So Killers got Bamboozled?



  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @Brady said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Chi said:
    They are balancing the game. Balancing the game does not mean survivors only need nerfs and killers only need buffs.

    When killers are significantly weaker than the other side that's exactly what it means.

    When one side is lower you don't raise the other to become even higher. You level the field.

    You bring one side down or keep it where it's at while only touching the other until they're even.

    So if Survivors had all the advantages they currently do with the exception of Killers being able to clip through all solid objects Survivors would still need a nerf?

    No?...Because clipping through everything would remove the survivors advantage...That'd be OP. Like Nurse.

    What about gen rushing?
    What about stuns?
    What about DS?

    If you’re going to be straight about it, Survs still have an advantage, just not in chases. But how can Survs and Killers be on a level playing field if the balancing is centered around keeping a brokenly OP aspect of the “lesser” side?

    You clearly haven't seen a solo queue'd game.

    Dude, I solo queue with a No Mither Perk build.

    Come the hell at me. I dare you.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Brady said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Chi said:
    They are balancing the game. Balancing the game does not mean survivors only need nerfs and killers only need buffs.

    When killers are significantly weaker than the other side that's exactly what it means.

    When one side is lower you don't raise the other to become even higher. You level the field.

    You bring one side down or keep it where it's at while only touching the other until they're even.

    So if Survivors had all the advantages they currently do with the exception of Killers being able to clip through all solid objects Survivors would still need a nerf?

    No?...Because clipping through everything would remove the survivors advantage...That'd be OP. Like Nurse.

    What about gen rushing?
    What about stuns?
    What about DS?

    If you’re going to be straight about it, Survs still have an advantage, just not in chases. But how can Survs and Killers be on a level playing field if the balancing is centered around keeping a brokenly OP aspect of the “lesser” side?

    You clearly haven't seen a solo queue'd game.

    Dude, I solo queue with a No Mither Perk build.

    Come the hell at me. I dare you.

    I can't find the point in your post :P Whatcha mean?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @se05239 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    Nerfing bloodlust before removing safe pallets/God Windows is the dumbest idea bhvr has had in a long while.

    It's damage control. Emergency killer nerfs are being shipped out to satisfy the review bombing survivors who's making a lot of noise at the moment. The devs are giving in to survivors, once again. History repeats.

    I can´t wait for October! History will indeed repeat.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @Brady said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Brady said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @Chi said:
    They are balancing the game. Balancing the game does not mean survivors only need nerfs and killers only need buffs.

    When killers are significantly weaker than the other side that's exactly what it means.

    When one side is lower you don't raise the other to become even higher. You level the field.

    You bring one side down or keep it where it's at while only touching the other until they're even.

    So if Survivors had all the advantages they currently do with the exception of Killers being able to clip through all solid objects Survivors would still need a nerf?

    No?...Because clipping through everything would remove the survivors advantage...That'd be OP. Like Nurse.

    What about gen rushing?
    What about stuns?
    What about DS?

    If you’re going to be straight about it, Survs still have an advantage, just not in chases. But how can Survs and Killers be on a level playing field if the balancing is centered around keeping a brokenly OP aspect of the “lesser” side?

    You clearly haven't seen a solo queue'd game.

    Dude, I solo queue with a No Mither Perk build.

    Come the hell at me. I dare you.

    I can't find the point in your post :P Whatcha mean?

    “You clearly haven’t seen a solo queue’d game.”

    As if your post had any more of a point than I did, I am the physical embodiment of solo queue agony. Thusly. your argument is null.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @Tsulan said:

    @Freudentrauma said:

    @Tsulan said:
    You seem to be very optimistic regarding the changes. Maybe we´ll have another chat, when every match takes 3 minutes. Since survivors can focus on gens and don´t lose any time by checking the hook if someone else goes.
    It will be as simple as the solution to camping: survivors will rush gens.

    But this was already possible by coordinated SWF or good playing Solo Surivors in general. The Gen/Chase-Pacing is one of the main issues of the game already. By making Kindred standard the issue becomes more frequent, which forces the devs to find a way to fix it, if they don't want to loose too much of the killer playerbase.
    They even talked about it during the Q&A. Problem is that they don't want to increase gen time and want to find a way around it. That was probably the main reason why the speed up pickup time e.g. My personal wish/solution would be that they make 80% of windows and pallets locked at start of the game, so they have to work to gain their map control.

    I don´t think the devs are fully aware of what this change will cause. They want to make solo players as strong as SWF. But SWF is simply OP. Survivors will be more efficient than ever. In order to compensate this, devs would have to either nerf survivors hard (won´t happen, because they fear the review bomb) or buff killers hard (never happend and i doubt that they start it now).

    What they need to do if they bring solo to SWF level is to then balance around SWF

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Brady said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @Freudentrauma said:

    @Tsulan said:
    You seem to be very optimistic regarding the changes. Maybe we´ll have another chat, when every match takes 3 minutes. Since survivors can focus on gens and don´t lose any time by checking the hook if someone else goes.
    It will be as simple as the solution to camping: survivors will rush gens.

    But this was already possible by coordinated SWF or good playing Solo Surivors in general. The Gen/Chase-Pacing is one of the main issues of the game already. By making Kindred standard the issue becomes more frequent, which forces the devs to find a way to fix it, if they don't want to loose too much of the killer playerbase.
    They even talked about it during the Q&A. Problem is that they don't want to increase gen time and want to find a way around it. That was probably the main reason why the speed up pickup time e.g. My personal wish/solution would be that they make 80% of windows and pallets locked at start of the game, so they have to work to gain their map control.

    I don´t think the devs are fully aware of what this change will cause. They want to make solo players as strong as SWF. But SWF is simply OP. Survivors will be more efficient than ever. In order to compensate this, devs would have to either nerf survivors hard (won´t happen, because they fear the review bomb) or buff killers hard (never happend and i doubt that they start it now).

    What they need to do if they bring solo to SWF level is to then balance around SWF

    Won´t happen. Devs will bring solo players to SWF lvl and then they get review bombed if they even consider the slightest nerf for survivors or buff for killers. Just look at all the whiny survivors that review bombed after the last nerf. They behave like the game suddenly became unplayable. When the nerf only affected a tiny amount of players.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Tsulan said:

    Don´t worry. With the upcoming nerfs to killers. Solo survivors will be as broken as SWF.

    Isn't that a good thing since the developers can have a better foundation for balancing the game since both Solo Q and SWF are both equally powerful? Yeah, I do agree that they are taking a slight wrong approach with Kindred when they can add voice comms to Solo Q and SWF to make them equally strong.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Nickenzie said:
    Tsulan said:

    Don´t worry. With the upcoming nerfs to killers. Solo survivors will be as broken as SWF.

    Isn't that a good thing since the developers can have a better foundation for balancing the game since both Solo Q and SWF are both equally powerful? Yeah, I do agree that they are taking a slight wrong approach with Kindred when they can add voice comms to Solo Q and SWF to make them equally strong.

    I don´t think there will be much left of a killer base, once they finally start balancing around SWF.
    But even then, they would require to nerf survivors hard. Which they won´t do, since survivors already review bomb after a slight nerf.