Should I get Oni?

Please tell me if I should get Oni. If yes, what builds are good, and if no, why not? I’d really appreciate it :)


  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    He is a hybrid between Myers and Billy, but he has a cooler Mori animation. If you enjoy playing those and enjoy using mori offerings then I think you should get him.

    Actually, you don't even need to use a mori because rancor is good on him; it can help you track down the survivors to instadown them. Infectious fright is also good. Haunted grounds is also good, it can allow you to get more instadowns even before you build up your power.

    The problem to me is that he is pretty weak around the killer shack and TL's and he is not very easy to control. Keep that in mind.