Killers, What are you giving survivors for Christmas ?

Anyone thinking about being nice today and just 2 hooking and merry xmasing them out the door?
Merry Christmas all! All perspectives welcome.
Bunch of Moris.
Literally can't play nice for once in Red ranks without some survivor trying to be Ochido dood.
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I had a match where a killer let 2 of us escape "because of xmas".
I play both sides, so how about what's getting killer for xmas?
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Some extra spicy Tbags of course!
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I can play fair as killer at red ranks, I'm by no means a good killer, atrocious compared to how I am as a survivor. I don't play fair for the survivors benefit, I do it because I find it more fun to play that way and winning that way is more rewarding than if I played scummy.
I'm a bad killer but I can get a 4k against a rank 1 SWF group, with the weakest killer in the game (Leatherface) without using Ruin, Noed, by camping or tunnelling. Every time I hear a killer main say "you have to camp and tunnel to win at red ranks" I just think that killer just isn't good enough to play at red ranks.
I don't see Otz, Monto, or Tru3 having to camp and tunnel to win games at rank 1.
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Mories, NOED, Blood Warden, Infectious Fright and Monstrous Shrine.
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A new game mode... Haha just kidding DEATH!!!!
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I'm just making sure to burn party streamers and leftover gruesome gateous or whatever they're called no matter what I'm playing 😄
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Weird flex but okay. No one is talking about camping and tunneling to win here?
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I have a bunch of bps saved up so im farming for christmas.
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The level of festive spirit in here would make Scrooge proud.
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You said you can't play nice at red ranks, I wasn't flexing. Just trying to point that I'm atrociously bad killer but I can win games at red ranks whilst playing fair with a very weak killer, If I can do it anyone can.
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I do prefer a playstyle without camp, tunnel, slug too. But only because you can 4k at R1 with a low tier killer doesnt mean anything. If we talk about the performing of killers its about consistency. I think no one would deny that you can 4K with any Killer at R1. Just yesterday I had a match playing Huntress vs 3man swf on coldwind. They were so focused on destroying my ruin that I had an easy time. I didnt even need my other perks, to refill my hatchets and I played without addons. Ofc you dont need to camp, tunnel, slug (c,t,s) but it definitly helps to perform more consistent and makes your killer games less sweaty. So only because you and I dont play that way and still perform good/ok doesnt mean its not beneficial or the killers are bad who c,t,s.
I also think its a bad idea to mention streamers in any discussion. These guys literally do nothing besides playing DbD. Btw your listed streamers do c,t,s. They try not to but still do.
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I must have been very bad because I got The Game, 2 Hawkins Lab, Lery and The Game again in a row.
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Why would anybody wants to play like a green rank?
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For every hooked survivor, I’ll be playing Jingle Bells with my Wraiths bell.
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Nothing. They deserve to suffer 24/7/365
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I wish there was a christmas offering that allowed each side to give the other side bonus bloodpoints
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A hit on the back and say "merry Christmas"
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Can you explain what "fair" mean. Do you count pallets and make sure to take every stun?
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An all inclusive one-way trip to the Entity's Relm! A true dream vacation!
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Smack in a back and a hook through the chest
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They will tunnel lightly at times; because sometimes you do need too. Camping is pretty much killer suicide so if you did that and won at red ranks they are the ones that shouldn't be at red ranks, it's so easily dealt with by prepared survivors...unless you are bubba but even then you are only securing ONE kill out of four.
Playing without ruin can make you a better killer so it's worth dropping it but you'll need to know when to take it still cause some builds kinda rely on it somewhat; or at least corrupt intervention/pop the truth is you do still need to slow the game down a lot of the time.
Lastly, survivors will call you scummy camper/tunneler even when you don't a lot of the time, so don't put so much weight into their words because you are gonna run into a few toxic groups and end up believing them when they tell you literally anything you do is "scummy".
Edit: Also you still have to try hard as all hell against those groups, if you make one mistake as killer it's costly as hell, making survivor mistakes is much more forgiving.
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For real? Unless its a Christmas Dwight, I will play just like normal.
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Sure you can :’D
Leatherface viable, you heard it here first scrubs! ;’P
I’m rank 0 and 5k every game against SWF teams of streamers using no blink Nurse with no perks or addons using only my left foot to control her with a trackball and if you guys can’t do it then maybe you just aren’t good enough to play the game; oh my God!
2 - guys are awesome! Many funny answers here.
From what I have seen today it looks like a Mori Christmas!
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I've been playing Jingle Dwight today and all it's gotten me is tunneled because I am so bright =(
Edit: Tunneled by a ghost face AGAIN. I think this might be what kills the game for me, the community is so toxic they can't even not tunnel on Christmas Day? Man I knew it was bad but......jeeze.....
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Boop the snoot, also party harts!
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I play perfectly fine without camping and tunneling in Red ranks, I just refuse to give hatches to toxic idiots and why would I need to play like a Saint against these guys?. That's what I meant with not playing nice but again weird flex but okay.
Cute, That you're flexing when Red ranks doesn't really matter when Survivor skill is at an all time low across all ranks.
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I might get on later as ugly sweater Susie and blow through all my streamers + gateaus, might even let everyone live*
*am playing legion and have been on the mulled cider, they might not need my permission to escape
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I’m going to boop them on their snoots with my knife, then hang them on my festive Christmas hooks!
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Mori. In this case i hooked 1 to locate the other via BBQ then mori'd the final survivor infront of the struggling survivor. Merry Christmas to everyone, especially these 2.
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So funny! Mori Christmas to all and to all a great escape!
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Finding a actual lobby is their gift.
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I was gonna give the last survivor on every team I went against the hatch. Then, on my first game today, not thirty seconds in, I get pallet stunned, and the Bill teabagged me. Nope. Best I can offer is a quick death.