This game's community

Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

Will probably kill it before anything else does. Between the players that try hard every game because they wanna be good or just know they are good to the players that just wanna have fun and relax without having to stress on the sweaty or try harding players to the forum presence of people whining and complaining about nothing or stuff that doesn't need to be changed. To the devs thinking some things will be fun for us that i feel should clearly not be seen as fun. (The Plague.)

I don't really think the game will die anytime soon if ever. But I think this game has way too many easily frustrating things that can ruin anybody's day or time playing this game. You got campers, tunnelers, swf groups that set out to bully killers, disconnects, hate messages general frustration from dealing with other people in general with this game is usually a very negative experience for most. It sucks to come onto the forms to see all the people angry or complaining at all times because this isn't fun or that's op and so on and such.

I started playing Last Year a few days ago and its so much more fun. The game is less frustrating at least for me. Survivors are very much still the power role there but the difference there and here at least seemingly so far is that while survivors are the power role imo they can be outplayed also if they split up often or for too long they can usually easily be beaten by the killer. Even when groups they can be outplayed and its rewarding to see it. As survivor its fun to outsmart the killer and have most of all of.your team escape.

Dbd has rules for if you escape or not. Can you properly loop, is it a decent or good map for survivor, is your team equal or better than you in skill, and will the killer tunnel or camp? If the first few options are no you'll probably die. If killer is camping or tunneling you'll probably die. For killer if the survivors are good and know the game you may get one kill if not it'll be a fun game but other than that its frustrating.

TLDR: Game's design easily frustrates players, Last Year feels like it gets it almost 100% right on not frustrating players. Due to simplicity.


  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    Last Year feels better not because of simplicity as such, but rather that the killer cannot be an a-hole towards one person in particular and straight up ruin their day. Tunneling is not an option as they will get themselves killed in a matter of seconds with the whole team on their back, and they cannot camp around locker rooms because that would give them problems aswell.

    It feels (and it is) that the devs of Last Year really want to improve their game and fixed many core problems in a matter of days where as the DbD ones took forever to do (and still haven't fixed...) DbD relying on running in circles around an object and looping, then M1 a gen for a whole minute or so is just so underwhelming and boring that I can't understand how people enjoy this gameplay.

    Last Year is more forgiving and the devs are aswell making a path for an easier time to learn the mechanics so that survivors don't have the most frustrating experience ever and are actually able to have fun while making some rookie mistakes.

    I think by this point it is undeniable that Last Year does deserve a much better spot in the future and it should up the game for BHVR to get them out of their comfort zone with DbD, so they can make real impactful changes.