Why people think that Doctor is "annoying"?
I realy enjoy playing against Doctor (cuz those allucinations and screams ,not that I like DBD being a horror game) and when I heard the Devs explaining why would they rework him I didn't understand nothing
Wait... Dbd's a horror game?
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Because they're bad. They're just bad, or they're new, or it ruins their immersive playstyle because they only know how to hide. There isn't a single good survivor out there that is afraid or cares about a Doctor.
But the annoying part? Probably 3 genning Doc's. I suppose it's annoying and slow to have each survivor on 1 of the 3 gens, or 2 on 1, 1 on the other, and slowly complete it while getting 3 gen strated. Which honestly is annoying. It's just a strategy that delays the inevitable. Like, he's a ######### m1 killer that can annoy people, that's his thing
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Probaly just a myth
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I also tought about being hard to hide but that's in green to 20 ranks. The 3 gen doc is a little anoying but its just delaying the game, after some time the gens are done
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VFX and SFX spam.
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from my experience playing against him on xbox absolutely breaks the frame rate
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Same on PS4
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Doctor is extremely powerful in a 3-gen setup. If they are somewhat close together the game can easily last 30-60 mins until either side makes a mistake. Usually it's a case of hitting a survivor, then going back to your gens to guard them, and they get healed..
Annoying for both sides although I must say Doctor with BBQ farms points like crazy. I very often get ~30k base bloodpoint games with him, doubled to 60k. But they also last quite long
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Its not strong, it just makes the game last 2 years
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He can kill people's frame rate on console, he makes survivors scream constantly, the screen is always cluttered in static, and his add ons make it even worse for example constant red stain on your back can be annoying.
These are the reason I believe people find doctor annoying. I personally don't find him as annoying but he can be a bit irritating at times.
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Maybe his addons are anoying instead of him
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All i heard and made me a bit made was that guy saying "who are we gonna change next? Why do I not like to play against?"
Like #########?
Doc is an very very rare sight in red ranks on ps4 because he's broken and very unreliable because of the latency.
And instead of giving him a bit of love they gonna nerf him because" they" suck ass as survivor?
Typical bhvr
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They are not buffing, they are actually more buffing him than nefing, the only nerf is that they removed the static field. And please stop being those reddit killer mains that when BHVR does something always be like: "Freaking BHVR buffing survivors!"
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Lol he's not being nerfed and people have been complaining Doctor is annoying for a long time now.
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But why is he annoying?
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People have already answered you. It's pretty obvious why he's annoying and if you can't see why some people find constant screaming and loud, obnoxious noises and visual interference and effortless tracking and 3 gen Doc annoying then you're willfully ignorant.
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Explain why this can't be a slow vault instead? Killer still gets a hit but now you'd be on the other side of the window. Fair to both players. This is the kind bull ######### I talk about anytime I say I hate Doc.
Now that he moves at 115 all the time and doesn't need to switch stances, this really needs to be changed.
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Doctor is my most annoying killer to go against. The screaming, the noises in madness (this weird whispering), my screen flashing all time, fps drops...
Everything is wrong about doctor and I wish this killer would not be in the game. At least he is a garbage killer and therefore not much seen in red ranks. But still, I hate every single second going against this annoying 4head.
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I really have the feeling that doctor just exists to piss off players. Same with struggling and wiggling. Just exists to piss off players.
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I play both sides at rank 1 and let's be honest, playing survivor is so damn easy.
You can get to rank 1 without any perks/items and add ons.
Tell me how is it not a nerf?
His static field is gone and replaced by static blast.
A static blast can only activated once every 60 seconds.
Now let's say you're facing an optimal team and your ruin is gone within 30 sec (because bhvr can't seems to find better hiding spots and lets survivors spawn on it).
That means you can use your static blast 3 times if your lucky.
Yes, optimal survivors can end the game in 3,5 minutes.
Even when you are the best killer in the world the survivors can end it that fast.
Wow so you scream just a few times per game.
That's about the only thing he does to you.
And if he's lucky he blocks your vault if luck is on his side.
And he's just as annoying as any other killer when you 3 gen yourself.
That is just dumb play as survivor and totally on yourself and your team to let that happen.
If you work well with your team you force it and split the gens up, and otherwise you force him into a chase.
You and your team will all work on the same gen, and don't run away so easily.
Even when you are hurt you try to finish it, he is forced to chase someone eventually.
If not than only 1 go to a different gen, the furtherst away and the game is over for him.
Other that that i don't see what is really that annoying.
The rare time i play against him i rarely get to madness 3,and escape about 90% of the time.
As solo, so i have to rely on my own info.
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Yeeeah that just should NEVER have been a feature.
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I guess that's just a bug.
I have never been blocked to vault by a random scream, and looking at his face neither did he.
The only time he can block a vault is when he shocks you, not by random screams
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Calm down, I saw other answers, I just wanna your opinion and when I say your I mean your idea. This is not WW3 to be fighting, so plz calm down
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No the vault is blocked not from being shocked but from screaming as you are shocked, thus when you scream randomly it also blocks the vault if it happens at the same time. And due to latency, you teleport back to the other side. And this only seems to be a feature of Madness screams, because screams from Dream Snares, Afterpiece Tonic, or Infectious Fright don't do this.
Just make it a slow vault. I can't see how people have such a hard time understanding this is a BS mechanic. It's entirely connection dependent and beyond your control as survivor. In one instance you get shocked and make the vault, in another you get shocked and teleport back, in yet another you get shocked and just can't vault. It's stupid no matter how you slice it.
Yet people want to defend it as "this is the only thing Doc has to beat loops". No if you make it a slow vault he can still beat loops just fine. Example, Clown and Freddy can force slow vaults and they crush loops.
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Think of it like this
Doctor can get a lot of builds that pretty much make the entire match against him boring and not running calm spirit against him he removes all aspect of stealth from the game. I just find him annoying cause his shocks are inconsistent and screams are too
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Its more a buff than a nerf, it doesn't mean that there isn't a nerf
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Yeah, he's not fun for both sides, even for the killer
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Also he is a walking frame drop on console. For both survivors and killer.
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Huh, I thought he was a frame, and his power just killed fps
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I personally just find that full screen shock effect unnecessarily annoying and jarring. Other than that, easy to loop.
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Yeah I really dislike that part too.
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He disables his enemies from having more than 5 FPS, how people say he's a weak killer?!
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I know!
He needs a nerf to 6 frames, atleast be playable!
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It should be reduced to only a small portion of the screen
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Yup that is what i mean.
When he shocks you, you scream and can't vault for 2.5 seconds.
A random scream because you are in madness 3 or you just madness up doesn't block your vault whe he doesn't shock you with his shock therapy.
About teleporting back i have had that on several other killers as well so it's not doc related.
I play on ps4 and my frames never drop when i play as or against him.
Might be an xbox issue if you play on that console, if not that i have no idea where the problem lies.
Then you might find that with with legion, plague and mending also unnecessary?
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The chances of screaming and stopping your fault is very random
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Yeah so randomly screaming isn't that annoying, at least not to me.
And yes i agree i find it annoying when i play as him and i shock someone before an vault and they still vault.
But i don't believe that issue will be resolved when the introduce his new "changes"
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Strangely, that doesn't bother me as much.
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Than why does the doc screen lighting bother you.
It's just a few times tho.
With the other things it just taking away a bit of your vision, so looks pretty more annoying than just a little flickering once in a while
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So for me personally because I play a lot of survivor. Doc is really only annoying with his perks he has. Occasionally his ability spam is irritating but just in general his perks.
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It has nothing to do with his strength as a killer. He's annoying, because if you want to play stealthy it's nearly impossible with him. Add in his shocks wreck absolute havoc with console frame rates and he is most definitely obnoxious.
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He kills fps in most people game and the constant electric noise and screaming is just anooying.
And let's not forget the full screen shock effect which basically will kill your fps no matter what.
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Imagine giving doctor "Love" a killer that has million of bugs which hasn't been adressed on the surv side
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Your on Xbox bro we should swf together!
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Because it's unnecessary. It serves no real purpose, lol
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I actually like to play against doctor as long as we prevent a 3 gen.
All the visual and audio stuff is cool.
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I remember playing with a friend where we were in like a 30 minute hostage doc game who just went to DC when it failed... I can understand why people hate doc when I normally never before that... since that game I got pretty triggered by how he works ngl.
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I find it really aggravating when I escape him in a chase, but then just scream and the chase is back on.
He didn't do anything skillful to cause that, he didn't track me down, RNG just said "he found you now!"
Weirdly enough, that isn't part of what's being changed.
I don't think the loss of the static field is bad at all, in fact the static blast is way more powerful outside of revealing everyone at the start of the match. I feel like he'll also be way more fun to play now without form swapping, movement speed slows, and being able to reliably cause stalling to multiple survivors rather than just the one directly in front of you.
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So is the reduced vision from legion, plague and mending.
That also doesn't really serve any real purpose if you ask me. 😉
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Switching between Treatment and Punishment modes at the right time and shocking properly actually does require some skill, otherwise you will get everyone's madness up, sure, but also get looped for 3 minutes by 1 guy. And some addons like the Iridescent King will completely change the playstyle to shocking vs static field.
Don't forget he has lower movement speed in Treatment mode and cannot attack, he needs to switch to Punishment to attack. And while charging a shock he moves at like 50% speed, it's really slow, often making it a choice between shocking someone or hitting them.