Camping is part of the game huh?

Touken Member Posts: 66
So of camping is part of the game then why isn't looping part of the game? 
Let me guess it makes it so that you take a long time to catch them well then leave them go for the other survivors

Some killers say that tunneling isn't a thing and that its just an excuse survivors use. So getting chased right after you got unhooked is not tunneling?

Im more of a killer main and most of the stuff that killers are complaining about is about things that give a survivor a chance to survive which is bull because without these chances the killer would be way to op 

The new updated gave such a buff to killers that i went from staying from rank 15 to 11 and killers are like give us more buff makes op so that we can get 4k all the time , well the game isn't about getting 4ks its about how many you can kill 

Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

Again ik it sound like im a survivor main but im not im a killer main who is just giving his opinion on the new update ill like to hear you opinions too of course


  • Touken
    Touken Member Posts: 66
    Orion said:

    Looping exploits the different collision boxes that Survivors and Killers have, thereby (almost) nullifying the speed advantage that Killers should have. Delaying the game is also not an intended tactic by the developers, which is why it's being nerfed.

    I call it playing smart. Going after the person who will take 1 hit to be rehooked with less time than they had before is a smart play. Going after the person who will take 2 hits to be rehooked with a full hook timer is not.

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    So you want to be a dick and not even give a barely unhooked survivor a chance 
    and im not saying that killers are saying they want 4k but they are basically asking for it because no matter what they keep complaining

    And some of the stuff that they complain about im ok with i dont have a problem with DS, SB, SC they honestly never bothered me not even pallet looping
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Touken said:

    Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

    You do sound a lot like a survivor main especially here... survivors are still way op having complete control over the game time limit and the looping collision exploit which I'm hoping they speak about but I doubt they will.. it would be great if the reduced the size of the killers collision just a little bit...
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Touken said:
    So of camping is part of the game then why isn't looping part of the game? 
    Let me guess it makes it so that you take a long time to catch them well then leave them go for the other survivors

    Some killers say that tunneling isn't a thing and that its just an excuse survivors use. So getting chased right after you got unhooked is not tunneling?

    Im more of a killer main and most of the stuff that killers are complaining about is about things that give a survivor a chance to survive which is bull because without these chances the killer would be way to op 

    The new updated gave such a buff to killers that i went from staying from rank 15 to 11 and killers are like give us more buff makes op so that we can get 4k all the time , well the game isn't about getting 4ks its about how many you can kill 

    Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

    Again ik it sound like im a survivor main but im not im a killer main who is just giving his opinion on the new update ill like to hear you opinions too of course

    I dont understand your point.

    camping, tunneling, genrushing.... its all part of the game.

    The point why killers complain about survivors 2nd chance perk is the problem that some survivors are good enough that they can play without, but they still use them. This is when the whole game falls apart and you cant do anything with a normal killer.

    The new update completely changed rank system, basically all ranks got lifted upwards because rank 15 is lowest rank now. And the fact that you played killer on rank 15 or rank 11 now tells me that you have no clue how a game feels when competent survivors play in a SWF and still use their second chance stuff.

    Once you have gone out of such a match, being bullied, bodyblocked by 3 survivors such they can safely pull off their mate of the hook while you are standing next to them, helpless, not being able to do anything against that, THEN we talk again my dude :wink:

    You adapt by becoming good. Just look what some survivors are capable of doing. You have all the tools, just use 3rd person, you will always (99%) be aware where the killer. With some knowledge of the loops, you can waste so much time of the killer that the game is over for him when he can catch you.

  • Neska
    Neska Member Posts: 132

    @Orion said:
    Looping exploits the different collision boxes that Survivors and Killers have, thereby (almost) nullifying the speed advantage that Killers should have. Delaying the game is also not an intended tactic by the developers, which is why it's being nerfed.

    I call it playing smart. Going after the person who will take 1 hit to be rehooked with less time than they had before is a smart play. Going after the person who will take 2 hits to be rehooked with a full hook timer is not.

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    No Killer asked for a 4k every trial, but many want exactly that..

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Neska said:

    @Orion said:
    Looping exploits the different collision boxes that Survivors and Killers have, thereby (almost) nullifying the speed advantage that Killers should have. Delaying the game is also not an intended tactic by the developers, which is why it's being nerfed.

    I call it playing smart. Going after the person who will take 1 hit to be rehooked with less time than they had before is a smart play. Going after the person who will take 2 hits to be rehooked with a full hook timer is not.

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    No Killer asked for a 4k every trial, but many want exactly that..

    Which you know because you're telepathic? Or are you just assuming because you yourself can't adapt to Killers actually being the power role?

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    @Neska said:

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    No Killer asked for a 4k every trial, but many want exactly that..

    of course i want a 4k every game , just like a a survivor wants to escape untouched with everyone else , i dont play a game to not try for the best outcome

    i dont expect to 4k or escape (although i do expect to not get farmed by team mates)

  • Neska
    Neska Member Posts: 132

    @Orion said:

    @Neska said:

    @Orion said:
    Looping exploits the different collision boxes that Survivors and Killers have, thereby (almost) nullifying the speed advantage that Killers should have. Delaying the game is also not an intended tactic by the developers, which is why it's being nerfed.

    I call it playing smart. Going after the person who will take 1 hit to be rehooked with less time than they had before is a smart play. Going after the person who will take 2 hits to be rehooked with a full hook timer is not.

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    No Killer asked for a 4k every trial, but many want exactly that..

    Which you know because you're telepathic? Or are you just assuming because you yourself can't adapt to Killers actually being the power role?

    I know that, because many play for the 4k, and I watched enough streamers that main killer & even said that it's not a win for them if they don't get 3-4 kills :) I never said all killers or everyone, I said "many" :)

  • Neska
    Neska Member Posts: 132

    @holywhitetrash said:

    @Neska said:

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    No Killer asked for a 4k every trial, but many want exactly that..

    of course i want a 4k every game , just like a a survivor wants to escape untouched with everyone else , i dont play a game to not try for the best outcome

    i dont expect to 4k or escape (although i do expect to not get farmed by team mates)

    I never said anything else & I agree with that statement :)

  • LRGamer
    LRGamer Member Posts: 160
    Killers are not OP but they are supposed to be
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    fun fact: every one of these guys who complain abut killer stuff claim to be a killer main. They mostly dont even know that the killer has a lunge attack.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Mister_xD said:
    fun fact: every one of these guys who complain abut killer stuff claim to be a killer main. They mostly dont even know that the killer has a lunge attack.

    Thats probably true.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    You're a killer main? Sweet, I'm Will Smith!
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Neska said:

    @Orion said:

    @Neska said:

    @Orion said:
    Looping exploits the different collision boxes that Survivors and Killers have, thereby (almost) nullifying the speed advantage that Killers should have. Delaying the game is also not an intended tactic by the developers, which is why it's being nerfed.

    I call it playing smart. Going after the person who will take 1 hit to be rehooked with less time than they had before is a smart play. Going after the person who will take 2 hits to be rehooked with a full hook timer is not.

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    No Killer asked for a 4k every trial, but many want exactly that..

    Which you know because you're telepathic? Or are you just assuming because you yourself can't adapt to Killers actually being the power role?

    I know that, because many play for the 4k, and I watched enough streamers that main killer & even said that it's not a win for them if they don't get 3-4 kills :) I never said all killers or everyone, I said "many" :)

    Funny cause half dead is a tie, even in identity v it officially considers two dead a tie. You lose when more survivors leave, you win when less survivors leave.
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    Neska said:

    @Orion said:

    @Neska said:

    @Orion said:
    Looping exploits the different collision boxes that Survivors and Killers have, thereby (almost) nullifying the speed advantage that Killers should have. Delaying the game is also not an intended tactic by the developers, which is why it's being nerfed.

    I call it playing smart. Going after the person who will take 1 hit to be rehooked with less time than they had before is a smart play. Going after the person who will take 2 hits to be rehooked with a full hook timer is not.

    No Killer has ever asked for 4k every trial, so I'll just ignore what you said after that.

    No Killer asked for a 4k every trial, but many want exactly that..

    Which you know because you're telepathic? Or are you just assuming because you yourself can't adapt to Killers actually being the power role?

    I know that, because many play for the 4k, and I watched enough streamers that main killer & even said that it's not a win for them if they don't get 3-4 kills :) I never said all killers or everyone, I said "many" :)

    Funny cause half dead is a tie, even in identity v it officially considers two dead a tie. You lose when more survivors leave, you win when less survivors leave.
    To me, if two die and I pip it's a win. Two die and I black pip is a tie, anything less is a loss.
  • Touken
    Touken Member Posts: 66
    You're a killer main? Sweet, I'm Will Smith
     Really can i get an autograph Nvm if you dont believe me idc
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Touken said:
    You're a killer main? Sweet, I'm Will Smith
     Really can i get an autograph Nvm if you dont believe me idc
    You claim to be a killer yet talk like a survivor main
  • Unit
    Unit Member Posts: 190
    Master said:

    @Touken said:
    So of camping is part of the game then why isn't looping part of the game? 
    Let me guess it makes it so that you take a long time to catch them well then leave them go for the other survivors

    Some killers say that tunneling isn't a thing and that its just an excuse survivors use. So getting chased right after you got unhooked is not tunneling?

    Im more of a killer main and most of the stuff that killers are complaining about is about things that give a survivor a chance to survive which is bull because without these chances the killer would be way to op 

    The new updated gave such a buff to killers that i went from staying from rank 15 to 11 and killers are like give us more buff makes op so that we can get 4k all the time , well the game isn't about getting 4ks its about how many you can kill 

    Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

    Again ik it sound like im a survivor main but im not im a killer main who is just giving his opinion on the new update ill like to hear you opinions too of course

    I dont understand your point.

    camping, tunneling, genrushing.... its all part of the game.

    The point why killers complain about survivors 2nd chance perk is the problem that some survivors are good enough that they can play without, but they still use them. This is when the whole game falls apart and you cant do anything with a normal killer.

    The new update completely changed rank system, basically all ranks got lifted upwards because rank 15 is lowest rank now. And the fact that you played killer on rank 15 or rank 11 now tells me that you have no clue how a game feels when competent survivors play in a SWF and still use their second chance stuff.

    Once you have gone out of such a match, being bullied, bodyblocked by 3 survivors such they can safely pull off their mate of the hook while you are standing next to them, helpless, not being able to do anything against that, THEN we talk again my dude :wink:

    You adapt by becoming good. Just look what some survivors are capable of doing. You have all the tools, just use 3rd person, you will always (99%) be aware where the killer. With some knowledge of the loops, you can waste so much time of the killer that the game is over for him when he can catch you.

    Genrush doesn't exist 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Don´t worry OP. With the new patch, you´ll be back to rank 15 killer in no time.
    Also you´ll have no problems to escape every time with everyone as survivor.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         Sadly players can really “put out” another with very simple tactics. “Camping” was kind of meant to have that fear factor if you asked me. Coupled with Insidious, it makes for great scares and ambushes. Sitting in front of the survivor in plain sight is just unclassy- but then again, style apparently is not this general community’s focus.
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    If you are finally reaching rank 11, you have no idea what the game looks like with skilled players.  Sorry, but unless they are balancing around noobs, your opinion is simply too uninformed to be meaningful.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Unit said:
    Master said:

    @Touken said:

    So of camping is part of the game then why isn't looping part of the game? 

    Let me guess it makes it so that you take a long time to catch them well then leave them go for the other survivors

    Some killers say that tunneling isn't a thing and that its just an excuse survivors use. So getting chased right after you got unhooked is not tunneling?
    Im more of a killer main and most of the stuff that killers are complaining about is about things that give a survivor a chance to survive which is bull because without these chances the killer would be way to op 
    The new updated gave such a buff to killers that i went from staying from rank 15 to 11 and killers are like give us more buff makes op so that we can get 4k all the time , well the game isn't about getting 4ks its about how many you can kill 
    Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

    Again ik it sound like im a survivor main but im not im a killer main who is just giving his opinion on the new update ill like to hear you opinions too of course

    I dont understand your point.

    camping, tunneling, genrushing.... its all part of the game.

    The point why killers complain about survivors 2nd chance perk is the problem that some survivors are good enough that they can play without, but they still use them. This is when the whole game falls apart and you cant do anything with a normal killer.

    The new update completely changed rank system, basically all ranks got lifted upwards because rank 15 is lowest rank now. And the fact that you played killer on rank 15 or rank 11 now tells me that you have no clue how a game feels when competent survivors play in a SWF and still use their second chance stuff.

    Once you have gone out of such a match, being bullied, bodyblocked by 3 survivors such they can safely pull off their mate of the hook while you are standing next to them, helpless, not being able to do anything against that, THEN we talk again my dude :wink:

    You adapt by becoming good. Just look what some survivors are capable of doing. You have all the tools, just use 3rd person, you will always (99%) be aware where the killer. With some knowledge of the loops, you can waste so much time of the killer that the game is over for him when he can catch you.

    Genrush doesn't exist 

    of course genrush exists, just liek tunneling is a thing.
    It just means optimal playing, its just sad that the game is so broken that playing optimally is considered a bad thing

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Touken said:

    Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

    You do sound a lot like a survivor main especially here... survivors are still way op having complete control over the game time limit and the looping collision exploit which I'm hoping they speak about but I doubt they will.. it would be great if the reduced the size of the killers collision just a little bit...

    If they reduced the hitboxes of the killers to match that of the survs a lot more things would need to get looked at. The map for starters. They would need to add more situations where time can be eaten up or reduce the amount of time neeed per gen or even reduce gen count. This could also mean more pallets, jungle gyms, LOS breakers, rebalancing exhaustions perks to make chases longer. They are leaving it in cos this is what kills time in the game. Sucks for us killers.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Unit said:
    Master said:

    @Touken said:

    So of camping is part of the game then why isn't looping part of the game? 

    Let me guess it makes it so that you take a long time to catch them well then leave them go for the other survivors

    Some killers say that tunneling isn't a thing and that its just an excuse survivors use. So getting chased right after you got unhooked is not tunneling?
    Im more of a killer main and most of the stuff that killers are complaining about is about things that give a survivor a chance to survive which is bull because without these chances the killer would be way to op 
    The new updated gave such a buff to killers that i went from staying from rank 15 to 11 and killers are like give us more buff makes op so that we can get 4k all the time , well the game isn't about getting 4ks its about how many you can kill 
    Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

    Again ik it sound like im a survivor main but im not im a killer main who is just giving his opinion on the new update ill like to hear you opinions too of course

    I dont understand your point.

    camping, tunneling, genrushing.... its all part of the game.

    The point why killers complain about survivors 2nd chance perk is the problem that some survivors are good enough that they can play without, but they still use them. This is when the whole game falls apart and you cant do anything with a normal killer.

    The new update completely changed rank system, basically all ranks got lifted upwards because rank 15 is lowest rank now. And the fact that you played killer on rank 15 or rank 11 now tells me that you have no clue how a game feels when competent survivors play in a SWF and still use their second chance stuff.

    Once you have gone out of such a match, being bullied, bodyblocked by 3 survivors such they can safely pull off their mate of the hook while you are standing next to them, helpless, not being able to do anything against that, THEN we talk again my dude :wink:

    You adapt by becoming good. Just look what some survivors are capable of doing. You have all the tools, just use 3rd person, you will always (99%) be aware where the killer. With some knowledge of the loops, you can waste so much time of the killer that the game is over for him when he can catch you.

    Genrush doesn't exist 

    of course genrush exists, just liek tunneling is a thing.
    It just means optimal playing, its just sad that the game is so broken that playing optimally is considered a bad thing

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    Here, this may help you to understand, Camping was commercialized as a viable strat before the game even came out, pallet looping never has been even stated as legit gameplay from a dev yet.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Envees said:

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Touken said:

    Adapt? how can we adapt when you keep getting camped and tunneled, and dont say play stealthy because you cant because of the aura reading perks. The flashlight change is kinda good but it would be better if they put just a bit more time in the pick up animation

    You do sound a lot like a survivor main especially here... survivors are still way op having complete control over the game time limit and the looping collision exploit which I'm hoping they speak about but I doubt they will.. it would be great if the reduced the size of the killers collision just a little bit...

    If they reduced the hitboxes of the killers to match that of the survs a lot more things would need to get looked at. The map for starters. They would need to add more situations where time can be eaten up or reduce the amount of time neeed per gen or even reduce gen count. This could also mean more pallets, jungle gyms, LOS breakers, rebalancing exhaustions perks to make chases longer. They are leaving it in cos this is what kills time in the game. Sucks for us killers.

    No they wouldn't have to do anything actually the maps are so broken in the current state it doesnt even matter that they "nerfed" exhaustion long as the killer breaks a pallet you have enough time to make it to another that's broken simply because you loop certain pallets for so long... reducing the collision should be done especially now that their talking about putting iframes on people that are being unhooked? Like why? 
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    Well that's amazing you managed to rank up four times when it's impossible to go below rank 15 once you hit it. you so deserve a cookie.

    Most of the time Killers complain about lupin it's not looping around a pallet they're talking about what their main annoyances is things like barn loops places where the killer could literally do nothing else other than hope bloodlust gets them to hit because the loop is too efficient to mind game and perks like bamboozle won't help.

    Also you preach the word adapt yet you say stealth is impossible because of aura reading perks yet you don't want to adapt to countering them the amount of times survivor mains, killer mains and the devs themselves have told you how to counter it if you honestly still say it's impossible don't bring up adapting because it makes you sound like a hypocrite.