Basement 4k Challenge + DC's

I've been trying to get the 4 basement sacrifices challenge today and I was about to get it.. And then 2/4 of the survivors DC'd.
They did the usual "GG EZ" "TOO EZ" responses in the post-game chat. One of the other survivors was actually reasonable however, which I appreciated.
My point here is that these types of people ruin the game experience for killers/other survivors. I don't like using basement builds or being overly sweaty; i'm not a super competitive gamer and I like to just try my best and do obscure builds. But this level 4 challenge forces me and everyone else to play scummy basement builds. I had Iron Grasp, Agitation, Mad Grit, and Ruin on my Trapper, with the Iridescent Stone and Stitched Bag addons. It was on the Badham Preschool map, and the basement was in the school.
The game was going really good for me, since these idiot survivors kept stepping on every trap that I put inside the building or around it. They got ruin very early but it didn't matter.
I managed to have all 3 of them downed in the basement (killed one earlier in the game in the basement), and as I was going to pick them up, 2 decided they would like to DC.
The green name is the nice person, the black are the others. You get the gist.
Im personally tired of camping kilers. I usually DC too. It seems there's "Lots" of challenges that inspire camping because it's happening all the time anymore. Sorry, 1000 IQ play by BHVR adding challenges that make you tunnel and camp.
It wouldn't be such an issue if just 1 in 10 randoms I play with knew how to deal with it.
Typically kilers that camp though are just bad and know they can't win chases so they just camp / stay close to hook and it's very boring.
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These kind of challenges need to be toned down a bit instead of 5 hooks just like 2 all this does is just promotes toxic gameplay that no one enjoys on both sides
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Right? I normally try very hard to not tunnel and I certainly don't camp, but when challenges like this happen its almost impossible to avoid using that strategy. Even in that game I tried hard not to camp, but tunneling was very hard to avoid because the survivors kept stepping in obvious traps and traps that they had stepped in before. But they get mad at me for tunneling...
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I almost made it while playing casually since I managed to slug all 4 survivors (they where playing very cocky but very badly), but a Meg kept running to the corner of the map furthest from the basement once she understood I was trying to get the challenge, just to spite me, and obviously mocked me in the chat.
These challenges really show how bad this community can be.
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lol even the obsession one, “kill the obsession BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” like alright man they are literally hinting to camp the hell out of the obsession lmao
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No they are saying if you have to mori then mori.
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Yea it's a no win for everyone just makes people not want to play tbh
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i'm trying it right now, keep getting DC after DC is unbearable
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Yeah, this challenge is awfully designed and has no place being in this game ... But it is :(