Even more ideas to balance keys and moris?

TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 345
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Yep this is another one of those threads.

For moris what if they only worked on death hook?

It would give survs enough time to get all gens done if the killer is camping/tunneling hard, but still be strong as they would help killers get rid of one DStrike/BT escape/whatever.

For keys I think the first step would be to make them so that only ONE survivor can escape per key

They definitely need to be more visible, but what if they had an animation for opening the lock and made a loud sound at the beginning of it? Maybe something like the bell you get with Thrill of the Hunt and when it's 50 - 75% complete a loud noise similar to a gen breaking, with its own sound of course.

Let me know what you think. I think the easiest way out would be to just remove them from the game but we know the devs won't do that.