is being really toxic. If you constantly run to the god loop every time you see me, you can bet you're getting tunneled when I do catch you.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    People can play how they want, bring strong perks and items vs tunneling if you want to be more "expensive" to tunnel. BT, DS, Unbreakable, styptic medkit for an extra hit. Or try to avoid being the first to get hooked, as if the killer genuinely planned to tunnel from the start that survivor will be their target most of the time.

    And on the little discussion about how competitive DBD is, it is by definition competitive as there's winners and losers that compete against eachother and might make eachother win or lose, the confusion is mostly that the word "competitive" itself has adopted a specific meaning to many people. And that is the "esports" style of balancing and game design, which is not a part of DBD.