Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

We need to talk...



  • thegodofgames
    thegodofgames Member Posts: 2

    This game is trash so whenever I vault over a window even though I'm on the other side and running I still get hit seriously devs how much IQ do you have 2?

  • thegodofgames
    thegodofgames Member Posts: 2

    I'm so done with all these bugs, devs if your IQ was higher than 2 than there wouldn't be so many bugs not only that we wouldn't be getting new ones every update. You guys are the only ones who I've seen bring new bugs into the game every update and I've been playing games for years so I think you guys need to go to school anyway I'm uninstalling. Your trash game so I don't have to deal with it anymore I honestly hope it dies.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    30-40k point


    You are survivor main so you are right.

  • Undeadbear13
    Undeadbear13 Member Posts: 33

    I honestly think it's the best solution considering everything. Ranked is frustrating because players who would be better off in casual are essentially forced to rank up when they shouldn't be, ranks are great for a competitive side to a community but no matter how hard you try the majority of players are just wanting to have some fun and play the game, and don't want pips or ranks to be such a front runner. The best easy fix imo is just slapping a casual mode that still has the emblems and blood point gain, but doesn't have all the ranking. That way it feels a lot less stressful as a whole and let's casual players have more enjoyment, it would technically increase wait times possibly on ranked itself but honestly I think it's a solid trade off if it means that the game is more enjoyable as a whole.

  • PotatoGod
    PotatoGod Member Posts: 5

    Dude you are mental. Survivors are op. Well wouldnt say op now but still they are stronger than killers. Even with solo or swf they are strong. Mainly reasons before killer lobby was so horrible. Now most killers are playing survivors because of nerf on ruin. Who cares, i dont use that trash perk anyway. And killers are mostly the ones that arent toxic. I play both but main killer, and survivors are the one bitching and complaining and being toxic. Imagine having fun in dbd and someone says rekt ez win. When i am trying to have fun. Guess what, i showed him and his swf team when im not trying to have fun. It did took a while because every map is favored for survivors, except 2 or 3. Because well those maps are stupid. No matter what survivor are stronger, but the game mechanics is stupid as well. Tbh they shouldve never touch pallets. It was fine before except the vacuum.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351
    edited January 2020

    Why camping, tunneling, and slugging are prevalent:

    Ridiculous gen speeds. Can't blame killers trying to kill as quickly as possible when in most games from rank 10 to 1, two gens can be done in two minutes before you even get one survivor downed. And to everyone saying solo needs to be buffed:

    It doesn't. The Kindred buff was good, but that's all there needs to be when it comes to buffing solos. And even then, continuously buffing survivors while nerfing killers is just bad. Can't believe I'm seeing so many of my fellow survivor mains complaining. Just loop my boy, it's that simple, at red ranks you and your team should both have big brains and coordinate effectively without coms. We're at red ranks for crying out loud, we're the special forces of dbd and yet so many of you are whining about how hard it is? If you guys think we have it rough at red rank for survivor, go try it with killer. Trust me, it'll feel like 1.9.2. again.

  • danielbird11
    danielbird11 Member Posts: 150

    Killers whine just as much as survivors bud it goes both ways. And ruin was buffed not nerfed now it rewards good killers for keeping survivors off of gens. And killers say toxic stuff in chat as well like gg ez and get rekt noob when they win. You just saying all this proves that your a entitled killer main. you say one side is more toxic than the other when both are just as bad. Also solo survivor can be a nightmare and very frustrating experience due to potato teammates. P.s lobby times are long cause rank and matchmaking are f**ked right now and have been for a while. Rank literally does nothing.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    wait are you seriously crying for more survivor buffs? its already easy enough as a survivor without the need for all these buffs, obviously you shouldnt be at the rank youre at if youre struggling that much. you should never worry about rank or even escaping, i have never gone into a game expecting to escape... then again i have played since console release so maybe you just arent use to the idea of a killer killing people, honestly id say calm down, if i can sit at rank 1 without a single care if i escape or my rank without the need of perks there doesnt need to be buffs. i purposefully do solo because i want games to be different and a challenge, doing SWF ruins alot of the fun as it becomes way too easy and the killer is lucky to get a kill. just accept a loss,death,de-pip or whatever it really doesnt matter in the end but the more you wanna "buff" survivors because youre dying the longer your wait times will be as why would killers wanna play when they cant get a kill?