I'm a survivor main most of the time(just venting)
But it's so funny to see killers (on console) constantly run BBQ Chilli + Ruin + PopGTW or a combination of one or two of them damn near EVERY game and then pretend to be any different than the last guy that had it. I really don't care who agrees or not but to me, it makes the game seem a lot more repetitive nowadays. Someone I'm sure will mention it's the same when survivors run exhaustion perks like BL, SB, Lithe etc. Most of this comes from a match I just had against a doctor with those three perks (+ devour hope), who proceeded to slug everyone once we took out his totem until he was able to find hatch and camp it. I honestly don't see this game lasting much longer. It's been out since 2015 and the devs have yet to find a balance for both killers and survivors while constantly throwing out cosmetics and dlc, which means nothing when every update literally breaks something else within the game. I know there's a different department that handles cosmetics but once again, I do not care because, at the core, the game still has problems on both sides and I find it a bit insulting how the devs try to appease players with new dlc and blasé blasé blah while not fixing the main stuff. There are legit people out there thinking that since we didn't get a Christmas event, developers are hard at work fixing the core game issues and it's kinda sad.
The meta is extremely boring, and I don't mean only for Killers.
Playing Survivor, I can guess 75% of your build before the game even loads.
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Thing is, there are not many really good Perks on both sides. Killers have a little bit more variety, because they have different gameplay (e.g. some Killers use Chase Perks, while they would be completely useless on other Killers), but overall, there is a lack of good Perks in the latest Chapters.
Even there Killers have it a little bit better, because Perks like Corrupt Intervention, Thrilling Tremors, Nemesis can somewhat be used, but they are also no competition to the Metaperks.
So yeah, no surprise to see the same builds over and over again.
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Im hoping you understand killers are kinda forced to play like that if they want to actually win,cause if they don't run slowdown perks then they just insta lose cause of gen speed.Survivor on the otherhand can play perkless and still win.I know you are just venting your frustration out and all of that,but i hope u understand why its like that :/
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It's not even that the other perks are that bad, if you try them they can really make for fun matches
It's just that they get so outshined by the best ones
I also feel there should be more bp increasing perks, i stopped using bbq for a little but i'm really feeling it in my bp gain
Is there a reason why only bbq increases your bp post match while all others are capped by the 8000 max
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Meta is boring af, but its just really not a choice if you take the game at all seriously.
Look at the new perks from Steve, they just all suck, idk why anyone would run ANY of them over what was already available. (now if Babysitter would give you bloodpoints like BBQ&C them maybe but nope.avi).
Im trying to give every survivor their own set of perks though (Cant do it because there arnt enough perks in the game sadly)
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I get where you're coming from. I main GF as killer but I play survivor more just cause i have friends that play and what not. I honestly don't remember it seeming this repetitive until everything after end game pretty much. It's honestly nothing personal against killers cus as much as I get mad at this game, I've still been playing since 2017, just kinda find myself looking for more from it but thanks for understanding.
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Kinda feel like they should make BBQ's bloodpoints per unique survivor hooked baseline, then we'd see a lot more variation in perks.
To be fair, survivors should then also have some equivalently simple bonus, like 25% for each gen completed while you're alive (up to 100%) or 25% bonus for each survivor who escapes, but that'd be harder to do if you died early in a match.
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why are some people's pfp's on the forums like "jailed"?I have seen few people have it don't get what it means
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I love running off meta killer perks, but as soon as I do the survivors i go against all run dead hard borrowed time decisive strike adrenaline
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I main GF and use haunted grounds instead of ruin and make your choice just cus I feel like I'd be the same as everyone else that runs those perks. That's just me personally. Probably because BBQC is a killer perk and it rewards more but idk for sure
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I welcome anything new and fair at this point. I take 3 day breaks every now and then to not get burned out but it seems like it's happening more frequently. It would be nice I think if we got dlc that like new maps, perks that aren't tied to a killer/ survivor like the "rare perks". Like a map that has doors instead of pallets to slam, gens could still be gens but instead have them be in broke down vehicles and I personally think we are long over do for a killer that can fly and attack from above, which is why I want the Creeper and the siblings or some vampire killer that could switch between human and bat form. I guess I really just want the devs to be more creative. The Oni to me was kinda underwhelming but I got nothing against people who like him.
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there will always be a meta to top efficiency.
that said there are really good perk and different builds on both side that works well.
killers have more variety in meta too since every one is different.
anyway it depends on players too. If they all want to tryhard obv they copy the meta.
and no, devs will rest as every other person during xmas and thats perfectly fine. Moreover they already said there wont be a xmas event
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Thrilling Tremors is a better version of BBQ&C for information and gen blocking. It does more then BBQ&C does. It mostly comes down to BP or Gen Lock.
Roughly every killer has at least one good perk thats useful from Clown going on forward.
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Sorry if it is off topic but I would say bbq is a better version of thrilling tremors. You only block for a short amount the gens nobody is working on. And TT has a cooldown. You only get gen information. With bbq you dont have a cooldown and get more and better information.
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The main problem is, that the devs just throw a cooldown on everything. There are like two perks with a CD that are mediocre atm. The others are underwhelming.
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My view is since the primary objective is gen control and hooking. Having gens blocked for 16 seconds tells you where people are and makes it so downtime carrying survivors is not as rough. If you run PGTW you now have a specific target as well to regress.
The information BBQ provides is really good, but once you play the game enough BBQ is telling you what you already know 80% of the time.
In the end I just feel its preference. While I do like both it's mostly for different reasons. I've also run both at the same time and realized it's a little OP if you know how to exploit it.
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If you only look at stalling you are right. But comparing bbq and TT only makes sense information wise. Also if you know the killer has TT you wont be touching a gen if its not close to be finished when the killer downs a survivor. So the information is limited. They need to be at the gen for you getting the information. Thats very limited. Lets go with an example. Lets say there are 2 survivors at a gen and one survivor at another by activation. With TT you would go and check one of those gens with the information you got. With bbq you can see how many survs are at the gen. You even get the information if a surv is running away for the unhook or is hiding in the area.
"...but once you play the game enough BBQ is telling you what you already know 80% of the time." - Well that would apply to TT then as well.
I think experienced players will prefer bbq over TT in terms of information. If you go full stalling then I would preder TT.
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It's a type of suspension to the forums - they can't create new discussions as a small slap on the hand.
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You seem to point out the flaws in TT, but seem to forget that BBQ has flaws too. A survivor can hide in locker, your TR, and even behind a gen. Both perks bank on the survivors letting the perk be useful. Only difference is at least if everyone gets off a gen then for 16 seconds no objective can be done which has better potential than BBQ.
Since part of the meta is legit stall tactics as well that should verify TT as a stronger perk since PGTW is a huge part of the meta.
Btw I dnt mention BBQ stacks for BP simply because it does not affect game play outside of a reason to pick BBQ.
I love how you say experienced yet dont know anything about my playtime xD as far as you could know I can have anything for 20 minutes to 7k hours. Just feels kinda like your trying to put me down because either your losing the argument, dont want to continue a discussion, or you realize I'm probably right when your thinking about it.
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Meta's gonna happen.
You might see a Perk or 2 crawl their way in every now and then, but after a while, people will find out which are meta and tadaa: Nothing changes again for a while.
And with how Perks work, no matter how much you buff or nerf all of them, there'll be Perks that will be considered meta.
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No Im aware of the counters to bbq as well. But comparing the same scenario bbq will be better information wise. Like I said I wouldnt compare the stalling to bbq. Ofc thats a minor advantage of running TT.
You seem to compare many different things that are not the points of my disagreement. But Ill go with it. If stall is meta and you want to use pgtw the most efficient way, I would recommend discordance or surveillance. Because they are the most dependable perks in terms of which gen gets worked on.
Just for clarification, TT will have almost the same effect as bbq in gen stalling. If the survivors keep doing the gen, you will know this with bbq and TT and the stalling effect of TT wont activate. You see that the gen gets worked on with both perks. But bbq will tell you how many survs working on the gen. If they let go of the gen to avoid the effect of TT you get the 15 seconds stalling. If the survivor leaves the gen to avoid bbq he needs to find a locker or otherwise he will be seen with bbq. The time to get in the locker and the time for bbq to run out and get back to the gen can also be seen as stalling effect.
To the "experienced players" topic. I didnt say that you are inexperienced nor experienced. I didnt personally adress you. If you feel that way, then you understood my point wrong. Also its kind of funny how you tried to put me down first with that logic. "...but once you play the game enough BBQ is telling you what you already know 80% of the time". Let me use your argument against you. So you are telling me I played the game not enough? Strange because you dont know anything about my playtime. lol
Stop using snowflake tricks to make an off topic discussion. Thank you
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Probably can't guess 75% of mine, specifically, but I know what you mean. Basically all survivor are running the 4 of, like, 6 perks and its boring.
As for Killers, I rarely encounter slugging Killers on console. Ruin, PGTW and BBQ are all pretty common though.
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Look dude you want to continue arguing for BBQ go for it. We obviously have different opinions on which of the 2 is better. Both have advantages and disadvantages. I personally see TT has more advantages over BBQ no matter how minor they may be.
You pointed out the stall philosophy of the perk. I just mentioned that currently the meta is in that direction. Also Surveillance is a pretty mediocre perk unlike Discordance. Anyways TT plus Surge works better simply because you net about 27% regression. Discordance is good solely to catch multiple people at a location. Both of those are situational at best. While Discordance is amazing early game Surveillance is better late game.
16 seconds not 15. You can hide behind a gen against BBQ without ever letting go and not be seen it's all about the angles. The 16 seconds of sealing on a gen is invaluable in comparison. Also all 2 people on a gen with BBQ tells you is that gen is officially lost by the time you get there.
You are the one who mentioned experience as a counterpoint. I point out BBQ is only useful in providing information you already know 80% of the time. So dont try to side track a discussion and act like I'm the one who has done it when your the one trying to twist comments to suit your own purpose.
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The meta is boring from both sides but neither are guaranteed to use meta at least.
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Thats the point in a discussion, to understand differenct opinions. We dont have to have the same one. Its not like Im a bbq fan. I also run TT in my standard loadout for my main. But imo if I compare them in point of information bbq is more viable. That was the point I wanted to make in regards of your original statement.
I mentioned the locker in this comparison because its the most consistent way to avoid bbq. The gen would also be lost with TT in that case. I dont understand your point here.
I dont sidetrack anything. I said "I think experienced players will prefer bbq over TT in terms of information". Instead of feeling personal offended you just could have asked how I come to this thinking. You even make me respond to this annoying bs twice.
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I still disagree. TT has more information and is useful for longer in multiple situations then BBQ. As someone who uses it then you should understand the uses it can bestow is generally more useful in more situations. While BBQ may provide raw information it wont provide any.other details or help.
On a side note try using both it has a very interesting result. When I leveled my Pig for p3 I ended up with BBQ, TT, PGTW, and Ruin as my better Perks. It was quite interesting to see how people react since you can play them pretty well.
Your the one who brought up experience, your the one who twisted BBQ provides information 80% you already know, and your the one who continues to mention it as I just reply. I wasn't offended either clearly it's starting to bother you tho so let's no longer mention it after this.
I said 80% and not experince solely based on the fact you dont need any experince to understand people want to do the objective. Which can and will be Gen, Unhook, Totems. You see a lot of these with BBQ. A person can watch a streamer and then pick up the game. With no experience they can understand basic logic.
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Im really only disargeeing in the information aspect here. I think its eitherway difficult to compare bbq and TT because they serve different uses. For example Bbq is awesome to pin point survs. That can be very strong in combination with certain builds. TT is for example awesome for fast traversing killers and get the information on gens.
I will give it a try. It sounds really intersting. I was always thinking bbq and TT combined is a bit too much for gen/survivor observation. Would you recommend a certain killer with it like pig?
Ofc it bothers me because its annoying. Therefore Im going to ignore this section.
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I have a simple suggestion. You cannot use perks from other survivors or killers until the survivor or killer you are playing and wish to use other perks on is Adept. For killer I would reduce the requirements to a simple 2K not the 4K currently and some bizarre amount of emblems. Demonstrate a player has mastered the perks the character comes with first.
Sadly if the above idea was implemented it would destroy meta builds. With the result the gamer population might collapse as well.
But the plus side is no more meta builds.
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I would complain about repetition if there weren't only 7 good perks for each side
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The builds pretty fun honestly since it more or less covers all the basis for what you need and it is pretty versatile. The biggest advantage is that between BBQ and TT you can effectively know which gen's are lost and which gens to pop. Where all survivors are at any time when you hook someone and down people. TT seals gens for 16 seconds during travel time which makes up for the lack of pressure at that time. If you don't actively make it obvious you have BBQ you can do some pretty impressive plays. I usually toss it on a Killer as a farming build though since i normally avg a 4k and 30k points with this build.
I ended up with it on Pig by accident since it was just the best perks plus a farming perk since i was attempting to P3. I will say it definitely was fun on her since with her RBT you can really really hurt people because of all the delays and awareness. Then again Pig is also one of my mains.
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Guess my build then please
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Sounds really interesting. I think I will try it on wraith with faster movement and pgtw. Hope I will manage to pull off some nice plays. It sounds really evil ^^ muhahaha
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Full build was BBQ&C, Thrilling Tremors, PGTW, and Ruin. It did really well with Pig, but I have no idea on Wraith honestly, but I wish you good luck. It was definitely fun and it seemed fundamentally really strong, but like I mentioned I didn't exclusively test it outside P2 Pig and Farm builds.
I personally like to play DBD killers with a build that compliments each killer and work around that. I'm not a big fan of 17 killers with little or no variation in builds.
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Yeah same here. I always try out different perk combinations that benefits the killer. Also the synergy with the addons is really important for me to make a complete build. Imagine one build for all killers, yikes.
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Without a slowdown build you're going to get gens popping too quickly most of the time. I'd love to switch up my typical set of perks for killer but at the same time I want to feel like I actually have a chance at the game.
When I play survivor I get to go spicy with my builds. Outside of Iron Will I don't feel tied to any perks. I've stopped running exhaustion perks as a whole currently and it's been really fun. I play different and I play smarter.
But balance is difficult. If they slow down gen progression as a baseline, killers like Nurse, Spirit and Billy with ridiculous map pressure will just thrive a lot of the time. At the same time they'll have to adjust all of the slowdown perks and addons to compensate. The balance is in a really weird place.
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I just don't use those personally, like I saw PopGTW in the shrine recently and didn't even get it. If I wanna slow down the game I use thrilling tremors + overcharge and go after survivors in between cus someone is gonna want to save and when they miss that skill check I get the notification, they hide for a minute, I kick it again etc. Rinse wash and repeat.
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I use Thrill for information, Pop for regression. At high ranks I don't find Overcharge worth it personally.
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JuST aDapT bRO