Let’s talk about what the devs haven’t done in 2019.

TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

a year or so ago the devs said:


2) “FPS on consoles and low end PCs will be improved to a CONSTANT 60 FPS by chapter 14”. Chapter 14 is here and there’s barely a difference, but at least it’s noticeable.

3) “Dedicated servers will release Late Summer 2019”. That didn’t happen. It got delayed to “Late Fall 2019”. Guess what December 21st was? It was the first day of winter. It’s winter and 9 days left in 2019. You guys still haven’t mentioned anything on the servers as of lately. So that’s great.


1) Freddy doesn’t suck.

2) Nurse sucks.

3) More cosmetics?

4) The best m1 killer to never do anything, The Plague

5) The most unused killer in the game, The Demogorgon

6) IMO a kind of boring killer for what the hype led up too, The Oni

7) Japanese Nea (Yui)


9) the rift. With more bugs.

10) rift challenges that are overly try hard and situational. They suck the ever living titty milk out of your brain until you can’t process anything else other than what face camping, noed using, basement killers pupils look like. Or worse, 4man SWF trying time deplete 9 (reduced 3) keys.

10) frames dropping on bloodlust is broken is a problem again for the 1000th time since 2017.

11) the mostly dead dbd platform... the switch

12) no real events since the Chinese New Years. The game can just stay stale asf forever now

I think 2019 really sucked for the most part in comparison to the 2018 year. It also didn’t really help the game much, honestly this year has only dedicated to improving the game, but such lack of improvements where they are most dire falls with consequences which personally felt like they hurt hard this year. The game did get a nice influx players due to the Netflix/StrangerThings agreement and Rift pass, but I feel as if the devs had slowed down the constant every 3+/- month release of a killer there would be more room to actually improve what has been promised. There are many variables that effect the game and it’s stability in all cases, so I don’t put all the burden on the devs. Praying for a good 2019.

EDIT: for those commenting on “Freddy doesn’t suck” and saying “no he’s great, that’s understatement and you’re being unreasonable”. I said he doesn’t suck. he sucked before. now he doesn’t. In what way does that statement sh*t on Freddy? If you wanted me to say he’s great, he’s not imo.

Post edited by TooKoolFoU on


  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    i use to get 144 fps with my rig, it is at 120-130 now...

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    To be fair with all the bad, and there's been a good chunk this year, The whole Ash thing and MoM made me quit the game for a while, It just put a bad taste in my mouth they were either that oblivious to original MoM or did it to sell Ash but anyways there was also some good.

    We got the End Game collapse, Closing Hatch for Killer, DC Penalties (Kind of), a Change to SWF Matchmaking to make it more fair, Two Perks in Bloodwebs to lessen the grind and probably some more I'm forgetting.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    I have no comment on the ash thing. I try to not think about it. On behalf of EGC, sure hatch is close nice but EGC still bring some problems to the table, but that’s why I left it unmentioned. I don’t believe helped the game nor hurt it for the most part. The grind still needs to be lessened. The devs can’t keeping trying sell characters if people can’t play the ones the already bought. For example, I buy every dlc on release day. Let’s use pig as an example. I bought her on release, but I haven’t played her since than. Not because I don’t want too, but due to 1) she’s not much of my play style 2) I have more fun with other killers that I still have to progress with. Everything 3 months it makes it increasingly harder to play those character I bought 2 years ago. For me the grind makes an extreme problem because it’s hard for me to enjoy all the content in the game that I’ve bought. I can’t imagine how new players feel even still. No dc penalties on console yet (where I am now). As far as matchmaking... no. Matchmaking is worse than it was this time last year. There’s a lot of variables that can effect the length of time you sit there matchmaking, but it is much worse now. Matchmaking with SWF is bad now, because it destroys solos. It is irritating as a solo player at ranks 1-6 to be playing, a SWF group join the lobby and one of them being rank 1-6..... BUT the other 2 survivors in the SWF group being potato yellow and brown ranked survivors.... while we face a rank 1-6 sweat Ghostface. It’s not fair. Not for solos.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    I find it interesting that no one mentioned the Decisive Strike "nerf" in March of this year. Apparently it wasn't actually nerf to begin with?

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    (thread creator)

    Thank you so much as I agree! There’s plenty of things to critique in the game and of the devs. The post was not originally set a sh*t post, however there’s some shade to be thrown. It’s not unreasonable and I’m glad that you back that up. the devs show a magnificently long track list of how many times they’ve failed deliver on multitude of things. Somethings from the 2018 year of dead by daylight are still on their list of sh*t to do. It is the end of the year and that’s why it time for us people to talk about what we were supposed to get and the result of the devs work since 2019 and the June (year 4) RoadMap.

    TOO ANYONE READING: I’ve never heard anyone say that the devs could fix everything in a day, so before you use that as the backbone of your argument in the discussion than please get out.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    Funny thing is. The tutorial really does have the real FPS we want

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    1) Freddy is now great. Doesn't suck is a huge understatement

    2) She's harder to use and arguably less fun to play. She's still strong.

    3) Yes.

    4) I don't really know what you mean by this. Plague is midtier and can be strong in the right hands.

    5) Hag is one of the least used killers and also one of the strongest. Not saying Demo is very strong but pick rate doesn't tell the whole story.

    6) I think he's a very fun

    7) Irrelevant point to make. It's not like the characters have or need multi dimensional personalities. They're just skins with a little backstory

    8) True. Bugs are an integral part of DBD. They bring balance to the universe. They are the Entity's doing.

    9) Yeah the rift is pretty disappointing overall

    10) Yeah they are mostly poorly thought out and make playing the game after a tome release largely unfun

    10) True. Gotta love it. And don't forget how the game pauses for 2 seconds whenever you use up a Brand New Part

    11) Can't comment on that but tbh I never expected it to flourish on the Switch

    12) RIP events :(

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Bud, half of your points are completely subjective

    Freddy is cool now, Nurse is still cool, Plague is fun to play as (more when survivors cleanse but i dont mind her just vomiting around), Demogorgon is fun too and a pretty underrated killer, and Oni, well clearly they ######### up at some point but they will definitely change that again [i hope], Yui is a cool survivor too, the challenges and the rift is a good idea, just clunky because it's the first one, hopefully the next one will be more fun, and never had any bloodlust dropframe so just change your computer

    obviously there would be more glitches, is there any online game with updates that have none ? most of them even are fun (but the gamebreaking ones are a shame hopefully a big part of them get corrected even if they shouldnt even have existed in the first place) and even if i think the events should be better, well, between that and new content, i would choose the new content too

    Tho I agree not having chapter releases every 3 months would be healthier for the game to improve the matchmaking essentially, and the balance, just like mid-chapters do right now (not the matchmaking part tho)

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I agree 100%. Thank you for reminding me why i'm taking an extremely long break once this Rift is over.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    I also agree. That’s not to say the darks time dbd weren’t bad. They were terrible and I can’t believe the game survived. However, I agree because this is by the worst year on the devs behalf. Too many promises with very little to show for in the end.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    I wish I had the will to do that. Sadly I have no life and dbd took advantage of that so now I’m addicted to the game even as much as I’m bored of it now. I really do respect that choice though as a player and a customer

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    It wasn’t. It’s better and worse. Ultimately should be completely reworked.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Its not obvious that they are more glitches. Most games nowadays that get updated regularly, are the buggiest in their early stages, and get more and more polished on a technical sense. FPS improve, memory usage goes down (data compression), bugs get sorted out.

    With Dbd that's not the case. In 2016 it was certainly buggier than it is today, but compared to 2017 or 2018, there is litterally no improvement made.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    Bud, 98% of the threads on this forum are subjective in EVERYWAY. Yes, it is an opinion post about this past year in dead by daylight. Most people do agree with the majority of my opinions as so it seems. It’s not wrong for you disagree, but dude don’t come in the post, tell me what I said isn’t factual as if that’s a bad thing, and continue to say your opinion as if it’s fact. GTOMF

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Lmao this is so true, I can relate to that xD so sad at the same time

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Maybe we should all go play another game, as someone suggested although I can’t quite remember who... oh wait that’s right the leader of this entire game team

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    i didnt

    i just said i liked the new things and i talked about my personal feelings about the problems that are still there like matchmakings events etc

    dont do like i rejected everything you said like a fanatic

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @TooKoolFoU It will be easy for me as most of my friends stopped playing the game so i can easily go play something else.

  • Frame rate honestly seems worse than ever on Xbox One X. A complete **** show.

  • Demogorgon is why I reinstalled this awful game so you leave him alone

  • TheMikeOTR
    TheMikeOTR Member Posts: 63

    The game runs at 60 FPS on console (unstable though) just saying. Also the one thing that everyone seems to forget is that BHVR is just an indie studio with a big hit on their hands. Do you really think they can pump ######### out at the scale of a triple A studio? The main issue with BHVR is that they are way too ambitious just leads to them promising things and not being able to deliver because they are not big enough to support the game in the level they want too.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    I don't quite understand why we are all getting at each others throats here. Yes, they weren't able to fully complete their road map but remember guys they have done a lot of things this roadmap.

    More cosmetics, that plenty of people enjoy, more balances buffs and increases, nerfs things that improve the game quality. They've been testing out dedicated servers they even had a PTB to try and show they were making progress on it. They have made updates in the attempt to improve the functionality of the game on consoles, and people with low end PC's. And yes there are somethings that are still causing performance issues. Red woods, and maps of that sort with lots of fog and objects and such. But those are just things to be not every game touched runs absolutely smoothly especially with how many updates these guys have been pushing out regularly to attempt to fix and adjust frames and such. They release cosmetics pretty regularly they worked on the rift, and they continue with trying to make it the best expierence that they can for the players and im sure all they want is everyones support to do this.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Just a one word answer, do you feel overall this game is a better,worse or same spot compared to Jan 1 2019?

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    On the road map they have done everything as far map changes, dlc releases, and The added Freddy rework (after 2 years of leaving him as a piece of #########). Still no servers on console, but even than console the lucky guy for once because servers are so ass that even god himself could not make them better. No real rank rework stuff yet, but that’s 2nd half of the year anyway but let’s be honest the devs couldn’t finish anything else other than ######### dlc’s this year so it probably got delayed. We did get rift, it’s bad mostly cause it’s the first release, but still there’s so many things that make me face palm when looking at it. Mobile is a different team, game still got delayed, and still sucks in every aspect other than it’s the only platform that actually runs at 60 FPS! Switch was a dead platform for the game before it even came out. Game health community satisfaction still below a majority 65% (estimated/exaggerated). The devs suck at their job. High hopes or not, they still never get ######### done. I mean #########, if everything has to be done 1 at time, with 50+ people only working on that one feature, major bug fix, optimization patch for it the specific big features to come not half assed, than do that instead.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    let me answer because remember this game last vividly. It ran worse to the extent of bugs last year. That’s no understatement, I can recall many game breaking that persisted until May, because the lack of work on the devs part. The 2.4.0 update really ######### up the game this time last year, but as far as frames and hit registration (not on servers) it is much better now. That still doesn’t say a lot, because the game used to show frames like a 1870’s camera. Now it show frames like a PowerPoint :)

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    Well sadly i agree there were good things, like better fps even though they are more unstable than before, Demo, best killer we had since spirit, but i agree for most part.. i play on console and still have huge problems, like fps drops and low sensitivity..no change about the core issues of the game, ruin and genspeed, still so much difference between solo and swf, still too many low tier killers... i don't care about freddy, we can't have one single low tier killer buffed in a year, i mean there are 17 killers i think but only 5 are viable

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    *18 killers.. but yeah its a bad year for the game. As far as testicle faced killers go, the Demogorgon is just so unplayed that he’s boring. I’m on Xbox, I get a Demogorgon every about every 2 weeks. Luckily i played against one this week, but the amazing part was that he was good. I mean this guy was a excellent Demogorgon player, played him like a chess game, and that made him cool. The problem for these new killers is that no matter how iconic they are or potentially strong they can be, people typically give up on them a week after release. Clown, plague, Demogorgon are great examples. I wouldn’t say oni just because personally he still feels fresh to the game. I feel like some of these DLCs are bought but only for perks most times anyway

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I second this. I'm able to run games like COD: MW at 60 fps just fine (as well as Apex, Minecraft, Destiny, Overwatch, State of Decay 2, etc.) But Dead by Daylight runs at MAYBE 30-40 fps. It's insane.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    The worst thing Is: people still playing and wasting money on it

  • Vert3x
    Vert3x Member Posts: 125

    I remember the good days when I could play on Medium graphical settings and 100% resolution before 2.0.

    Now I'm on Low with about 30% resolution and we now have plenty of killers in the game that basically suck but are annoying to go against as survivor.

    Seems like a solid improvement

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    It's funny how people want to complain a lot. Promises get broken at times, those are facts. Not everyone will be happy with some changes or what didn't happen.

    However, if it's really THAT bad in some of your views, just take a break from the game and forums instead of complaining about it almost consistently. Where's the lighthearted section of the forums? And let's be realistic, every game has issues and fixing it doesn't happen with a snap of a finger.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Thanks for having the clip handy!

    He is obviously frustrated but that is something you CANNOT say to your player base

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea if Gears 4 can run at a butter smooth 60 fps 1080p surely DBD can.

  • jimmy5200
    jimmy5200 Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2019

    Japanese Kate*

    no summer event

    very broken delayed Halloween event they should've worked on it sooner but it at least came out unlike the next one. also really wasn't even an event as we just had to do the pass to get some serum and the nurse skin.

    no winter event.. but we got the sweaters cause its very difficult to put in some lights on lockers & hooks. even a snowy background for the lobby would be just fine and just add the items back but oh well

    tomes bringing camping, basement builds, excessive amounts of noed, etc

    me not wanting to play the game but wanting to finish final challenges and get my 10 bucks worth

    and the game being even more ridiculous with the hits over vaults and pallets. i finish either and am running away then it hits. or with pallets get the stun and start moving then get hit?

    also no fix to ghost face reveal or at least none noticeable if anything. i get the reveal while running away looking in front of me or get reveal then exposed a second after. also teleported back after jumping off something cause why not

    wouldn't be dbd without being very broken consistently

    the devs still haven't fixed these problems or at least correctly and skipped out on events. what a great year

    still play this game though idk why